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Spitting (At) Images by Colin Baker - [28 words]
Potential Human by Colin Baker - [33 words]
Of My Mother's Breasts by E Rocco Caldwell What we learn from our mothers [124 words]
The World Without Trees by William W R Ocasio - [129 words]
While She Dances by Dri - [143 words]
You've Taken My Breath Away (My Desert Moon) by Jayme Lynne Gloria - [144 words]
Your Presence Brings Magic by Still Lovingyou - [63 words]
You Her And Me by Carla Thomson - [183 words]
Yesterday And Tonight by Desi Williams Something old w/ a lil something new... [50 words]
When Were Together by Sara Thomson Its about some one that is very close to me. :) [114 words]
Various Titles by Michael Perry More Poems for your review and comments [313 words]
Unkind by Andrews - [80 words]
Unfinished by Still Lovingyou - [306 words]
Trust......Never To Be Broken by Green Emerald - [221 words]
Top Of The World by Wade Crowther Makes you think why you strive to do things so hard [86 words]
Top Kiss by Lisa R Six A revelation [455 words]
Too Close For Comfort by Brady Kalt - [114 words]
To Walk Away by Michael Perry Another poem I have written for your comments. [229 words]
To Be Used By A Lover by Lisa Six Being used by someone and the pain that it leaves [177 words]
Time Trial by Buxton - [70 words]
Thrown Away by Jordan Holetzky Just a song I wrote [241 words]
Things I've Done With Him by Twilight Jasmine Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 00:50:49 EDT Subject: When I'm With Him To: @hotmail.com [96 words]
These Tears by Still Lovingyou - [121 words]
The Twilight Of My Life by William W R Ocasio - [204 words]
The Time Junky by Michael Potter A poem metaphor regarding time vs life span. [97 words]
The Night Dreamers by Jordan Holetzky Was once again bored in study hall when I wrote this so... [104 words]
The Lie Of Beauty by Jordan Holetzky - [42 words]
The Joyful Baptism by Andrews - [89 words]
The Historical Jerry by Jeremiah Semien Semien THE HISTORICAL JERRY This is, a poetry book, about myself. It is, a semi-autobiography,... [2,751 words]
The Gathering by Michael Perry A poem for discussion, review; good or bad. I also write song lyrics and would like to publish m... [250 words]
The Devil's Eyes by Chris Lockley The Devil's Eyes is a commentary on the social situation. [116 words]
The Beauty Of A Woman by Christina Darnell Beauty has nothing to do with the outside! [136 words]
Taboo by Vodka Ryuki Mint The night is long. The stars are gone. what’s left are just traces of memories, both yours and mine--- A ... [214 words]
Sunny Days With My Son by Green Emerald - [173 words]
Son Of The Sun by Sasu - [255 words]
Some People Are Always Close To Heart..! by Mavash Khan Mishi - [58 words]
Simple Love by Brandon Daniels Murphy Murphy SIMPLE LOVE Love the Flower's Love too Flower's... Flower's are Speak with Every day ... [6 words]
Same Old Story by Katherine Smith - [248 words]
Same Lips by Alia Harold - [104 words]
Rose Red by Shannon Bruyette - [112 words]
Redundant Oxymoronic Paradox by Desi Williams Nuff said. Thought of it in the shower!!! [93 words]
Protected In Your Sleep (Written By Him) by Twilight Jasmine From: hotmail.com> To: @aol.com, @msn.com,@yahoo.com Subject: Protect... [61 words]
Priceless by Twilight Jasmine This is one of my thousand (private) poems written to him. i just want the world to know how beautifu... [73 words]
Prediction (Written By Him) by Twilight Jasmine Just an old, sweet poem he wrote for me. [77 words]
Pop The Question by Nicole M Bohnsack - [108 words]
Poetry-Selections by Michael Perry More Poetry selections for your reviews: good and bad. I want feedback. If you are a publis... [273 words]
Please Smile For Me by Carla Thomson - [87 words]
Partners For Life by Twilight Jasmine - [112 words]
Pale Rider by Jacqueline Anel Sheppard A strong and imaginative rendition of how death takes it's victim. [92 words]
Nothing Left -From 'lost Highways' by Doc A lonely man reflects back on his life. [134 words]
My Master by Twilight Jasmine EROTIC [33 words]
My Backyard by Samantha R Little - [113 words]
More Poems Volume 3 by Michael Perry Selections of Poems please review and comment. [171 words]
Monday Morning by Colin Baker - [59 words]
Mc's Fraud, Phony, And Fake by Cynara Moore It basically critiscizes fake MC's! [165 words]
Mc Zen Mcpoem by Michael Potter Short comic poem [18 words]
Manuta by Nath - [87 words]
Lost In Her by Bk Kinsel - [65 words]
Lost Highways - A Collection by Doc A small collection of poems having something to do with everyday life. [81 words]
Letting Go Of The Night by Twilight Jasmine Subject: Letting Go Of The Night >Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 02:15:50 ED [136 words]
Just A Sweet Nothing Poem by Jayme Lynne Gloria - [177 words]
In Another Time Or Place by Andrews - [118 words]
I Will Always Be Me. by Eyelish Bob This story really hurts. Or i should say poem. [78 words]
I Want Him by Kronaj A poem about the man i love [135 words]
I Never Knew by Hannibal Kildare This is my 2nd poem I wrote for her and I hope she'll like it. [110 words]
I Do Love You, Its Just... by Jessi I love a boy. but he confuses me [90 words]
I Am Me (Or This Is Me...) by Chloe L Batey With was basically a signal to my friends that not everything was "ok", or as it sho... [84 words]
How To Become A Mild Cartoon by Michael Potter A poem about being dissatisfied with life yet impotent to change it [44 words]
His Or Her Battle Cry by Jordan Holetzky I was really bored in study hall so I wrote this poem... but its basically about now days... [133 words]
Hidden Beauty by Carla Thomson - [121 words]
Happy Day by Green Emerald - [204 words]
Goodbye Child by Twilight Jasmine From my collection of poems [41 words]
Going Through Life by Jordan Holetzky Routines [63 words]
Ghosts Of Old Lovers by Michael Potter -Poem about old relationships affecting new ones. [42 words]
Forever In My Heart by Jillian Porazzo This is a poem I wrote for my Grandfather. We were very close and I miss him greatly. [123 words]
Fate Will Give Us Forever by Twilight Jasmine From: @aol.com Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 00:26:00 EDT Subject: Fate will give us Forev... [67 words]
Fairy Tale Love by Desi Williams Sort of a metaphor and at first it trips you up... You'll see. [95 words]
Every Pressure by Sasu - [180 words]
Espeically At Easter Time by Cedric McClester Especially At Easter Time is an Easter poem. [65 words]
E.O.T by Jordan Holetzky Can you figure out what the title stands for? [94 words]
Emotionally Unstable. by Ana C Lala Confusion and loneliness unite in a dark poem. [237 words]
Difference For The Future
Devoted To Losing You by Buxton - [183 words]
Devil Tears by Boyer Doc YOU figure it out! [112 words]
Deluded by Curious - [31 words]
Caligatio by Dranrae From tha latin word for darkness, thats all i can say really. Not a religious person, simply a spirit... [88 words]
Beneath The by Andrews - [41 words]
As …… by Andrews - [82 words]
Acecombat04 by Chris Lockley The poem, Acecombat04, while totally original, is inspired by the Acecombat04 video game. [86 words]
A Place Called High School by Jordan Holetzky Describing High School (is kinda lame) [44 words]
A Night In Paradise by Erotique Jenn WARNING: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT [368 words]
4 More Poems by Michael Perry Poetry-I would really like to know what you all think? [269 words]
3017.9 Miles by Twilight Jasmine - [266 words]
2 Poems by Michael Perry 2 more poems for review. Please comment and let me know what you think? [287 words]

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Difference For The Future
How we all go by in life oblivious to many things.
[107 words]
Jordan Holetzky
[September 2006]
A Place Called High School (Poetry) Describing High School (is kinda lame) [44 words]
A Thank You (Poetry) A poem of depression and difficulties written by a teen points of view and a Thank You to someone who kept them going... [141 words]
Can You Picture (Essays) A little thing I wrote to make people think. [320 words] [Motivational]
Confusion Of Life (Will It Matter) (Poetry) Just a little poem I wrote.. [88 words] [Spiritual]
E.O.T (Poetry) Can you figure out what the title stands for? [94 words]
Going Through Life (Poetry) Routines [63 words]
Guided Me (Songs) A song that is about God. [118 words] [Spiritual]
His Or Her Battle Cry (Poetry) I was really bored in study hall so I wrote this poem... but its basically about now days how everyone is always fighting and following the wrong things while there are people who believe in good thin... [133 words]
Importance Of The First Amendment (Essays) It tells what rights the First Amendments protects...I mean everyone should know there rights... [327 words]
Impossible For Me (Songs) About how someone feels while waiting for someone about waiting on someones love and the finally moving on. [156 words] [Relationships]
Moved On From You (Songs) I wrote this a while back after I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. [177 words]
My Heart Of Stone (Songs) A song I wrote after I broke up with one of my boyfriends. [169 words] [Relationships]
Nightmare 1 The Chase (Short Stories) This story is about a freaky dream... [752 words] [Horror]
Nothing Can Get Worse (Essays) Beleive [179 words]
Pedro (Short Stories) Talks about people who don't even know you are will to care about you to pray for you and to share God with you... [654 words] [Spiritual]
Pick Up Lines (Essays) Oh, this is just kinda a guy bashing thing... [524 words]
Please Don't Do It (Essays) My friend and I were talking and she was saying she was getting so stressed and depressed she could become suicidal, so this is written for her and anyone else who is totally depressed to this level. [349 words] [Self-Help]
Poll (Essays) Written when I was really bored...and once again I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [54 words] [Humor]
Read This (Essays) This really isn't an essay I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [93 words] [Humor]
Saved (Short Stories) Basically about a little girl taking Jesus as her Savior. [332 words] [Spiritual]
Shatter (Songs) A song about abuse that I wrote years ago... [143 words]
Skinny Girls, Fat Girls, And Girls That Are In Between (Essays) I wrote this out of boredom...so no offense to anyone! [374 words] [Humor]
Talking In Circles (Essays) Its not really an essay don't know what to put it as.... doesn't make sense just suppose to be confusing. [86 words] [Mind]
Teenager's Prayer (Short Stories) A teenager's prayer... [1,216 words] [Spiritual]
The Differences Of Love (Essays) A little thing between our love and God's love. [550 words] [Spiritual]
The Elements (Songs) A song relating to a persons feelings and the elements and it may be a bit tacky but oh well... [180 words] [Relationships]
The Lie Of Beauty (Poetry) - [42 words]
The Love Letter (Short Stories) For the one I lost...... [182 words] [Relationships]
The Night Dreamers (Poetry) Was once again bored in study hall when I wrote this so... [104 words]
This Feeling Of Love (Songs) For all those people who's lover seems or is far away.... (may not be the best b/c I have writers block.) [245 words] [Romance]
Thrown Away (Poetry) Just a song I wrote [241 words]
To My Mom (Essays) Something I wrote to my mom about how much she means to me... [284 words]
To Soon The End (Short Stories) About a man who was too late accepting God, and though we don't know what is going to happen at the end, or when it's going to happy, we should always be ready. [326 words] [Spiritual]
Treat Everyday As Your Last (Poetry) Just a little poem I made up.... [104 words] [Spiritual]
What I Am Thankful For (Essays) All the things that I am thankful for in my life... [108 words]
What Kind Of Person Are You? (Essays) It's not really an essay I just don't know what to categorize this as.... [376 words] [Humor]
When Your Gone (Songs) Just about your lover being so far away. [246 words] [Romance]
Difference For The Future
Jordan Holetzky

We all pass by in our fantasy world,
All the facts and lies so twirled,
We can't tell which is which,
Then theres the few that just sit there and bitch,
About every little thing that does not go our way,
All I have to say,
To everyone in this cold, niave world,
Is wake up,
To reality,
In reality people actually suffer and die,
Even if you deny all the suffering,
And if you don't do anything now,
This reality will turn into the future,
All the new struggles that will fall upon your shoulders,
Crushing down on you like a million bolders,
So get your life straight,
And except you fate,
Move on from the past,
And make a difference in the future.


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© 2007 Jordan Holetzky
March 2007

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