Max's Inferno by Wetweathersewage Max Leroy finds himself dead and in heaven some how [919 words] Accentuated Accidents by Wetweathersewage Captain Crossbow started in Fat Fetish Porn and worked hs way to the top but it all ended... [393 words] Younggoldie Official Biography by Yg yg younggoldie official biography [173 words] Woodbine Maisie. by Terry Collett - [965 words] Wonderland by Sierra M L Short its about me and 2 other friends visting the world Of Wonderland but in the story we are all sisters... [177 words] Prior To Lauds. by Terry Collett - [717 words] Passions Of Paris. by Terry Collett - [535 words] Lily Lavatera. by Terry Collett - [2,119 words] Future Uncertain. by Terry Collett - [2,746 words] Armor Of The Dark Hero by Tre Delvon Empire City is being overrun by gang warfare, but the murder of notorious crime boss Osw... [1,713 words] Rose Remembers. by Terry Collett - [607 words] Before Mass. by Terry Collett - [607 words] Too Big To Fail by Jerry Vilhotti When does the boy father of the man grow up to being? [709 words] Sweet Lorriane. by Terry Collett - [2,942 words] Rose By Any Other Name. by Terry Collett - [2,104 words] Peggy Sue. by Terry Collett - [2,180 words] Miriam by Terry Collett - [2,582 words] Maureen's Gin Night. by Terry Collett - [702 words] Lucille. by Terry Collett - [2,663 words] Long Tall Sally. by Terry Collett - [2,167 words] Jenny Jenny. by Terry Collett - [2,109 words] Ealga Outside One Morning. by Terry Collett - [671 words] Don't Trust Women With Teeth Missing. by Terry Collett - [5,427 words] Don't Bring Lulu. Daphne & Cloe. by Terry Collett - [2,552 words] A Western Lesbian by Wael El-Manzalawy - [167 words] Tristana And Isolde. by Terry Collett - [2,523 words] Sweet Georgia Brown. by Terry Collett - [2,707 words] Sister Elizabeth's Dark Night Of The Soul by Terry Collett - [2,134 words] Sed Libera Nos A Malo. by Terry Collett - [2,358 words] Pipe Me To Pastures Still by Terry Collett - [2,411 words] Old Pictures In Florence. by Terry Collett - [2,631 words] My Side Of The Story by Asparagus Fuschia The Big Bad Wolf's version of Little Red Riding Hood. [622 words] Mother Margaret's Feast Day. by Terry Collett - [1,483 words] Memories Before Matins. by Terry Collett - [602 words] Judith. by Terry Collett - [2,721 words] Good Golly Miss Molly. by Terry Collett - [1,721 words] Etty Aldiss. by Terry Collett - [2,595 words] Easy To Remember. by Terry Collett - [2,781 words] Don't Ask Why. by Terry Collett - [979 words] Concepta's Remembrance. by Terry Collett - [682 words] An Evening With Annie. by Terry Collett - [1,076 words] After Matins. by Terry Collett - [624 words] After Mass. by Terry Collett - [546 words] A Western Gay by Wael El-Manzalawy - [153 words] A Child's Place. by Terry Collett - [1,003 words] Wonder What Mother Would Say. by Terry Collett - [1,010 words] Sister Lucy's Departure. by Terry Collett - [1,877 words] Inside Caitlin. by Terry Collett - [699 words] Hazel Willow. by Terry Collett - [2,492 words] Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow by Terry Collett - [2,130 words] An Asylum Dawn by Terry Collett - [535 words] A Mysterious Conception. by Terry Collett - [2,510 words] Wish He Was Mine by M Joseph Day Maks Trevor feels as if his life has no point, like no one cares for him, unless they're makin... [510 words] The Sun And The Moon. by Terry Collett - [2,657 words] The Sick Rose. by Terry Collett - [2,386 words] The Sacred Lake. by Terry Collett - [2,723 words] The Falling Book. by Terry Collett - [1,753 words] The Biggest Winner by Wetweathersewage Getting a hot girl easy! Just takes time! [411 words] Sister Augustine's Visitor. by Terry Collett - [2,544 words] Serving. by Terry Collett - [2,706 words] Pentecost 1972. by Terry Collett - [596 words] Martha's Night Out. by Terry Collett - [850 words] Ivy Inchness. by Terry Collett - [2,732 words] Helen And Rosalind. by Terry Collett - [2,558 words] Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge by Piper Davenport Patricia Fudge, a chocolate-lover who suffers a breakdown after becoming fixated ... [1,143 words] Easter 1971. by Terry Collett - [506 words] Duck Pond. by Terry Collett - [2,230 words] Cat & Model. by Terry Collett - [946 words] Amazing Grace. by Terry Collett - [2,753 words] You're The One For Me Fatty. by Terry Collett - [2,440 words] Thames 1876 by Terry Collett - [2,428 words] Tea With Tissot. by Terry Collett - [1,967 words] Puberty. by Terry Collett - [5,052 words] Not At All. by Terry Collett - [2,425 words] Magdalene, Martha And The Crucified. by Terry Collett - [677 words] Little Miss Muffet. by Terry Collett - [2,541 words] Lent 1970. by Terry Collett - [551 words] Just So by Terry Collett - [103 words] Creature Of The Island by Michael Heyworth A diary written by Timothy McCormick, how becomes stranded on a mysterious island after ... [2,877 words] Ceo Barbie by Iron Dave A little girl with an eating disorder gets carried away. [2,919 words] Canopy by Cullen McCutcheon - [2,567 words] Big Brother (Adult Rating) by Ryuichi Minamino ~This is a role play that a friend of mine named Amiable wrote together~ Its an Adul... [19,892 words] Betray. by Terry Collett - [2,378 words] An Echo In The Dark by Emma L Cameron - [3,953 words] A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. by Terry Collett - [2,636 words] A Forbidden Love. by Terry Collett - [2,321 words]
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Don't Bring Lulu. |
- [2,789 words] |
Terry Collett |
- [September 2017] |
1066 And After 1957 (Poetry) - [123 words] 911 Blues. (Poetry) - [184 words] A Better Way. (Poetry) - [119 words] A Bride (Poetry) - [243 words] A Cheek Kiss. (Poetry) - [194 words] A Child's Place. (Short Stories) - [1,003 words] A Christmas Visitation (Poetry) - [263 words] A Cough 1997 (Poetry) - [155 words] A Deadly Sin. (Poetry) - [343 words] A Deep Down Dread. (Poetry) - [261 words] A Different Paris. (Poetry) - [244 words] A Dull Grey Sky (Poetry) - [267 words] A Failed History. (Poetry) - [182 words] A Far Bluer Sky (Poetry) - [299 words] A Few Coins More. (Poetry) - [176 words] A Few Hours After. (Poetry) - [124 words] A Fine Art. (Poetry) - [274 words] A Forbidden Love. (Short Stories) - [2,321 words] A Former Love (Poetry) - [323 words] A Life Of Stripping Bare. (Poetry) - [190 words] A Lonely Dream (Poem) (Poetry) - [235 words] A Lost Love. ( A Poem) (Poetry) - [217 words] A Love Carved. (Poetry) - [124 words] A Lucky Woman's Daughter. (Poetry) - [446 words] A Matter Of Trust On A Summer's Day. (Poetry) - [321 words] A Mother And Her Dead Child (Poetry) - [135 words] A Mysterious Conception. (Short Stories) - [2,510 words] A New Day 1970 (Poetry) - [188 words] A New Paris. (Poetry) - [264 words] A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. (Short Stories) - [2,636 words] A Nun's Confession. (Short Stories) - [1,363 words] A Question Of Love. (Poetry) - [428 words] A Quick Date (Poetry) - [169 words] A Quiet Sea 1957 (Poetry) - [170 words] A Room At The Top. (Poetry) - [240 words] A Room With No Room (Poetry) - [392 words] A Silent Applause 2010 (Poetry) - [45 words] A Smile. ( A Poem) (Poetry) - [140 words] A Sorrow Felt. (Poetry) - [204 words] A Still Born. (Poetry) - [111 words] A Stone's Throw 1958 (Poetry) - [176 words] A Thousand Dreams. (Poetry) - [86 words] A Woman Called. (Poetry) - [300 words] A Woman Dying. (Poetry) - [629 words] A Woman's Fate. (Poetry) - [182 words] A Woman's Touch. (Poetry) - [221 words] A Word To The Wise 1965 (Poetry) - [390 words] Abela After Sex 1972 (Poetry) - [130 words] Abela In Dubrovnik (Poetry) - [170 words] Abela's Dreams 1972 (Poetry) - [77 words] Abigail Abthing Drew Breath Like Water. (Poetry) - [96 words] Abigail's Loss. (Poetry) - [66 words] Aborted Babe. (Poetry) - [136 words] About Abela (Poetry) - [80 words] About To Begin Day 1958 (Poetry) - [154 words] About Women. (Poetry) - [226 words] Abraham’S Final Words. (Poetry) - [92 words] Abscence. (Poetry) - [140 words] Advent 1968 (Short Stories) - [618 words] After A Dance At Malaga (Poetry) - [329 words] After A Month. (Poetry) - [212 words] After A Wedding. (Poetry) - [150 words] After All Said And Done. (Poetry) - [199 words] After All That (Poetry) - [155 words] After Bad Cowboys. (Poetry) - [247 words] After Biology In 1962. (Poetry) - [172 words] After Breakfast. (Short Stories) - [666 words] After Dinner Out 1940 (Poetry) - [133 words] After Father Died 1968 (Poetry) - [100 words] After Grandfather. (Poetry) - [308 words] After Gym. (Poetry) - [91 words] After Hegel And Marx Was Mrs Osborne. (Poetry) - [322 words] After Her Bath. (Poetry) - [218 words] After History With Helen. (Poetry) - [383 words] After Kill. (Poetry) - [189 words] After Lauds. (Short Stories) - [785 words] After Lunch. (Short Stories) - [1,227 words] After Martha Had Gone 1963 (Poetry) - [168 words] After Mass. (Short Stories) - [546 words] After Matins. (Short Stories) - [624 words] After Monsieur Melon. (Poetry) - [256 words] After Mozart 1962 (Poetry) - [191 words] After Orleans 1970 (Poetry) - [139 words] After Sammy Left. (Poetry) - [265 words] After School Walk (Poetry) - [238 words] After Sex And Love What Then. (Short Stories) - [692 words] [Gay & Lesbian] After Such What Then? (Poetry) - [149 words] After Te And Tv 1969 (Poetry) - [214 words] After Tea And Sandwiches. (Poetry) - [195 words] After Ten Commandments (Poetry) - [355 words] After That. (Poetry) - [107 words] After That Is This 1969 (Poetry) - [247 words] After The Concert. (Poetry) - [178 words] After The Dance. (Poetry) - [155 words] After The Dinner Party (Poetry) - [434 words] After The First. (Poetry) - [238 words] After The Guinness. (Poetry) - [102 words] After The Lover. (Poetry) - [169 words] After The Men. (Poetry) - [118 words] After The Munich Putsch. (Poetry) - [285 words] After The Photo. (Poetry) - [179 words] After The Pose. (Poetry) - [161 words] After The Postcard In Paris. (Poetry) - [338 words] After The Rike Ride. (Poetry) - [261 words] After The Snow The Rain. (Poetry) - [349 words] After Watching Mother (Poetry) - [200 words] After Willie Had Gone. (Poetry) - [258 words] After You're Gone. (Poetry) - [39 words] Aftermath 1971 (Poetry) - [149 words] Aftermath To A Kiss. (Short Stories) - [1,208 words] Afternoon Sun Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [222 words] Afternoon Tea 1906. (Short Stories) - [637 words] Afternoon Visit 1940 (Poetry) - [181 words] Against The Cold Mcmlxx. (Poetry) - [115 words] Aged But All Too Late. (Poetry) - [107 words] Aileen Listens. (Poetry) - [263 words] Air To Breathe. (Short Stories) - [921 words] Ajanta's Dream. (Poetry) - [300 words] Akoto Dreams. (Poetry) - [156 words] Aldrush Dished The Dirt. (Poetry) - [279 words] Alice Alone. (Poetry) - [248 words] Alice And Her Wonderland. (Poetry) - [316 words] Alice And The Caricature. (Poetry) - [177 words] Alice And The Lady's Maid. (Short Stories) - [1,334 words] Alice And The New Dawn (Poetry) - [495 words] Alice And The Photographer. (Poetry) - [126 words] Alice And The Row, (Poetry) - [270 words] Alice And The Secret Kiss. (Poetry) - [175 words] Alice And The Stables (Poetry) - [212 words] Alice And The Tower. (Poetry) - [534 words] Alice Awyer Drowned Her Seventh Child. (Poetry) - [63 words] Alice In Amsterdam. (Poetry) - [304 words] Alice In The Kitchen. (Poetry) - [534 words] Alice In The Maid's Bed. (Poetry) - [137 words] Alice's Love. (Poetry) - [176 words] Alice's New Mother. (Poetry) - [221 words] Alice's Wonderland. (Poetry) - [209 words] All Aglow (Poetry) - [415 words] All Alone. (Poem) (Poetry) - [88 words] All And All In The Dying Dream. (Poetry) - [83 words] All At Sea. (Poetry) - [247 words] All Days. (Poetry) - [73 words] All For Jesus (Poetry) - [172 words] All For The Dance. (Short Stories) - [527 words] All In His Mind. (Poetry) - [165 words] All In The Cards. (Poetry) - [173 words] All My Seeing Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [203 words] All She Had. (Poetry) - [171 words] All She Wanted. (Poetry) - [162 words] All Sin. (Poetry) - [127 words] All There Was. (Poetry) - [20 words] All Things Aside. (Poetry) - [147 words] All Too Human Eye. (Poetry) - [353 words] All Undone. (Poetry) - [85 words] Alma Notices. (Poetry) - [192 words] Almost Made Out. (Poetry) - [127 words] Almost Tempted. (Poetry) - [282 words] Along Bath Terrace. (Poetry) - [321 words] Already Dies. (Poetry) - [131 words] Altercation. (Poetry) - [146 words] Always Felt. (Poetry) - [166 words] Always On The Edge. (Poetry) - [109 words] Always Seeing Him. (Poetry) - [257 words] Always Stay. (Poetry) - [568 words] Always That. (Poetry) - [135 words] Always Thus. (Poetry) - [65 words] Always To Have Jane. (Poetry) - [342 words] Always To Please 1970 (Poetry) - [136 words] Always Too Much. (Poetry) - [67 words] Always Waiting. (Short Stories) - [2,159 words] Amazing Grace. (Short Stories) - [2,753 words] Amelia Waits (Poetry) - [165 words] Ammunition Collector (Poetry) - [458 words] Among The Dead (Poetry) - [15 words] Amongst The Best. (Poetry) - [59 words] An Adventure 1969 (Poetry) - [182 words] An American (Poetry) - [130 words] An Angel's Touch (Poetry) - [285 words] An Apple A Day (Poem) (Poetry) - [215 words] An April In Paris. (Short Stories) - [953 words] An Art Of Killing. (Short Stories) - [606 words] An Art Performance (Poetry) - [101 words] An Asylum Dawn (Short Stories) - [535 words] An Awareness Of Being. (Poetry) - [236 words] An End To The Affair. (Poetry) - [127 words] An Evening Spreadout Against A Sky. Act One Of Two. (Plays) - [6,210 words] [Drama] An Evening With Annie. (Short Stories) - [1,076 words] An Inner Art. (Poetry) - [315 words] An Invitation (Poetry) - [359 words] An Odd Lot (Poetry) - [586 words] Ancient Bed And Sonya 1973. (Poetry) - [139 words] And Has Sinned Mcmlxviii (Poetry) - [144 words] And The Guy Said. (Poetry) - [193 words] Andre Beer’S Lament. (Poetry) - [62 words] Anna & Babi Yar. (Poetry) - [71 words] Anne And Her Phantom Leg (Poetry) - [254 words] Anne And The Boys' Bath Night (Poetry) - [350 words] Anne And The Task. (Poetry) - [530 words] Anne Before Breakfast (Poetry) - [213 words] Anne Rubs (Poetry) - [72 words] Anne's Audition. (Short Stories) - [1,374 words] Anne's Departure 1959 (Poetry) - [203 words] Anne's Hurt Leg 1959 (Poetry) - [193 words] Anne's Phantom Leg And You. (Poetry) - [281 words] Anny And The Process Of Shopping. (Poetry) - [182 words] Anny At The Bank. (Poetry) - [212 words] Anny At The Super Store. (Poetry) - [201 words] Anny Horowitz At Nero's Coffee Bar. (Poetry) - [400 words] Anny In A Small Cafe. (Poetry) - [231 words] Anny In The Mall. (Poetry) - [151 words] Anny In The Snow. (Poetry) - [137 words] Anny On The Beach. (Poetry) - [226 words] Anny Remembered. (Poetry) - [174 words] Anny Watching Schindler's List. (Poetry) - [333 words] Anny Would Have Been There. (Poetry) - [119 words] Anny's Crowded Bus. (Poetry) - [149 words] Anny's Train. (Poetry) - [184 words] Anny's Visitation. (Poetry) - [141 words] Anorexic. (Poetry) - [136 words] Another (Poetry) - [112 words] Another At The Door. (Poetry) - [173 words] Another Boy 1963 (Poetry) - [130 words] Another Dawn. (Poetry) - [187 words] Another Day.(Poem) (Poetry) - [68 words] Another Fine Beginning. (Poetry) - [264 words] Another Night With Miss Pinkie (Poetry) - [350 words] Another Sort Of Kiss 1940 (Poetry) - [234 words] Another Story 1976 (Poetry) - [85 words] Another War 1917 (Poetry) - [130 words] Another Wounded 1940 (Poetry) - [207 words] Anyway. (Poetry) - [166 words] Appointment (Poetry) - [261 words] Appraisal (Poetry) - [47 words] Apricot Sensation. (Poetry) - [90 words] Apron. (Short Stories) - [533 words] Archpin's Fingers. (Poetry) - [135 words] Ariadene's All Too Much. (Poetry) - [115 words] Ariadne Watches. (Poetry) - [153 words] Ariadne's Morning (Poetry) - [91 words] Ariel & I (Poetry) - [86 words] Aroma Of Women. (Poetry) - [248 words] Around His Head 1962 (Poetry) - [108 words] Arrived In Paris 1973 (Poetry) - [120 words] As A Child. (Poetry) - [182 words] As An Encore. (Poetry) - [177 words] As Before 1973 (Poetry) - [92 words] As Bowie Sang. (Poetry) - [84 words] As Far As His Eyes Can See. (Poetry) - [887 words] As Girls Sleep. (Poetry) - [178 words] As Good As It Gets. (Poetry) - [335 words] As He Has Before. (Poetry) - [374 words] As He Watches. (Poetry) - [212 words] As I Was Saying. (Plays) - [15,758 words] As If By God's Grace. (Short Stories) - [1,095 words] As If It Was A Crime. (Poetry) - [258 words] As It Was. (Poetry) - [304 words] As Long As Mr Eddington Was There. (Poetry) - [239 words] As Mothers Do. (Poetry) - [259 words] As Now The Pain. (Poetry) - [102 words] As One Huge Joke. (Poetry) - [267 words] As Other Lovers Do. (Poetry) - [345 words] As Per Usual (Poetry) - [308 words] As Was Then. (Poetry) - [203 words] As Young Boys Play (Poetry) - [304 words] Ash Wednesday Once. (Poetry) - [310 words] Asleep Or Blind 1962 (Poetry) - [150 words] Asylum Blues. (Short Stories) - [578 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Asylum Love. (Short Stories) - [720 words] Asylum Museum. (Poetry) - [204 words] Asylum Of Sexlessness. (Poetry) - [280 words] At A Later Date. (Poetry) - [315 words] At Breakfast Time. (Poetry) - [223 words] At Kennedy's. (Poetry) - [172 words] At Malaga We Rest. (Poetry) - [431 words] At The High Lodge. (Poetry) - [159 words] At The Movies. (Poetry) - [220 words] Atara Loved Dubrovnik. (Poetry) - [136 words] Attempted Escape. (Poetry) - [336 words] Augustine Reflects. (Poetry) - [153 words] Aunt Edna And Her Black Mask (Poetry) - [229 words] Auntie And Hand Washing (Poetry) - [267 words] Auntie And Mutt. (Poetry) - [242 words] Auntie's List. (Poetry) - [194 words] Auntie's Mutt. (Poetry) - [109 words] Auschwitz Chaim. (Poetry) - [66 words] Austen's Pottery Class 1959 (Poetry) - [165 words] Autumn's Grief. (Poetry) - [173 words] Awaiting Lunch. (Short Stories) - [727 words] Awaiting Wolves. (Poetry) - [69 words] Awkward 1961 (Poetry) - [162 words] Baby Cry. (Poetry) - [148 words] Baby Day (Poetry) - [97 words] Baby In Thoughts. (Poetry) - [133 words] Baby Loss (Poetry) - [127 words] Baby Loss Blues. (Poetry) - [179 words] Baby Nights (Poetry) - [239 words] Baby's Last Kick. (Poetry) - [189 words] Back Again. (Poetry) - [195 words] Backyard Blues. (Short Stories) - [732 words] Bad Dreams. Ipoem) (Poetry) - [193 words] Bad Influence (Poetry) - [296 words] Bad Joke. (Poetry) - [71 words] Bag Lady. (Poetry) - [225 words] Baltimore. (Poetry) - [50 words] Baptism Of Fire. (Poetry) - [190 words] Bar Talk Outside Tangiers. (Poetry) - [440 words] Baruch And Fay And All Ok. (Poetry) - [275 words] Base Camp Malaga 1970 (Poetry) - [134 words] Bass Brinson And His Jesus (Poetry) - [94 words] Bath Times As A Child. (Poetry) - [250 words] Bathing Betty (Poetry) - [735 words] Bathtime Shared (Poetry) - [219 words] Bathtime With One Legged Anne. (Poetry) - [358 words] Battered Mothers. (Poetry) - [109 words] Baylitz's Wife And A Game Of Chess. (Poetry) - [255 words] Be As She Please. (Poetry) - [347 words] Be There. (Poetry) - [51 words] Be With Me My Settled Love, (Poetry) - [92 words] Be Your Fantasy. (Poetry) - [161 words] Beach Scene. ( Poem) (Poetry) - [220 words] Beatrice's Much Ado About Nothing. (Short Stories) - [1,882 words] Beautiful Freak (Poetry) - [115 words] Because Of Love.( Story) (Short Stories) - [724 words] Because What Happened There. (Poetry) - [179 words] Bed And Board. (Short Stories) - [586 words] Bed Time Lonely (Poetry) - [321 words] Bedding 1965 (Poetry) A BOY AND GIRL AND HER MOTHER IN 1965 [200 words] [Romance] Before (Poetry) - [115 words] Before Choir (Poetry) - [94 words] Before Choir One Friday Eve. (Poetry) - [225 words] Before Death (Poetry) - [101 words] Before Death.(Poem) (Poetry) - [77 words] Before Jacob's Funeral. (Short Stories) - [685 words] Before Mass. (Short Stories) - [607 words] Before Sleep. (Poetry) - [60 words] Before Tea One Wednesday 1956 (Poetry) - [263 words] Before The Hour Of Compline. (Poetry) - [51 words] Before The Rain. (Poetry) - [247 words] Before You. (Poetry) - [168 words] Began With That Kiss.. (Poetry) - [184 words] Beginning Of Rain (Poetry) - [271 words] Behind Closed Doors (Poetry) - [182 words] Behind Tall Walls. (Poetry) - [230 words] Behind Wars. (Poetry) - [228 words] Being Here. (Poetry) - [42 words] Being In Love In 1974. (Poetry) A MAN LOVESICK IN 1974 [223 words] Being Jesse James 1955 (Poetry) - [138 words] Being There Mcmlxviii (Poetry) - [154 words] Being You. (Poetry) - [141 words] Benares 1990. (Poetry) - [153 words] Beneath A Hot Sun On A Morrocan Beach. (Poetry) - [295 words] Beneath A Morrocan Sky (Poetry) - [391 words] Beneath The Blue. (Poetry) - [272 words] Beneath The Moroccan Sun. (Poetry) - [268 words] Benedict And The Perry Girl (Poetry) - [675 words] Benedict At Matins. (Poetry) - [275 words] Benedict Thinks Of Her. (Poetry) - [90 words] Benny And Anne 1959 (Poetry) - [145 words] Benny And The Canary 1956 (Poetry) - [113 words] Benny At The Farmhouse 1964 (Poetry) - [152 words] Benny Birdwatched 1962 (Poetry) - [95 words] Benny Fight Watching 1955 (Poetry) - [96 words] Benny In Belgium 1974 (Poetry) - [122 words] Benny Liked Music 1959 (Poetry) - [94 words] Benny Loved Fay 1960 (Poetry) - [141 words] Benny On A Bomb Site 1957 (Poetry) - [135 words] Benny One Mid Morning 1956 (Poetry) - [147 words] Benny Overheard 1956 (Poetry) - [100 words] Benny Sees The Pond 1962 (Poetry) - [143 words] Benny's Bus Trip 1955 (Poetry) - [146 words] Benny's Busy Day 1969 (Poetry) - [89 words] Benny's Hellhole 1971 (Poetry) - [117 words] Benny's Letter 1962 (Poetry) - [130 words] Benny's Midday Adventure 1964 (Poetry) - [175 words] Benny's Plan B 1957 (Poetry) - [375 words] Beny Down But Not Out 1958 (Poetry) - [113 words] Berlin Was Cold. (Poetry) - [180 words] Bernice Sleeps. (Poetry) - [92 words] Bertha Bridebreak And The Stillness Of Stars (Poetry) - [89 words] Berthe's Blues. (Poetry) - [89 words] Beryl Breakwater’S Love Song. (Poetry) - [44 words] Beside And Beyond. (Poetry) - [325 words] Beside Miss Pinkie 1973 (Poetry) - [110 words] Best At The Back 1956 (Poetry) - [203 words] Best For The Job. (Poetry) - [373 words] Best They Don't Know. (Poetry) - [363 words] Betray. (Short Stories) - [2,378 words] Better Days 1961 (Poetry) - [147 words] Better Than The Rest (Poetry) - [447 words] Better Times. (Poetry) - [76 words] Betty's Date. (Poetry) - [290 words] Between Drags (Poetry) - [119 words] Between Full Moons. (Poetry) - [175 words] Between Worlds.(Poem) (Poetry) - [57 words] Beyond That. (Poetry) - [82 words] Beyond The Shadows. (Poetry) - [187 words] Big Girl Sucks. (Poetry) - [179 words] Bike Ride And Cloud Formations. (Poetry) - [250 words] Bill In Baghdad. (Poetry) - [282 words] Bill's Known Facts 1997 (Poetry) - [118 words] Bill's Phone Calls. (Poetry) - [175 words] Birdie Sleeps. (Poetry) - [219 words] Birds Of Depression. (Poetry) - [74 words] Bittersweet (Poem) (Poetry) - [87 words] Black Heavy Rain. (Poetry) - [160 words] Black Ops. (Poetry) - [219 words] Blackmore's Visit. (Poetry) - [411 words] Blazer. (Poetry) - [60 words] Bleeding From A Heart. (Poetry) - [523 words] Blessed & Buried. (Poetry) - [205 words] Blind Lead The Blind. (Poetry) - [393 words] Blind To It. (Poetry) - [124 words] Bloody Sunday. (Poetry) - [234 words] Blow After Blow 1957 (Poetry) - [96 words] Blown Kiss. (Poetry) - [216 words] Blue Girl (Poetry) - [167 words] Blue Left Eye. (Poetry) - [233 words] Blue Moon. (Poem) (Poetry) - [90 words] Blueness Of Skies. (Poetry) - [240 words] Bo Lee & Now. (Poetry) - [59 words] Bobby Soxer Crowfisher. (Poetry) - [280 words] Bogeyman. (Poetry) - [111 words] Bolthold's Book (Poetry) - [289 words] Bombay 1968. (Poetry) - [108 words] Bombed Out Factory. (Poetry) - [362 words] Bombsite Boys. (Poetry) - [292 words] Bombsite Conversation (Poetry) - [298 words] Bombsite Walk (Poetry) - [334 words] Bonnie In A Diner. (Poetry) - [156 words] Bonnie Parker's Visitation. (Poetry) - [173 words] Book Learning. (Poetry) - [391 words] Books & Photographs. (Poetry) - [148 words] [Literary Fiction] Booze And Mahler And Sex. (Poetry) - [257 words] Booze, Broads And Cigarettes. (Short Stories) - [538 words] Boozing With Bukowski (Poetry) - [92 words] Bortlouder's Captured Image. (Poetry) - [194 words] Both Been Had. (Poetry) - [268 words] Box Of Wine Gums (Poetry) - [314 words] Braddox Alone. (Poetry) - [235 words] Brainwash (Poetry) - [213 words] Bramshaw & Brassieres. (Poetry) - [192 words] Branded By Hot Lips. (Poetry) - [332 words] Branna's Babe. (Poetry) - [111 words] Brave New World (Poetry) - [196 words] Break No Hearts. (Poetry) - [162 words] Breaking Int Dreams 1916 (Poetry) - [153 words] Breath (Poetry) - [79 words] Breathing In The Air. (Poetry) - [431 words] Bredgarde Saw. (Poetry) - [162 words] Brian Knows Now 1997 (Poetry) - [105 words] Bride. (Poetry) - [117 words] Bright & Beautiful (Poetry) - [134 words] Bright Saturday (Poetry) - [322 words] Bright Sunny Day 1957 (Poetry) - [147 words] Brighton 1975. (Poetry) - [168 words] Brighton That Last Time. (Poetry) - [136 words] Bring Her Back (Poetry) - [252 words] Bring Him Home. (Poetry) - [130 words] Bring It To Bettina. (Poetry) - [398 words] Bring The Stones (Poetry) - [195 words] Broken And Numb. (Poetry) - [282 words] Bronagh's Bath. (Poetry) - [342 words] Bronwen Was Loved. (Poetry) - [135 words] Bronx 1933 (Poetry) - [302 words] Brother's Dog. (Poetry) - [241 words] Bruised Fruit Flesh (Poetry) - [409 words] Bruised Fruit. (Poem) (Poetry) - [72 words] Buck Brudrop Loaned His Wife. (Poetry) - [81 words] Buddy Bugshift’S Sunk Dreams. (Poetry) - [80 words] Bud's Day. (Poetry) - [343 words] Bukowski Comes. (Poetry) - [124 words] Bukowski's Chair. (Poetry) - [164 words] Buried All In Constant Grief. (Poetry) - [58 words] Burner Of Bridges. (Poetry) - [260 words] Burning Bridges. (Poetry) - [354 words] Bus Girl. (Poetry) - [12 words] Business Is Business (Poetry) - [179 words] But She Knew. (Poetry) - [288 words] Butterflies (Haiku) (Poetry) - [11 words] Butterfly Landing Kiss. (Poetry) - [440 words] By Dunn& Co. (Poetry) - [283 words] By Him Forsaken. (Poetry) - [146 words] By Starlight. (Poetry) - [168 words] By The Old Pond. (Poetry) - [572 words] By The Pond In Shade. (Poetry) - [243 words] By The Sea With One Legged Anne. (Poetry) - [554 words] By The Small Pond (Poetry) - [273 words] By The Sword (Poetry) - [288 words] By The Time. (Poetry) - [118 words] By The Water Tower. (Poetry) - [328 words] Cafe Waitress. (Poetry) - [97 words] Caged Wild Birds (Poetry) - [372 words] Caitlin's New Day. (Poetry) - [340 words] Calcutta 1944 (Poetry) - [279 words] Calcutta 1946. (Poetry) - [218 words] California 1924 (Poetry) - [268 words] Call Of Nature.(Poem) (Poetry) - [149 words] Calypso Could Once. (Poetry) - [151 words] Came To A Head. (Poetry) - [176 words] Camera Of My Eye. (Poetry) - [159 words] Camp Outside Tangiers 1970 (Poetry) - [251 words] Can Can Dancer Gran (Poetry) - [318 words] Can You Hear Me Mother. (Plays) - [13,343 words] Can't Get There. (Poetry) - [211 words] Canteen Talk 1975 (Poetry) - [132 words] Card Swapping (Poetry) - [219 words] Cat Comfort. (Poetry) - [116 words] Cat Got Your Tongue 1962 (Poetry) - [154 words] Cat & Model. (Short Stories) - [946 words] Catapulting 1957 (Poetry) - [162 words] Cathleen Muses. (Poetry) - [249 words] Cedric's Sister. (Poetry) - [202 words] Celia's First Love (Poetry) - [298 words] Celia's Hood 1929 (Short Stories) - [1,040 words] Cell Phone Conversation (Poetry) - [310 words] Chana Had A Bike. (Poetry) - [84 words] Chana's Young Stallion (Poetry) - [248 words] Chapel Going (Poetry) - [176 words] Charlie & The Train Dame. (Poetry) - [253 words] Che Guevara Tee Shirt (Poetry) - [140 words] Cheri Can't Wait. (Poetry) - [338 words] Chicago 1929. (Poetry) - [207 words] Chicago 1947 (Poetry) - [232 words] Child At A Bus Window (Poetry) - [162 words] Child's Grave. (Poetry) - [94 words] Chill Dawn (Poetry) - [112 words] Chitta's Baby. (Poetry) - [175 words] Chloe & Degas (Poetry) - [129 words] Choking Fit 1958 (Poetry) - [141 words] Choosing Men. (Poetry) - [359 words] Chrissie's New Love. (Poetry) - [95 words] Christ Also. (Poetry) - [83 words] Christ In Central Park. (Poetry) - [66 words] Christina And Benedict And The Kiss. (Poetry) - [336 words] Christina And Places. (Poetry) - [307 words] Christina And The Dullness Of Life. (Short Stories) - [958 words] Christina And You And Home For Lunch. (Poetry) - [547 words] Christina And You At Recess. (Poetry) - [311 words] Christina And You In The Gym. (Poetry) - [269 words] Christina At Table. (Poetry) - [101 words] Christina Copulates. (Poetry) - [87 words] Christina's Afternoon Dream. (Poetry) - [356 words] Christine And You And November Chill (Poetry) - [312 words] Christmas 1969. (Short Stories) - [626 words] Church Sitting. (Poetry) - [199 words] Cigarette Break. (Poetry) - [302 words] Cinema Going With Your Father In The 1950s. (Poetry) - [225 words] Class Room 1957 (Poetry) - [262 words] Close The Curtains. (Poetry) - [184 words] Cloud Formations And Jane. (Poetry) - [213 words] Cockerel & You. (Poetry) - [123 words] Coco's Dawn. (Poetry) - [255 words] Coffin Nails. (Poetry) - [87 words] Coin Box. (Poetry) - [152 words] Cold Day To School 1955 (Poetry) - [188 words] Cold Human Game. (Poetry) - [231 words] Coldnight's Sounds. (Poetry) - [142 words] Collin's Clay Pot. (Poetry) - [288 words] Come Baby Cool. (Poetry) - [68 words] Come See Her. (Poetry) - [52 words] Come She Said 1953 (Poetry) - [78 words] Come To Me Now (Poetry) - [281 words] Come Up And See Me. (Poetry) - [281 words] Coming Of Spring. (Poetry) - [123 words] Committing The Big Crime (Poetry) - [1,048 words] Concepta's Remembrance. (Short Stories) - [682 words] Cone On Henry (Poetry) - [211 words] Coney Isalnd 1935. (Poetry) - [189 words] Confidence Broken 1962 (Poetry) - [305 words] Connelly's Girls. (Poetry) - [239 words] Connor & The Photograph. (Poetry) - [110 words] Connor's Thoughts. (Poetry) - [400 words] Considerations. (Poetry) - [242 words] Contrasts Of Purity And Darkness. (Poetry) - [146 words] Control Freak (Poem) (Poetry) - [236 words] Conversation Overheard (Poetry) - [395 words] Conversed More. (Poetry) - [144 words] Conversing. (Poetry) - [215 words] Cool Blue Eyes. (Poetry) - [392 words] Cool Inside Burgos Cathedral. (Poetry) - [294 words] Cork 1922. (Poetry) - [149 words] Corridor Meeting (Poetry) - [64 words] Cost Of War. (Poetry) - [162 words] Coughing Woman (Poetry) - [151 words] Could Have Stayed. (Poetry) - [140 words] Couldn't Make The Grade. (Poetry) - [221 words] Couldn't Swim (Poetry) - [169 words] Countless Flies 1916 (Poetry) - [168 words] Country Music. (Poem) (Poetry) - [199 words] Country Scrumping. (Poetry) - [194 words] Cramps & Prayers (Short Stories) - [566 words] Crime & Punishment. (Poetry) - [122 words] Crossing The Bridge. (Poetry) - [242 words] Crucified. (Poetry) - [38 words] Crucified 1963 (Poetry) - [129 words] Crumbled Cookie. (Poetry) - [123 words] Crying As An Art Form. (Poetry) - [134 words] Cuckolded Chuck Cavebury. (Poetry) - [139 words] Cut Throat (Poetry) - [174 words] Cycle Of Madness. (Short Stories) - [564 words] Cynthia Likes To (Poetry) - [146 words] Dalya In Amsterdam 1974 (Poetry) - [145 words] Dalya In Odense 74 (Poetry) - [223 words] Dalya In Ravensburg 74 (Poetry) - [69 words] Dalya's Moan 1974 (Poetry) - [113 words] Dame In The Red Dress. (Poetry) - [282 words] Dame On A Hot Roof. (Poetry) - [255 words] Dame Upstairs. (Poetry) - [142 words] Dame With No Name (Poetry) - [197 words] Dance Haiku. (Poetry) - [11 words] Dangerous Creatures. (Short Stories) - [6,217 words] Daphne Broods. (Poetry) - [242 words] Daphne & Cloe. (Short Stories) - [2,552 words] Dark Country Lanes. (Poetry) - [94 words] Dark Doomer Day. (Poetry) - [116 words] Dark Eyed Doyle (Poetry) - [149 words] Dark Hours Have Tamed Her Heart. (Poetry) - [66 words] Dark Sin (Poetry) - [119 words] Dark Skies. (Poetry) - [127 words] Dark Sky And Rain 1958 (Poetry) - [198 words] Dark Thread. (Poetry) - [19 words] Darkly Watched 1960 (Poetry) - [160 words] Date For The Park (Poetry) - [374 words] Daughter Drowned. (Short Stories) - [928 words] Daughter's Suicide. (Short Stories) - [610 words] Day After Hour (Poetry) - [121 words] Day To Remember. (Poetry) - [194 words] Dead Child's Hands. (Poetry) - [144 words] [Spiritual] Dead Kids In War (Poetry) - [198 words] Dead ( Poem) (Poetry) - [70 words] Dead Souls And Mrs Morrys. (Plays) - [11,125 words] Deadly Work Of Art. (Poetry) - [185 words] Death And The Watching Of. (Poetry) - [164 words] Death Of Daughter. (Poetry) - [302 words] Death Trucks. (Poetry) - [110 words] Death Watch. (Poetry) - [203 words] Death Watch. (Poem) (Poetry) - [233 words] Debate By The Pond 1962 (Poetry) - [197 words] Decadents And Such 1978 (Poetry) - [116 words] Deep Down Lost Feeling 1916 (Poetry) - [119 words] Deep Love Burning. (Poetry) - [189 words] Deep Sea's Reach. (Poetry) - [889 words] Deep Within (Poetry) - [92 words] Deeper Sin (Poetry) - [273 words] Deepta's Portrait. (Poetry) - [212 words] Degas Dancer. (Poetry) - [110 words] Deirdre's Dream. (Poetry) - [190 words] Delhi 1987. (Poetry) - [229 words] Deli Depfreed Died Her Death. (Poetry) - [86 words] Delia And The Arts Tutor (Poetry) - [197 words] Delia Manages. (Poetry) - [111 words] Delia's Desires 1996 (Poetry) - [168 words] Delilah Dishwash Cheated The Chair. (Poetry) - [74 words] Deniers Of Light. (Short Stories) - [1,466 words] Denver 1925. (Poetry) - [244 words] Departure. (Poetry) - [42 words] Depression And Black Dog. (Poetry) - [181 words] Deprived Of Love. (Poetry) - [277 words] Deranged Girl (Short Stories) - [513 words] Desire Within. (Poetry) - [425 words] Despite The Lies. (Poetry) - [271 words] Dibtop Wants. (Poetry) - [156 words] Did I Tell You. (Poetry) - [121 words] Did The Trick. (Poetry) - [287 words] Didn't I Say So. (Poetry) - [95 words] Different Days. (Poetry) - [145 words] Different Desires (Poetry) - [78 words] Different Mother. (Poetry) - [150 words] Different Sunset (Poetry) - [205 words] Digging By Moonlight. (Poetry) - [193 words] Dilly Doesn't (Poetry) - [171 words] Dinner Invitation 1969 (Poetry) - [158 words] Din't Ask. (Poem) (Poetry) - [199 words] Distant Star. (Poetry) A young girl suffering from Anorexia nervosa shocks a young man who sees her on a beach. [147 words] [Literary Fiction] Dixie Dourbridge. (Poetry) - [178 words] Dixie's Mother And Men. (Poetry) - [186 words] Do All You Can (Poetry) - [64 words] Do Her No Harm. (Poetry) - [439 words] Do Not Miss Schinzer. (Poetry) - [402 words] Dodo And The City (Poetry) - [244 words] Dogfish Docherty's Tales. (Poetry) - [107 words] Doing Jobs For Uncle (Poetry) - [329 words] Dolly And The Salesman. (Poetry) - [270 words] Donnelly's Wishes. (Poetry) - [80 words] Don't Ask 1997 (Poetry) - [172 words] Don't Ask Why. (Short Stories) - [979 words] Don't Feel Well (Poetry) - [81 words] Don't Forget. (Poetry) - [69 words] Don't Forget To. (Poetry) - [137 words] Don't Forget To Write. (Poetry) - [294 words] Don't Know When (Poetry) - [158 words] Don't Know Where. (Poetry) - [136 words] Don't Leave Me In The Dark (Short Stories) - [4,062 words] Don't Listen (Poetry) - [84 words] Don't Look Twice. (Plays) - [12,591 words] Don't Mind Me. (Poetry) - [190 words] Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow (Short Stories) - [2,130 words] Don't Take Lifts From Dames. (Poetry) - [317 words] Don't Throw Your Love Away (Poetry) - [155 words] Don't Trust Women With Teeth Missing. (Short Stories) - [5,427 words] Don't Waste The Days. (Poetry) - [251 words] Don't You. (Strong Language) (Poetry) - [199 words] Doors To Be Hit By. (Poetry) - [147 words] Doppelganger Or Such Like. (Poetry) - [159 words] Doppelganger( Poem) (Poetry) - [222 words] Doris's Men (Poetry) - [263 words] Dormant As Death. (Poetry) - [51 words] Dottie Darning In Thoughtful Mood. (Poetry) - [183 words] Dottie Stirs At Dawn (Poetry) - [319 words] Dottie Waits For Willie. (Poetry) - [276 words] Dottie Writes And Cries. (Poetry) - [274 words] Dotty And Willy. (Poetry) - [212 words] Dotty Feigned Sleep. (Short Stories) - [735 words] Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [265 words] Doutwinder Knew. (Poetry) - [167 words] Downpour Of Rain. (Poetry) - [546 words] Dream All The Rest 1962 (Poetry) - [246 words] Dream Lover. (Poem) (Poetry) - [292 words] Dream Of War. (Poetry) - [57 words] Dream Or Dead (Poetry) - [143 words] Dreamed (Poetry) - [51 words] Dreamed Of A Kiss. (Poetry) - [171 words] Dreaming Of Miss Billings. (Poetry) - [268 words] Dreams Cost Nothing. (Poetry) - [153 words] Dreams Of Her. (Poetry) - [263 words] Dreamt In Her Dreams (Poetry) - [691 words] Drink It Down (Poetry) - [64 words] Drizzle 1958 (Poetry) - [111 words] Dublin Kisses 1997 (Poetry) - [161 words] Dubrovnik 1972. (Poetry) - [162 words] Duck Pond. (Short Stories) - [2,230 words] Dudman's Cold Stare 1916 (Poetry) - [220 words] Duffy & Death. (Poetry) - [212 words] Dulwiser Does. (Poetry) - [182 words] Dummy Run. (Novels) - [237 words] Dunne Buttons Up. (Poetry) - [179 words] Dunne In Paris. (Poetry) - [377 words] Dunne & Master. (Poetry) - [224 words] Dunne Studying (Poetry) - [189 words] Dunne Waits. (Poetry) - [204 words] Dunne's Love. (Poetry) - [207 words] Dunne's Temptation. (Poetry) - [324 words] During Nature Study Class. (Poetry) - [286 words] Dutch And Girls 1962 (Poetry) - [117 words] Dying In The Snow. (Poetry) - [112 words] Each Day Still Lingers. (Poetry) - [220 words] Each Morning (Poetry) - [153 words] Each Part Of You. (Poetry) - [122 words] Each To Each. (Poetry) - [378 words] Ealga Outside One Morning. (Short Stories) - [671 words] Early Breakfast 1972 (Poetry) - [224 words] Early Dawn Light 1971 (Poetry) - [131 words] Early July Morning Love. (Poetry) - [291 words] Early Morning Talk. (Poetry) - [208 words] Early Morning Talk 1940 (Poetry) - [214 words] Easter 1971. (Short Stories) - [506 words] Easy Girl.. (Poetry) - [60 words] Easy Kill (Poetry) - [134 words] Easy Looking Back. (Poetry) - [134 words] Easy Pick Up. (Poetry) - [203 words] Easy To Remember. (Short Stories) - [2,781 words] Edgehill On The Bridge. (Poetry) - [282 words] Edinburgh1969 (Poetry) - [263 words] Edinburgh Views 1957 (Poetry) - [230 words] Edna's Asthma. (Poetry) - [170 words] Ednoun Brought Flowers. (Poetry) - [198 words] Eggs 1961 (Poetry) - [143 words] Eisiskes 1941. (Poetry) - [97 words] Either Or. (Poetry) - [230 words] Elaine And The Elvis Song. (Poetry) - [71 words] Elaine And The Kiss. (Short Stories) - [1,115 words] Elaine And Womanhood. (Poetry) - [116 words] Elaine Loses Nerve. (Short Stories) - [1,554 words] Elaine On The Bus 1962 (Poetry) - [97 words] Elaine Prepares. (Poetry) - [182 words] Elaine Undone. (Poetry) - [139 words] Elaine's Confusion (Poetry) - [60 words] Elaine's Sunday Morning. (Poetry) - [500 words] Elderbridge Likes. (Poetry) - [188 words] Eliaine's New Hope. (Poetry) - [319 words] Elle Sits In Mid Act. (Poetry) - [242 words] Elross Loves Gerti. (Poetry) - [263 words] Elsa And The City View. (Poetry) - [229 words] Elsa The Evacuee. (Short Stories) - [1,078 words] Elsa's Night Out. (Poetry) - [266 words] Elsie's Mood 1951 (Poetry) - [308 words] Emily's Enigma. (Short Stories) - [2,919 words] Emptied Out (Poetry) - [97 words] Emptied Woman. (Poetry) - [210 words] Empty Cottage (Poetry) - [305 words] Encounter. (Poetry) - [209 words] Encounter Of A Rud Ekind 1959 (Poetry) - [260 words] Ends And Ends. (Poetry) - [125 words] Enid And The Closing Of Day (Poetry) - [224 words] Enid's Apprehension 1957 (Poetry) - [85 words] Enid's Old Man And Me 1957 (Poetry) - [196 words] Enough Times. (Poetry) - [109 words] Enter Friend 1960 (Poetry) - [179 words] Entering The Cloister. (Poetry) - [191 words] Episodes With Sutcliffe And Ingrid. (Poetry) - [351 words] Ernie's Big Sister And You. (Poetry) - [234 words] Escaping Sophia. (Poetry) - [310 words] Essentials (Poetry) - [95 words] Esterka's Photograph. (Poetry) - [93 words] Etain's Apples (Novels) - [204 words] Etty Aldiss. (Short Stories) - [2,595 words] Eva Distracted. (Poetry) - [62 words] Even As She Sleeps. (Poetry) - [252 words] Even As She Speaks. (Poetry) - [254 words] Even From Their Graves. (Poetry) - [291 words] Even In Sleep (Poetry) - [99 words] Even Now, You Listen. (Poetry) - [201 words] Even She. (Poetry) - [181 words] Even Though. (Poetry) - [115 words] Evening After Vespers. (Short Stories) - [1,131 words] Evening Date (Poetry) - [306 words] Evening Out (Poetry) - [257 words] Evening Out For Ingrid. (Short Stories) - [1,532 words] Ever Since . (Poetry) - [122 words] Every Day (Poem) (Poetry) - [96 words] Everything He Sees. (Poetry) - [261 words] Everything Its Price. (Poetry) - [138 words] Everything. (New Poem) (Poetry) - [9 words] Eve's Gateway (Poetry) - [84 words] Exchange For Toys. (Poetry) - [36 words] Exchange Of Niceties. (Poetry) - [239 words] Exchange Outside Stockholm. (Poetry) - [271 words] Execution And Dark Gloom (Poetry) - [202 words] Exhausted 1965 (Poetry) - [133 words] Exiles. (Short Stories) - [587 words] Expected. (Poetry) - [237 words] Exploring Self (Poetry) - [257 words] Explosions And Flares 1916 (Poetry) - [156 words] Extra For Breakfast (Poetry) - [285 words] Extra Special Date 1961 (Poetry) - [188 words] Eyes To The Sun 1940 (Poetry) - [151 words] Ezra Pound's Canto And The Girl's Behind. (Poetry) - [202 words] Faces Unseen 1940 (Poetry) - [166 words] Faded Tattoo. (Poetry) - [273 words] Fairground Night (Poetry) - [374 words] Fairground Ride 1955 (Poetry) - [237 words] Fall Apart. (Poem) (Poetry) - [112 words] Fall From Grace. (Poetry) - [118 words] Fall Guy. (Poetry) - [120 words] Fallen From Grace. (Poetry) - [212 words] Fancy Dress. (Poetry) - [205 words] Fat Dame In Maine. (Poetry) - [211 words] Fat Dames Love. (Poetry) - [195 words] Father Didn't Mind. (Poetry) - [243 words] Father Dying. (Poetry) - [187 words] Father To Son. (Poetry) - [252 words] Father Waits. (Poetry) - [202 words] Father Was Enough. (Poetry) - [254 words] Father Writes. (Poetry) - [204 words] Father's Ghost. (Poetry) - [247 words] Father's Men. (Poetry) - [214 words] Father's Study. (Poetry) - [284 words] Favourite Place. (Poetry) - [172 words] Fay And Her Soul 1960 (Poetry) - [399 words] Fay And Memory (Poetry) - [133 words] Fay And Rosary (Poetry) - [88 words] Fay And The Day In The Park (Poetry) - [480 words] Fay And The Downstairs Jew. (Poetry) - [499 words] Fay And You And Promised Doughnuts. (Poetry) - [439 words] Fay And You And The Orange Sun.( Poem) (Poetry) - [335 words] Fay By The Bricklayer's Arms. (Poetry) - [271 words] Fay By The Thames (Poetry) - [268 words] Fay's Day 1960 (Poetry) - [153 words] Fay's First Kiss. (Poetry) - [78 words] Fay's Search For Truth. (Poetry) - [282 words] Fay's Voice. (Poetry) - [264 words] Fear Of Water. (Poem) (Poetry) - [102 words] Feed The Cat. (Poetry) - [215 words] Feeding Fish. (Poetry) - [269 words] Feel Of Freedom. (Poetry) - [223 words] Feel Them. (Poetry) - [87 words] Feigning Sleep. (Poetry) - [277 words] Felt Shy 1959 (Poetry) - [212 words] Female Buddha. (Poetry) - [276 words] Female Clown 1972 (Poetry) - [217 words] Fenola's Loss. (Poetry) - [95 words] Few Hours In Rouen. (Poetry) - [250 words] Field Lying 1965 (Poetry) - [218 words] Final Summer. (Short Stories) - [705 words] Finally(Poem) (Poetry) - [207 words] Finding An Old Photograph. (Poetry) - [390 words] Finding Ingrid 1958 (Poetry) - [277 words] Finger Licking Girl. (Poetry) - [94 words] Finn Danced The Jig. (Poetry) - [151 words] Finnegan's Father (Poetry) - [173 words] Finn's Hangover. (Poetry) - [111 words] Finn's New Woman. (Poetry) - [306 words] Fire And Glow. (Poetry) - [376 words] Fire Starting. (Poetry) - [214 words] Fireworks 1958 (Poetry) - [132 words] Firm Earth Beneath. (Poetry) - [348 words] First Bath 1940 (Poetry) - [274 words] First Smoke. (Poetry) - [128 words] Fishing At Lowell Lake. (Poetry) - [143 words] Fitzsimmons Returns. (Poetry) - [210 words] Five Times That Week 1916 (Poetry) - [101 words] Fixation. (Poetry) - [65 words] Flensburg 1974 (Poetry) - [187 words] Fllowing The Blind 1959 (Poetry) - [298 words] Flynn's Mindgame. (Short Stories) - [1,006 words] Flypapers In Auntie's House. (Poetry) - [88 words] Focus & Shoot. (Poetry) - [160 words] Following A Bright Star (Poetry) - [608 words] Following Brody. (Poetry) - [242 words] For A Departed Son. (Poetry) - [81 words] For Love Of. (Poetry) - [235 words] For Something Not Done. (Poetry) - [210 words] For Something To Do. (Poetry) - [205 words] For The Better 1952 (Poetry) - [103 words] For The Meeting Of Hearts And Lips. (Poetry) - [425 words] For The Poem. (Poetry) - [88 words] Forest Flower (Poetry) - [38 words] Forever Is Where Nowhere Near. (Poetry) - [63 words] Forget Randal. (Poetry) - [224 words] France At Night (Poetry) - [199 words] Francesca's Dead Baby. (Poetry) - [125 words] Francis In The Refectory. (Poetry) - [205 words] Frankie's Freakshow. (Poetry) - [168 words] Franz & Kamila. (Poetry) - [276 words] Franz & Mother. (Poetry) - [277 words] Fredericks And Something New 1958 (Poetry) - [160 words] Freedoms. (Poetry) - [113 words] French Lessons. (Poetry) - [92 words] Fried Brain Emily. (Poetry) - [164 words] Friend In Need. (Poetry) - [90 words] From A Bus. (Poetry) A woman touring abroad on a bus sees a small child who seemed chain to a gate but all she can do is capture his image in her mind. [99 words] [Mystical] From A Deep Sleep. (Poetry) - [221 words] From Paris With Love. (Poetry) - [243 words] Functional Men. (Poetry) - [167 words] Funny What Goes On In One's Head. (Short Stories) - [1,101 words] Future Uncertain. (Short Stories) - [2,746 words] Gallipoli 1915 (Poetry) - [112 words] Gamble 1969. (Poetry) - [96 words] Game Lost 1956 (Poetry) - [113 words] Gazing At Sunflowers (Poetry) - [179 words] Gentle Reminder. (Poetry) - [247 words] George Unsettled 1916 (Poetry) - [321 words] Geraldine's Bus Ride To Work. (Poetry) - [269 words] Get Out. (Poetry) - [41 words] Getting Late (Poetry) - [277 words] Getting Ready (Poetry) - [83 words] Getting Stuck. (Poetry) - [234 words] Ghost On A Train. (Poetry) - [109 words] Ghost Town. (Poetry) - [116 words] Gigi Knows. (Poetry) - [128 words] Gillian'd Mood Swing 1969 (Poetry) - [218 words] Gina And The Quack (Poetry) - [234 words] Girl At A Bar. (Poetry) - [229 words] Girl At Salvation Hall. (Poetry) - [305 words] Girl In The City. (Poetry) - [190 words] Girl In The Green Raincoat (Poetry) - [197 words] Girl With Lost Name. (Poetry) - [170 words] Give The Game Away 1965 (Poetry) - [239 words] Giving Her The Stare. (Poetry) - [155 words] Glimpse Of Beauty (Poetry) - [288 words] Glimpse Of Lover. (Poetry) - [142 words] Go My Sweet Child. (Poetry) - [84 words] God Is Everywhere. (Poetry) - [143 words] God Is Good. (Poetry) - [117 words] Godrink Smelt A Rat. (Poetry) - [159 words] Gone To Skip And Play (Poetry) - [281 words] Gone To Sleep 1962 (Poetry) - [206 words] Good Deed Done. (Poetry) - [258 words] Good Deed Done.( Poem (Poetry) - [368 words] Good Friday And More. (Poetry) - [238 words] Good Golly Miss Molly. (Short Stories) - [1,721 words] Good Lay. (Poetry) - [242 words] Good Manners (Poetry) - [235 words] Good Times Bad Times. (Poetry) - [128 words] Good Trip (Poetry) - [140 words] Goodbye Ingrid 1958 (Poetry) - [150 words] Goodbye Night. (Poetry) - [107 words] Goodbye To Eva (Short Stories) - [1,644 words] Gordplatter's Analysis. (Poetry) - [227 words] Gorstom's Turn. (Poetry) - [272 words] Gossip.(Poem) (Poetry) - [203 words] Grace In St James's Park 1940 (Poetry) - [282 words] Grace Reflects 1940 (Poetry) - [169 words] Grace's Lost Soul 1940 (Poetry) - [145 words] Granddad And Jean Harlow. (Poetry) - [144 words] Granddaddy 1953 (Poetry) - [137 words] Granddad's Candy (Poetry) - [206 words] Granddad's Room Of Treasures. (Poetry) - [157 words] Granddad's Staue Of Boy And Dog. (Poetry) - [349 words] Grandfather Said. (Poetry) - [41 words] Grandma's Funeral. (Poetry) - [192 words] Grandmother 1917. (Poetry) - [146 words] Grandmother's Corset. (Poetry) - [212 words] Gran's Photograph. (Poetry) - [276 words] Gran's Place. (Poetry) - [372 words] Graveside Musing. (Poetry) - [213 words] Great Aunt Belle. (Poetry) - [195 words] Great Gods, Miis Pretty Sighs. (Poetry) - [62 words] Greater Love 1963 (Poetry) - [203 words] Grey Flying Birds 1971 (Poetry) - [126 words] Grief Talk 1997 (Poetry) - [211 words] Growing Up Before Time. (Poetry) - [270 words] Gunfight At The Bomb Site 1955 (Poetry) - [309 words] Guys And Dolls 1977 (Poetry) - [142 words] Guy's Mother After School 1962 (Poetry) - [203 words] Had Never Been. (Poetry) - [368 words] Hair Brushing And Love Wanting. (Poetry) - [200 words] Half Day Love. (Poetry) - [273 words] Hamburg In 74. (Poetry) - [236 words] Hamburg Stay 1974 (Poetry) - [115 words] Hanging In The Air. (Poetry) - [119 words] Hanging Pictures. (Poetry) - [332 words] Hank Will Break That Down. (Poetry) - [129 words] Hank's 1 Girl (Poetry) - [169 words] Happening 1961 (Poetry) - [276 words] Hard Rain (Poetry) - [143 words] Hard Stare. (Poetry) - [202 words] Harper Road 1955 (Poetry) - [154 words] Has His Measure. (Poetry) - [148 words] Hate Days. (Poetry) - [234 words] Hating Saturday (Poetry) - [323 words] Hating Saturdays (Poetry) - [121 words] Have Her All Alone. (Poetry) - [355 words] Hazel & Dunne. (Poetry) - [166 words] Hazel On The Edge. (Poetry) - [264 words] Hazel Ponders. (Poetry) - [379 words] Hazel Willow. (Short Stories) - [2,492 words] Hazel's Letter. (Poetry) - [189 words] He Alone Is There. (Poetry) - [345 words] He And Clara Bow. (Poetry) - [193 words] He And She And Another Date (Short Stories) - [1,340 words] He Came Again. (Poetry) - [137 words] He Comes Miss Pretty Thinks. (Poetry) - [68 words] He Did Those Things. (Poetry) - [98 words] He Didn't Say. (Poetry) - [139 words] He Has Chosen. (Poetry) - [126 words] He Is Dead Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [267 words] He Lost At Sea. (Poetry) - [135 words] He Never Did. (Poetry) - [142 words] He Promised So Much. (Poetry) - [168 words] He Saw Bonnie Parker. (Poetry) - [170 words] He Would (Poetry) - [113 words] He Would Know Nothing, (Poetry) - [173 words] Heart Break (Short Stories) - [753 words] Heart To Mend (Poetry) - [101 words] Heavy Snow 1971 (Poetry) - [250 words] He'd Kissed Her 1962 (Poetry) - [133 words] Heidi And The Young Man. (Poetry) - [206 words] Helen And Butt-Ends. (Poetry) - [209 words] Helen And Rosalind. (Short Stories) - [2,558 words] Helen And The Guns. (Poetry) - [207 words] Helen And The Rain. (Poetry) - [242 words] Helen And The Small Penknife. (Poetry) - [347 words] Helen And You And A Bag Of Chips (Poetry) - [465 words] Helen And You And Six Pence Worth Of Chips. (Poetry) - [256 words] Helen And You And The Truth(Poem) (Poetry) - [377 words] Helen And You In The Rain. (Poetry) - [306 words] Helen And You Trainspotting. (Poetry) - [483 words] Helen The Cowgirl 1955 (Poetry) - [127 words] Helen's Big Plans (Poetry) - [311 words] Hell Has No Fury 1959 (Poetry) - [311 words] Hellcat. (Poetry) - [157 words] Hendrix Tee-Shirt. (Poetry) - [62 words] Henri Comes Late. (Poetry) - [143 words] Henry And That Kind Of Kissing. (Poetry) - [135 words] Henry And The Paraplegic Dame. (Poetry) - [358 words] Henry And The Scheme Of Things. (Poetry) - [260 words] Henry And Woman Servicing (Poetry) - [230 words] Henry In Paris. (Poetry) - [166 words] Henry Looks (Poetry) - [161 words] Henry Watching Girls. (Poetry) - [168 words] Henry's Chilly Nights. (Poetry) - [399 words] Henry's Early Morning( Poem) (Poetry) - [220 words] Henry's Insomnia (Poetry) - [321 words] Henry's Malaga. (Poetry) - [192 words] Henry's Mother. (Poetry) - [196 words] Her Beautifulness. (Poetry) - [316 words] Her Beauty Sat. (Poetry) - [48 words] Her Betraying Heart 1997 (Poetry) - [244 words] Her Black Fog. (Poetry) - [229 words] Her Departure. (Poetry) - [44 words] Her Existentialism And More. (Poetry) - [204 words] Her Faraway Stare. (Poetry) - [327 words] Her Father Knows. (Poetry) - [114 words] Her Grief. (Novels) - [260 words] Her Heart Broken. (Poetry) - [213 words] Her In The Room Upstairs. (Plays) - [13,745 words] Her Lost Love. (Poetry) - [97 words] Her Mother Had More. (Poetry) - [183 words] Her Mother Said (Short Stories) - [903 words] Her Mother's Madness. (Short Stories) - [529 words] Her Name. (Poetry) - [213 words] Her New Years Eve. (Poetry) - [241 words] Her Own Kind Of Beauty. (Poetry) - [318 words] Her Own Way (Poetry) - [115 words] Her Parents Won't Be. (Poetry) - [418 words] Her Paris Streets (Poetry) - [64 words] Her Prayerful Breath. (Poetry) - [161 words] Her Prison Now. (Poetry) - [149 words] Her Resting Place. (Poetry) - [190 words] Her Seventh Suicide. (Poetry) - [158 words] Her Sexuality. (Poetry) - [187 words] Her Shining Knight. (Poetry) - [546 words] Her Soft Fruit 1972 (Poetry) - [65 words] Her Uncle's Place 1965 (Poetry) - [146 words] Her Wedding Day (Poetry) - [454 words] Her With No Fix But An Ice Cream. (Poetry) - [462 words] Here Is But All Dreams Love. (Poetry) - [62 words] Hers Was. (Poetry) - [145 words] Hers Was The First (Poetry) - [157 words] He's Getting Out. (Novels) - [250 words] He's Not The Same. (Poetry) - [209 words] Hesta At The Hotel Cuba. (Poetry) - [286 words] High School 1961 (Poetry) - [145 words] High Tea On Sundays. (Poetry) - [416 words] His Afternoon Head. (Poetry) - [312 words] His American Way. (Poetry) - [212 words] His Faraway Stare 1916 (Poetry) - [112 words] His Father Said. (Poetry) - [277 words] His Head In Her Lap. (Poetry) - [213 words] His Last Letter. (Poetry) - [184 words] His Letter (Poem) (Poetry) - [159 words] His Letters. (Poetry) - [223 words] His Magic Has Untouched. (Poetry) - [118 words] His Mother Said. (Poetry) - [107 words] His Mother's Best Friend. (Poetry) - [141 words] His Name Is. (Poetry) - [306 words] His Own Dull History (Poetry) - [235 words] His Road Taken (Poetry) - [109 words] His Silence. (Poetry) - [83 words] His Soft Words 1962 (Poetry) - [68 words] His Strict Will (Poetry) - [127 words] His Tongue. (Poetry) - [99 words] His Turning Eye. (Poetry) - [140 words] His Unloving. (Poetry) - [202 words] His Wife Said. (Poetry) - [284 words] Hold Dear (Poetry) - [126 words] Hold Fast Miss Pretty Thinks. (Poetry) - [76 words] Hold That Pose. (Poetry) - [278 words] Holocaust Park. (Poetry) - [162 words] Holy Saturday Gains And Losses. (Poetry) - [213 words] Home Again. (Short Stories) - [1,090 words] Honey Drips 1986 (Poetry) - [57 words] Hornbridge And Girls. (Poetry) - [208 words] Hospital For A Day (Poetry) - [375 words] Hot Lips On A Summer Day. (Poetry) - [370 words] Hot Love. (Poetry) - [146 words] Hot Stuff. (Poetry) - [181 words] Hotel Jerk. (Poetry) - [127 words] How Deep Love Sinks (Poetry) - [145 words] How Do You Stop 1951 (Poetry) - [127 words] How It Ends. (Poetry) - [268 words] How It Was. (Poetry) - [181 words] How Mother Looked (Poetry) - [181 words] How They All Fall (Poetry) - [143 words] How Things Were. (Poetry) - [153 words] How To Sit. (Poetry) - [158 words] Hundreds Dead. (Poetry) - [276 words] Hush Hush Hits. (Poetry) - [140 words] I Am As Nothing. (Poetry) - [304 words] I Am The Dead Man’S Keeper. (Poetry) - [61 words] I Didn't Care (Poetry) - [100 words] I Guess. (Poetry) - [96 words] I Have Questioned All The Nightly Dreams. (Poetry) - [106 words] I Hear The Lark. (Poetry) - [338 words] I Like That (Poetry) - [87 words] I Love Paris (Poetry) - [172 words] I Love. (Poem) (Poetry) - [158 words] I Stood There Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [198 words] I.D.To Auschwitz (Poetry) - [23 words] If I Could Raise You. (Poetry) - [79 words] If I Could Raise You.(Poem) (Poetry) - [79 words] If I Smile. (Poetry) - [74 words] If Only He Did. (Poetry) - [208 words] If Only It Would. (Poetry) - [103 words] If You Have My Heart. (Poetry) - [98 words] If You Think. (Poetry) - [217 words] Igor Remembered. (Poetry) - [145 words] Ill Looking (Poetry) - [118 words] Illusions Of Love. (Poetry) - [112 words] Image Is Everything. (Poetry) - [136 words] Imagining Baby (Poetry) - [107 words] Imitation Butterfly. (Poetry) - [206 words] In A Side Ward. (Poetry) - [133 words] In A Spider's Web. (Poetry) - [252 words] In Bed Alone 1917 (Poetry) - [167 words] In Bed With Balzac. (Poetry) - [159 words] In Dark Dreams (Poetry) - [122 words] In Dark Shadows (Poetry) - [150 words] In Every Fold. (Poetry) - [125 words] In Exchange. (Poetry) - [66 words] In Father's Room. (Poetry) - [197 words] In Granddad's House. (Poetry) - [222 words] In His Own Way. (Poetry) - [136 words] In London 1975 (Poetry) - [117 words] In Mr Atkinson's Room. (Poetry) - [439 words] In Mrs Clarke's Wake. (Poetry) - [234 words] In My Head. (Poetry) - [78 words] In My Sights. (Poetry) - [272 words] In Session. (Poetry) - [260 words] In Stockholm With Moira. (Poetry) - [220 words] In The Field (Poetry) - [85 words] In The Gym (Poetry) - [237 words] In The Moonlight. (Poetry) - [91 words] In The Past. (Story) (Short Stories) - [1,778 words] In The Small Print. (Poetry) - [128 words] In The Swimming Pool In The Park. (Poetry) - [230 words] In The Tall Clover. (Poetry) - [207 words] In Your Heart. (Poem) (Poetry) - [75 words] In Your Sleep. (Poem) (Poetry) - [148 words] Infringement Of The Rules (Poetry) - [246 words] Ingrid And Bees Humming. (Short Stories) - [962 words] Ingrid And Breakfast (Poetry) - [203 words] Ingrid And Her Dream Of The Wild West. (Poetry) - [246 words] Ingrid And The Feeling Of Being Liked (Poetry) - [334 words] Ingrid And The Go-Cart. (Poetry) - [271 words] Ingrid And You And The Butcher's Shop. (Novels) - [477 words] Ingrid At The Seaside (Poetry) - [126 words] Ingrid Knows. (Poetry) - [178 words] Ingrid One Bedtime. (Short Stories) - [1,033 words] Ingrid One Morning. (Short Stories) - [1,374 words] Ingrid Smokes Pot. (Poetry) - [258 words] Ingrid's Departure 1958 (Poetry) - [130 words] Ingrid's Picnic (Short Stories) - [1,426 words] Ingrid's Pretend Holiday. (Poetry) - [583 words] Inner Doubts (Poetry) - [85 words] Inner Eye 1962 (Poetry) - [227 words] Inner Silence Mcmlxx (Poetry) - [150 words] Inner Thigh. (Poetry) - [73 words] Innes's Yak 1961 (Poetry) - [162 words] Innocent Girl Stare (Poetry) - [399 words] Inside Caitlin. (Short Stories) - [699 words] Inside Her Head. (Poetry) - [175 words] Into Gear 1973 (Poetry) - [59 words] Into The Long Grass (Poetry) - [185 words] Is Dead. (Poetry) - [125 words] Is It. (Poetry) - [25 words] Is Love. (Poetry) - [108 words] Is She In Love? (Poetry) - [271 words] Is That So. (Poetry) - [149 words] Is There Now 1962 (Poetry) - [221 words] Isis And The End Of Day. (Poetry) - [268 words] It All Began. (Poetry) - [87 words] It Happens.(Poem) (Poetry) - [180 words] It Is You. (Poetry) - [113 words] It Isn't A Dream. (Short Stories) - [1,285 words] It Rained 1973 (Poetry) - [144 words] It Was No Joke. (Poetry) - [101 words] It Was Raining 1957 (Poetry) - [307 words] It Wasn't. (Poetry) - [271 words] It's All There. (Poetry) - [264 words] Ivy Inchness. (Short Stories) - [2,732 words] Jackshite Days. (Poetry) - [179 words] Jake' Sister. (Poetry) - [143 words] Jane And Bullfinch Eggs. (Poetry) - [289 words] Jane And Cows. (Poetry) - [366 words] Jane And The Butterfly Kiss. (Poetry) - [501 words] Jane And The Downpour. (Poetry) - [227 words] Jane And The Walk Down The Lane. (Poetry) - [301 words] Jane And You And The Warm Summer Rain( Poem) (Poetry) - [482 words] Jane In Love 1961 (Poetry) - [84 words] Jane One Evening 1961 (Poetry) - [120 words] Jane One Sunday. (Poetry) - [260 words] Jane Says. (Poetry) - [123 words] Jane's Dream 1961 (Poetry) - [294 words] Janette And You And The Slapped Face (Poetry) - [198 words] Janice And Sherbet (Poetry) - [143 words] Janice And The Cafe. (Poetry) - [246 words] Janice And The Lost Earring. (Poetry) - [588 words] Janice And The Plague Of London. (Poetry) - [170 words] Janice And You And Gathering Coal (Poetry) - [254 words] Janice And You And Market Day. (Poetry) - [368 words] Janice And You And The Shoot Out. (Poem (Poetry) - [373 words] Janice And You At London Bridge (Poetry) - [321 words] Janice And You At Waterloo Station (Poetry) - [274 words] Janice In The Afternoon Sun. (Poetry) - [251 words] Janice's Paper Boat 1956 (Poetry) - [95 words] Jazz And The Hobo. (Poetry) - [309 words] Jealous Demon Laid. (Poetry) - [231 words] Jeanette And A Kiss (Poetry) - [102 words] Jeanette And Passion Caused (Poetry) - [164 words] Jeanette's Promise (Poetry) - [266 words] Jeanne's Boredom. (Poetry) - [247 words] Jenny Jenny. (Short Stories) - [2,109 words] Jerusalem 1948 (Poetry) - [129 words] Joe Doe And Hemmingway (Poetry) - [71 words] Jogged Memory. (Poetry) - [122 words] John Muses On A Kiss. (Short Stories) - [1,091 words] Josephine Says. (Poetry) - [200 words] Judith. (Short Stories) - [2,721 words] Judith And A Wedding Day. (Poetry) - [344 words] Judith And Her Thoughts On Death (Poetry) - [285 words] Judith And The Mutt And You By The Big Pond. (Poetry) - [467 words] Judith And You And A Morning Mist (Poetry) - [259 words] Judith And You And The Summer Sky. (Poetry) - [300 words] Judith And You On The Bus Home. (Poetry) - [364 words] Judith Reflected. (Poetry) - [274 words] Judo Practice. (Poetry) - [181 words] Judy And You And Chagall (Poetry) - [385 words] Julie Amd You In Trafalgar Square. (Poetry) - [350 words] Julie And You And Christ (Poetry) - [337 words] Jupp's Dream Girl. (Poetry) - [259 words] Jupp's Girl (Poetry) - [73 words] Just A Chick (Poetry) - [229 words] Just A Drilling Job. (Poetry) - [309 words] Just Above Her Head. (Poetry) - [444 words] Just Another Busy Day (Short Stories) - [533 words] Just Another Sketch. (Poetry) - [152 words] Just As If. (Poetry) - [130 words] Just Because Mother. (Poetry) - [253 words] Just Before Breakfast. (Poetry) - [286 words] Just Being There. (Poetry) - [293 words] Just Beyond. (Poetry) - [156 words] Just Death Waits. (Short Stories) - [677 words] Just For Laughs. (Poetry) - [69 words] Just For You. (Poetry) - [31 words] Just Like Louise Brooks. (Poetry) - [222 words] Just Like That It Went. (Poetry) - [492 words] Just One Drink. (Poetry) - [165 words] Just One Of. (Poetry) - [173 words] Just Smiling (Short Stories) - [638 words] Just So (Poetry) - [103 words] Just The One Visit. (Poetry) - [261 words] Just Us.( New Poem) (Poetry) - [90 words] Just Us (Poem) (Poetry) - [109 words] Kafka Speaks Sense. (Poetry) - [224 words] Keep It Under Wraps. (Poetry) - [128 words] Keep Up Child. (Poetry) - [246 words] Kelloman's Kinky Games. (Poetry) - [332 words] Kennedy's Dead. (Poetry) - [156 words] Kentril's Job. (Poetry) - [205 words] Kept It Hid (Poetry) - [469 words] Kept It Hid 1964 (Poetry) - [252 words] Kept Letters. (Poetry) - [194 words] Kersteen's Bulemic Episode 1995 (Poetry) - [74 words] Kersty's Hellhole. (Poetry) - [207 words] Kid Minding. (Poetry) - [212 words] Kids And Coppers. (Poetry) - [399 words] Kids In Phone Booths. (Poetry) - [210 words] Kids Stuff Now. (Poetry) - [103 words] Killing Hawk (Poetry) - [89 words] Kind Of Drowned (Poetry) - [209 words] Kind Words To Cold Hearts. (Poetry) - [87 words] Kiss Kiss 1973 (Poetry) - [60 words] Kiss Me Quick 1975 (Poetry) - [83 words] Kiss Of Kisses. (Poetry) - [236 words] Kiss On Cheek Or Brow. (Poetry) - [92 words] Kiss Or Kisses (Poetry) - [159 words] Kissed Him There. (Poetry) - [444 words] Kissed Him Today. (Poetry) - [272 words] Kissing Photos. (Poetry) - [185 words] Kittens And Warzones 1955 (Poetry) - [94 words] Knowing Martha 1963 (Poetry) - [208 words] Laid To Rest (Poetry) - [108 words] Lake Michigan 1920 (Poetry) - [147 words] L'amour Est Mort. (Poetry) - [105 words] Last Confession (Short Stories) - [1,064 words] Last Conversation (Poetry) - [131 words] Last Orders 1971 (Poetry) - [183 words] Last Rites. (Poetry) - [184 words] Last Tango. (Short Stories) - [863 words] Last Time Maybe. (Poetry) - [226 words] Last Time.(Poem) (Poetry) - [488 words] Last Visitation To Coney Island. (Poetry) - [198 words] Late Home. (Poetry) - [263 words] Late Summer. (Poetry) - [145 words] Laundromat Guy. (Poetry) - [223 words] Least Not Yet. (Poetry) - [284 words] Left At The Altar Damage Case. (Poetry) - [314 words] Left In The Dark (Poetry) - [148 words] Leg Examination 1959 (Poetry) - [229 words] Lent 1970. (Short Stories) - [551 words] Less. (Poetry) - [103 words] Less Than Blue Skies. (Poetry) - [363 words] Let Down. (Poem) (Poetry) - [111 words] Let Him Wait. (Poetry) - [212 words] Let It Be. (Poetry) - [170 words] Let It Be Me. (Poetry) - [216 words] Let It Stay There (Poetry) - [302 words] Let Them Have It. (Poetry) - [236 words] Let Us. (Poetry) - [93 words] Let Us Not Admit Our Pirate Love. (Poetry) - [65 words] Letter To Andre. (Short Stories) - [907 words] Letters After The Name (Poetry) - [32 words] Letting Off Her Steam. (Poetry) - [192 words] Liberating Coal. (Poetry) - [241 words] Life And Sand. (Poetry) - [198 words] Life By Misadventure. (Poetry) - [399 words] Life Chnaging 1940 (Poetry) - [113 words] Life Without Men. (Poetry) - [136 words] Lift Him High. (Poetry) - [82 words] Light Of His Eye. (Poetry) - [210 words] Like A Treasure Sold. (Poetry) - [237 words] Like Alice Does. (Poetry) - [120 words] Like Apure Sea Mcmlxviii (Poetry) - [153 words] Like Barking Hounds. (Poetry) - [292 words] Like Bright Springs. (Poetry) - [39 words] Like Doomed Black Birds. (Poetry) - [287 words] Like Her Mother (Poetry) - [60 words] Like Horny Men. (Poetry) - [189 words] Like It's A Sin. (Short Stories) - [1,212 words] Like Joe Stalin. (Poetry) - [207 words] Likewise To You. (Poetry) - [257 words] Lily Lavatera. (Short Stories) - [2,119 words] Lily's Kittens. (Poetry) - [168 words] Lily's Lament. (Poetry) - [225 words] Ling Say. (Poetry) - [44 words] Lips On Skin Mmclxxi (Poetry) - [163 words] Lipstick On His Collar(Poem) (Poetry) - [280 words] Lisa And The Aftermath After Sunday. (Poetry) - [268 words] Listening To Elvis 1962 (Poetry) - [239 words] Little Left. (Poetry) - [54 words] Little Lies Big Heart. (Poetry) - [420 words] Little Miss Muffet. (Short Stories) - [2,541 words] Living With Ghosts. (Poetry) - [254 words] Living's What We Do. (Poetry) - [267 words] Lizbeth And 1960 And Frustration. (Short Stories) - [874 words] Lizbeth And Failure. (Poetry) - [383 words] Lizbeth And The Old Hut. (Poetry) - [103 words] Lizbeth And Tomorrow (Short Stories) - [1,049 words] Lizbeth Came 1961 (Poetry) - [186 words] Lizbeth Dreams (Poetry) - [58 words] Lizbeth Hopes (Poetry) - [185 words] Lizbeth Muses 1961 (Poetry) - [126 words] Lizbeth Pretends (Short Stories) - [1,051 words] Lizbeth Sucks. (Poetry) - [53 words] Lizbeth's Bath (Poetry) - [82 words] Lizbeth's Empty Feeling. (Short Stories) - [708 words] Lizbeth's Fourth Visit. (Short Stories) - [1,179 words] Lizbeth's Second Visit (Poetry) - [421 words] Lizbeth's Talk 1961 (Poetry) - [192 words] Lizbeth's Third Visit. (Poetry) - [543 words] Lizbeth's Visit. (Poetry) - [885 words] Lizzie Knew. (Poetry) - [169 words] Llove At First Sight(Poem) (Poetry) - [63 words] Logan Like The Girls. (Poetry) - [289 words] Logart's Date. (Poetry) - [273 words] Lonely In Maplewood. (Poetry) - [280 words] Lonesome Shore (Poetry) - [99 words] Long Ago Kiss. (Poetry) - [105 words] Long Ago Talk. (Poetry) - [210 words] Long Sad Drag (Poetry) - [83 words] Long Tall Sally. (Short Stories) - [2,167 words] Looked Like Rain (Poetry) - [559 words] Looking At Trees. (Poetry) - [153 words] Looking Back 1965 (Poetry) - [144 words] Looking Back. (Poem) (Poetry) - [55 words] Looking Beyond. (Poem) (Poetry) - [252 words] Looking For Why (Poetry) - [89 words] Looking Out Of Windows. (Poetry) - [145 words] Looks Like Rain.(Poem) (Poetry) - [276 words] Looming Grief. (Poetry) - [162 words] Loose Change. (Poetry) - [120 words] Los Angeles 1942 (Poetry) - [184 words] Losing Baby. (Poetry) - [104 words] Lost At Sea. (Poetry) - [264 words] Lost Coin. (Poetry) - [337 words] Lost In God Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [151 words] Lost In The Air (Poetry) - [329 words] Lost Locket. (Poetry) - [241 words] Lost Opportunity. (Poetry) - [287 words] Lost Thoughts Of Chairman Mao. (Poetry) - [128 words] Lost Words.(Poem) (Poetry) - [154 words] Love And Loss. (Poetry) - [134 words] Love Cannot Last. (Poetry) - [181 words] Love Doesn't End With Death. (Poetry) - [187 words] Love Her Still (Poetry) - [130 words] Love Is Here. (Poetry) - [113 words] Love Letters Found. (Poetry) - [236 words] Love Like This Comes Slowly (Poetry) - [72 words] Love & Love. (Poetry) - [284 words] Love & Marriage. (Short Stories) - [571 words] Love Of Jasmine. (Poetry) - [222 words] Love Of Mr Chowdy (Poetry) - [149 words] Love That Never Dies.(Poem) (Poetry) - [165 words] Love Unsure (Poetry) - [214 words] Lovely Tours (Poetry) - [121 words] Loves To Dance. (Poetry) - [146 words] Loves You Not. (Poetry) - [201 words] Loving Mr Fudgee. (Poetry) - [198 words] Loving North 1914 (Poetry) - [202 words] Lucia Has Beauty. (Poetry) - [208 words] Lucia Says. (Poetry) - [234 words] Lucille. (Short Stories) - [2,663 words] Lulu's Antics. (Poetry) - [270 words] Lunch At Bordeaux 1970 (Poetry) - [195 words] Lunch Recess. (Poetry) - [207 words] Lunch With Yiska 1962 (Poetry) - [208 words] Lydia Gets To Go. (Poetry) - [176 words] Lydia Might. (Poetry) - [206 words] Lydia Unwell 1957 (Poetry) - [173 words] Lying Alone 1961 (Poetry) - [173 words] Lying Photos. (Poetry) - [232 words] Lying With Coco. (Poetry) - [226 words] Mad Marie. (Poetry) - [228 words] Maddy And Mother. (Short Stories) - [580 words] Made His Way For This. (Poetry) - [204 words] Madge & Mother. (Poetry) - [237 words] Madison Square 1900. (Poetry) - [186 words] Madrel Loved Dry Weather. (Poetry) - [202 words] Magdalene And The Beatles's First Lp. (Poetry) - [320 words] Magdalene And The Deep Dark (Poetry) - [278 words] Magdalene, Martha And The Crucified. (Short Stories) - [677 words] Magdalene's Misbehaviour 1963 (Poetry) - [132 words] Magdalene's Punishment 1963 (Poetry) - [187 words] Maggie's Memories. (Short Stories) - [519 words] Maggie's Voices. (Short Stories) - [595 words] Mailman's Blues. (Poetry) - [342 words] Make A Wish. (Poetry) - [88 words] Make Peace 1997 (Poetry) - [67 words] Making Love. (Poetry) - [113 words] Making The Most Of. (Poetry) - [224 words] Mamie And You In Madrid (Poetry) - [269 words] Mamie In Malaga (Poetry) - [281 words] Man Amongst Men 1940 (Poetry) - [242 words] Man Overboard (Poetry) - [334 words] Manhattan 1936. (Poetry) - [178 words] Manhattan 2009. (Poetry) - [201 words] Many A True Word. (Poetry) - [143 words] Marbax Watches. (Poetry) - [198 words] Marcel Was Right (Poetry) - [89 words] Marcel's Madness. (Poetry) - [85 words] Marina's Night. (Poetry) - [160 words] Mario's Wife. (Poetry) - [112 words] Markets Aren't. (Poetry) - [242 words] Marks Of Sin. (Poetry) - [491 words] Martha At The Mother House (Poetry) - [462 words] Martha' S Ebony Christ. (Poetry) - [147 words] Martha's Confession 1963 (Poetry) - [222 words] Martha's Crucified. (Poetry) - [291 words] Martha's Night Out. (Short Stories) - [850 words] Mary And The Old Priest (Poetry) - [234 words] Mary Stopped (Poetry) - [159 words] Mary's Bathime 1963 (Poetry) - [185 words] Mary's Beans Of Sin 1963 (Poetry) - [118 words] Master's Return. (Poetry) - [152 words] Matilda & Mr Doozie. (Short Stories) - [538 words] Matins 1907. (Short Stories) - [874 words] Matter Of Beauty. (Poetry) - [265 words] Matthew Knows (Poetry) - [81 words] Maundy Thursday And Later. (Poetry) - [282 words] Maureen's Gin Night. (Short Stories) - [702 words] Max Declines (Poetry) - [232 words] Max Is Fixed. (Poetry) - [167 words] Max Likes Dames. (Poetry) - [152 words] Max Likes Debussy. (Poetry) - [151 words] Max Met Marilyn. (Poetry) - [133 words] Max & Miss Modriss. (Poetry) - [211 words] Max Moves Out. (Poetry) - [114 words] Max& The Coke Girl. (Poetry) - [174 words] Max Watching. (Poetry) - [189 words] Max's Black Book (Poetry) - [175 words] Max's Dame. (Poetry) - [163 words] Max's House. (Poetry) - [227 words] Max's Moans. (Poetry) - [120 words] Maybe Next Time 1961 (Poetry) - [155 words] Maybe Somehow. (Poetry) - [119 words] Maybe Too Late. (Poetry) - [289 words] Maybe Up West. (Poetry) - [313 words] Mayster's Broad. (Short Stories) - [514 words] [Literary Fiction] Mcgrath & Co. (Poetry) - [217 words] M.E.Days. (Poetry) - [170 words] Meditating Lark. (Poetry) - [202 words] Meet Place 1968 (Poetry) - [134 words] Meeting At Lunch Time Recess. (Short Stories) - [1,095 words] Meeting By Nelson's Column (Poetry) - [388 words] Meeting For Coffee And Such In 1967. (Poetry) - [228 words] Meeting Judith In The Store. (Poetry) - [371 words] Meeting Ken. (Poetry) - [194 words] Meeting Lydia (Poetry) - [555 words] Meeting Point (Poetry) - [413 words] Meeting With Nima. (Poetry) - [357 words] Melancholic Musing. (Poetry) - [143 words] Memories Before Matins. (Short Stories) - [602 words] Memories Of. (Poetry) - [64 words] Memory. (Poetry) - [142 words] Memory Of Thighs. (Poetry) - [69 words] Men Will Watch Paint Dry. (Poetry) - [141 words] Mid June And Midday Recess. (Poetry) - [354 words] Mid Term Break (Poetry) - [237 words] Might Be Better. (Poetry) - [490 words] Might Have Known (Poetry) - [319 words] Milka Braves. (Poetry) - [120 words] Milka By The Duck Pond. (Poetry) - [196 words] Milka, Elvis And Me And More In 1964. (Poetry) - [195 words] Milka Touched. (Poetry) - [49 words] Milka's Foul Mood 1964 (Poetry) - [233 words] Milka's Moods (Poetry) - [371 words] Milka's Morning Rise 1964 (Poetry) - [102 words] Millie's Mother (Poetry) - [216 words] Mimi's Books. (Poetry) - [271 words] Mind Session. (Poetry) - [116 words] Mind The Language. (Poetry) - [130 words] Miriam (Short Stories) - [2,582 words] Miriam At Burgos In 1970. (Poetry) - [171 words] Miriam Has The Hots 1970 (Poetry) - [112 words] Miriam In Madrid. (Poetry) - [143 words] Miriam Posing. (Poetry) - [273 words] Miriam's New Clothes. (Poetry) - [70 words] Miriam's That Kind Of Love. (Poetry) - [457 words] Mirror Image. (Short Stories) - [622 words] Miryam And Madrid. (Poetry) - [370 words] Miryam Through Paris (Poetry) - [154 words] Miryam's Tent. (Poetry) - [315 words] Misadventure.(Poem) (Poetry) - [158 words] Miscarriages. (Poetry) - [174 words] Miss Arkle's Wart. (Poetry) - [153 words] Miss Billings And Snow And All. (Poetry) - [345 words] Miss Billings And You And The Gas Station On The Third Day. (Poetry) - [360 words] Miss Doctich Said. (Poetry) - [182 words] Miss Maitland Of The D.I.Y. Store. (Poetry) - [330 words] Miss Pinkie And Her Ship Of Love. (Poetry) - [151 words] Miss Pinkie And Puccini 1973 (Poetry) - [198 words] Miss Pinkie And The Professor. (Poetry) - [268 words] Miss Pinkie In For The Kill. (Poetry) - [131 words] Miss Pinkie's Touch. (Poetry) - [137 words] Miss Pretty And The Dim Night. (Poetry) - [69 words] Miss Sproad Loves. (Poetry) - [126 words] Miss You Much. (Poetry) - [76 words] Missed Chance. (Poetry) - [367 words] Missed Chances. (Short Stories) - [1,717 words] Missed The End. (Poetry) - [178 words] Misshaped Love. (Poetry) - [285 words] Missy's 1966. (Poetry) - [250 words] Mistaken For Love. (Poetry) - [201 words] Mistrust Of Sex. (Poetry) - [116 words] Misunderstanding (Poetry) - [121 words] Moby Dick 1973 (Poetry) - [68 words] Moira And The World's Grief. (Poetry) - [331 words] Moira And You And The Caravans. (Poetry) - [184 words] Moira At The Hamburg Base Camp (Poetry) - [425 words] Moira Outside Stockholm (Poetry) - [309 words] Mole Sees Bonnie. (Poetry) - [195 words] Molly & Men. (Poetry) - [215 words] Molly's First Drink (Poetry) - [125 words] Moment Of Your Time. (Short Stories) - [707 words] Mona's Monday Morning (Poetry) - [207 words] Monday Morning On The Bus. (Poetry) - [374 words] Monday Morning Sales 1972 (Poetry) - [172 words] Monsieur's Dream. (Poetry) - [320 words] Months On End. (Poetry) - [179 words] Mood Black 1965 (Poetry) - [163 words] Moon Glow Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [161 words] Moon's Cool Glow 1971 (Poetry) - [99 words] Moral Of Kissing 1962 (Poetry) - [143 words] More Booze And Sex. (Poetry) - [323 words] More Letters. (Poetry) - [134 words] More Required (Poetry) - [251 words] More Than Fishing (Short Stories) - [1,010 words] More's The Pity (Poetry) - [399 words] Morning After. (Poem) (Poetry) - [224 words] Morning And Memories (Poetry) - [267 words] Morning Has Broken. (Poetry) - [90 words] Morning Mourning. (Poetry) - [190 words] Morning Sky. (Poetry) - [138 words] Morning Song. (Poetry) - [335 words] Morning Time. (Poetry) - [154 words] Morning Time Head. (Poetry) - [132 words] Moroccan Beach 1970 (Poetry) - [50 words] Most Of The Night (Poetry) - [217 words] Mother Aged Quickly. (Poetry) - [116 words] Mother And Child 1904. (Short Stories) - [679 words] Mother & Booze. (Poetry) - [202 words] Mother Comes. (Poetry) - [186 words] Mother & Dead Child. (Poetry) - [62 words] Mother Left. (Poetry) - [137 words] Mother Loved Eddie. (Poetry) - [178 words] Mother Margaret's Feast Day. (Short Stories) - [1,483 words] Mother Said Of Men. (Poetry) - [230 words] Mother Shucking Peas. (Poetry) - [183 words] Mother Silent (Poetry) - [99 words] Mother Wanted. (Poetry) - [262 words] Mother Was A Drag. (Poetry) - [200 words] Mother's Lecture 1961 (Poetry) - [321 words] Mother's Shadow. (Poetry) - [199 words] Move On. (Poetry) - [184 words] Moving Sexually There. (Poetry) - [216 words] Mr Brishfelt Disappoints. (Poetry) - [204 words] Mr Engels. (Poetry) - [267 words] Mr Paddy's Capers. (Poetry) - [172 words] Mrs Clark's Daughter. (Poetry) - [185 words] Mrs Cleves And The Possible Wrath. (Poetry) - [262 words] Mrs Dillinger And You And The Office Across The Road. (Poetry) - [317 words] Mrs Fairweather's Intentions. (Poetry) - [489 words] Mrs Ford's Sexual Young Man. (Poetry) - [231 words] Mrs Lotski's Love. (Poetry) - [230 words] Mrs Murphy's Third Child. (Poetry) - [117 words] Mrs Netley And You. (Poetry) - [131 words] Mrs Oldham On The Slow Train And Before. (Poetry) - [231 words] Mrs Orbeck's Regulations. (Poetry) - [226 words] Mrs Tinkledrip's Demise. (Poetry) - [119 words] Mrs Toadsbody's Art. (Poetry) - [241 words] Mrs Ushmore's Pussy. (Poetry) - [401 words] Mugging In Edinburgh (Poetry) - [194 words] Mulligan. (Poetry) - [191 words] Musing On An Older Lover (Poetry) - [218 words] Musing On Yochana. (Poetry) - [121 words] Musing Over Latte. (Poetry) - [161 words] Musing With Milka (Poetry) - [203 words] My Apartment. (Poetry) - [260 words] My Hands. (Poetry) - [38 words] My Mind Dim (Poetry) - [131 words] Myfanwy Price And Her Dark Dreams Of 1959. (Short Stories) - [521 words] N0 Smoking (Poetry) - [203 words] Naaman As Before 1062 (Poetry) - [102 words] Naaman Feeling Low 1962 (Poetry) - [115 words] Naaman Muses 1962 (Poetry) - [83 words] Naaman's Book 1962 (Poetry) - [185 words] Nadine's Wait. (Poetry) - [155 words] Nadya Imagines. (Poetry) - [195 words] Nadya Used To. (Poetry) - [213 words] Naming Of Things. (Poetry) - [249 words] Natanaya By The Coast. (Poetry) - [172 words] Natanya Not Amused 1976 (Poetry) - [115 words] Nature Of Greif. (Poetry) - [120 words] Near To His Grace (Poetry) - [309 words] Needing A Leak. (Poetry) - [231 words] Needs Must. (Poetry) - [236 words] Nesta Turned 1996 (Poetry) - [189 words] Nesta's Welcome 1996 (Poetry) - [145 words] Netanya And Brighton. (Poetry) - [244 words] Netanya And Sex (Poetry) - [103 words] Netanya's Fingers (Poetry) - [83 words] Netanya's Game. (Poetry) - [185 words] Never Forgotten First Love. (Poetry) - [158 words] Never Get Back. (Poetry) - [146 words] Never Get Over. (Short Stories) - [1,066 words] Never Knew Grief (Poetry) - [94 words] Never Know Now. (Poetry) - [155 words] Never More. (Poetry) - [51 words] Never Said. (Poetry) - [140 words] Never Tell Mother. (Poetry) - [335 words] Never Told Her That. (Poetry) - [442 words] Never Understood. (Poetry) - [199 words] New Ballgame. (Poetry) - [141 words] New Cleaning (Poetry) - [14 words] New Clothes For Paris. (Poetry) - [226 words] New Dawn. (Poetry) - [51 words] New Jersey 1926 (Poetry) - [168 words] New Lady's Maid (Poetry) - [362 words] New Life. (Poetry) - [672 words] New Moon Not Old (Poetry) - [132 words] New Orleans 1922. (Poetry) - [267 words] New Worlds Being Born (Poetry) - [422 words] New York 1943. (Poetry) - [243 words] Nichols And The Fight 1961 (Poetry) - [175 words] Night After Night 1974 (Poetry) - [114 words] Night Before. (Poetry) - [281 words] Night Kisses 1916 (Poetry) - [148 words] Night Out.(Poem) (Poetry) - [193 words] Night Talk 1971 (Poetry) - [180 words] Nights & Days Since Baby's Death. (Poetry) - [129 words] Nikos Scanned His Wife. (Poetry) - [208 words] Nima And A Booked Room 1967 (Poetry) - [199 words] Nima At Sea 1967 (Poetry) - [117 words] Nima Back Home 1967 (Poetry) - [102 words] Nima Holds It In. (Poetry) - [71 words] No Bad Language. (Poetry) - [189 words] No Big Sin 1965 (Poetry) - [260 words] No Bombs Here. (Poetry) - [193 words] No Boy Scout. (Poetry) - [123 words] No Church Meeting (Poetry) - [155 words] No Confession. (Poetry) - [327 words] No Date That Time 1951 (Poetry) - [241 words] No Donovan (Poetry) - [110 words] No Floods Came. (Poetry) - [191 words] No Great Escape. (Poetry) - [188 words] No Happy Endings. (Poetry) - [121 words] No Lessons Learned. (Poetry) - [288 words] No Letter Of Love. (Poetry) - [200 words] No Link Required. (Poetry) - [251 words] No Longer There. (Poetry) - [193 words] No Matter How Much. (Poetry) - [291 words] No More Christine Said. (Poetry) - [260 words] No More Of That. (Poetry) - [269 words] No More Offices. (Poetry) - [122 words] No More To Say (Poetry) - [502 words] No Moving On. (Poetry) - [155 words] No Muse For Henmeyer. (Poetry) - [319 words] No Need No Gain 1961 (Poetry) - [183 words] No One Bothered. (Poetry) - [179 words] No Other Things To Do. (Poetry) - [306 words] No Pitter Patter (Poetry) - [195 words] No Place To Go She Said (Poetry) - [336 words] No Possibility. (Poetry) - [203 words] No Postcards 1965 (Poetry) - [212 words] No Regrets (Poem) (Poetry) - [401 words] No Remorse. (Short Stories) - [937 words] No Running. (Poetry) - [185 words] No Sale. (Poetry) - [330 words] No Sex With Her. (Poetry) - [253 words] No Sign No Sound (Poetry) - [79 words] No Sign Of Rain. (Poetry) - [244 words] No Sound 1958 (Poetry) - [287 words] No Sun Worshipper (Poetry) - [232 words] No Swan Came. (Poetry) - [320 words] No Touch Of Sin. (Poetry) - [321 words] No War Is Over. (Poetry) - [137 words] No Welcome. (Poetry) - [175 words] No Words Came Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [150 words] Nodmeyer Remembers. (Poetry) - [93 words] Noga Watched. (Poetry) - [204 words] None Misses (Poetry) - [64 words] None Of That Or The Other. (Poetry) - [374 words] Norris's Illusion 1959 (Poetry) - [115 words] Not A Girl Thing. (Poetry) - [190 words] Not A Time To Die. (Poetry) - [283 words] Not A Trick(Poem) (Poetry) - [119 words] Not Allow That. (Poetry) - [171 words] Not Always What We Seek (Poetry) - [319 words] Not An Answer Why. (Poetry) - [424 words] Not Ask Again (Poetry) - [477 words] Not At All. (Short Stories) - [2,425 words] Not At Auschwitz. (Short Stories) - [1,021 words] Not Be Half Blind. (Poetry) - [244 words] Not Be Late (Poetry) - [292 words] Not Being Here (Poetry) - [98 words] Not Beyond The Day. (Poetry) - [265 words] Not Camera Shy. (Poetry) - [150 words] Not Close. (Poetry) - [179 words] Not For Me. (Poetry) - [202 words] Not Forever. (Poetry) - [198 words] Not Forget George. (Poetry) - [223 words] Not From The Bronx. (Poetry) - [159 words] Not Have To Go. (Poetry) - [429 words] Not Her Kind. (Poetry) - [220 words] Not Herself. (Poetry) - [160 words] Not His Usual. (Poetry) - [286 words] Not His Usual Kind. (Poetry) - [137 words] Not Hurtful And Mean. (Poetry) - [330 words] Not In Manhattan. (Poetry) - [153 words] Not In Your Wildest Dreams. (Poetry) - [229 words] Not Just Distance. (Poetry) - [159 words] Not Just Yet. (Short Stories) - [858 words] Not Knowing What. (Poetry) - [77 words] Not Like The Birds. (Poetry) - [146 words] Not Mend (Poetry) - [105 words] Not My Hedge. (Poetry) - [34 words] Not Of Flowers. (Poetry) - [90 words] Not One Ave. (Poetry) - [119 words] Not One Of Those. (Poetry) - [184 words] Not Paul Klee. (Poetry) - [226 words] Not School Work. (Poetry) - [320 words] Not So Fast 1962 (Poetry) - [62 words] Not Sufficient. (Poetry) - [239 words] Not The Player. (Poetry) - [86 words] Not There(Poem) (Poetry) - [159 words] Not This Time. (Poetry) - [152 words] Not Wanting To Forget (Poetry) - [213 words] Not With Him. (Poetry) - [78 words] Nothing Else Could Matter. (Poetry) - [419 words] Nothing Else Mattered. Chapter One. (Novels) - [696 words] Nothing Left.( Poem) (Poetry) - [103 words] Nothing Of Him. (Poetry) - [146 words] Nothing On Her Feet 1967 (Poetry) - [130 words] Nothing Seems To Fit. (Poetry) - [215 words] Nothing To Say.( Poem) (Poetry) - [173 words] Nothing Ventured (Poetry) - [152 words] Notion Of Not Being. (Poetry) - [334 words] November Snow. (Poetry) - [57 words] November Walk. (Poetry) - [162 words] Now And Rare (Poetry) - [158 words] Now And Then.(Poem) (Poetry) - [170 words] Now Wanting It More. (Poetry) - [375 words] Nuit Et Jour. (Poetry) - [63 words] Nun And Matins. (Poetry) - [610 words] Nun Watching. (Poem) (Poetry) - [98 words] Nun's Golgotha. (Poetry) - [90 words] O'brien's Rant. (Poetry) - [92 words] Ocd Blues. (Poetry) - [177 words] Ocean Of Tall Grass. (Poetry) - [360 words] Odd Desire. (Poetry) - [238 words] Odd Work Of Art. (Poetry) - [175 words] Ofetn When I Laugh. (Poetry) - [105 words] Off Meadow Row (Poetry) - [251 words] Off To Peckham With Janice. (Poetry) - [345 words] Office At Night. (Poetry) - [291 words] Office Blues (Poetry) - [159 words] Office Promotion. (Poetry) - [129 words] Often Times. (Poetry) - [184 words] Oh Too Much (Poetry) - [423 words] Oh Well (Poem) (Poetry) - [173 words] Old Bob. (Poetry) - [107 words] Old Chestnut (Poetry) - [43 words] Old Dame. (Poetry) - [131 words] Old Days. (Poetry) - [246 words] Old Mrs Truber. (Poetry) - [203 words] Old Pictures In Florence. (Short Stories) - [2,631 words] Old Whores And Montez. (Poetry) - [217 words] Ole In New York. (Poetry) - [161 words] Ole In Vegas. (Poetry) - [179 words] Ole My Man. (Poetry) - [222 words] Ole The He-Man. (Poetry) - [127 words] Olive Eater. (Poetry) - [223 words] On A Bright Spring Day. (Poetry) - [461 words] On A Park Bench (Poetry) - [282 words] On A Summer Break. (Poetry) - [67 words] On A Sunday 1958 (Poetry) - [205 words] On Avast Wild Sea. (Poetry) - [198 words] On Finding The Hendrix Tee Shirt (Poetry) - [98 words] On Harlow. (Poetry) - [132 words] On Lips (Poetry) - [90 words] On Miss Schlipnar. (Poetry) - [187 words] On Seeing Enid (Poetry) - [166 words] On Seeing Her Sister. (Poetry) - [85 words] On Sundays. (Poetry) - [235 words] On The Grass By Banks House. (Poetry) - [222 words] On The Horizon (Poetry) - [126 words] On The Night Ward. (Poetry) - [345 words] On The Road (Poetry) - [199 words] On The Road To Malaga 1970 (Poetry) - [182 words] On The Way To Donovan's. (Poetry) - [205 words] On Tuesdays (Poetry) - [223 words] On Visiting A Convent (Poetry) - [172 words] On Waking One Morning. (Poetry) - [281 words] On Yiska's Breast. (Poetry) - [273 words] Once Before None. (Poetry) - [45 words] Once Died Here. (Poetry) - [440 words] Once (Poem) (Poetry) - [120 words] One Afternoon That Summer (Poetry) - [437 words] One As Such. (Poetry) - [165 words] One Born Dead. (Poetry) - [249 words] One Dark Hell. (Poetry) - [172 words] One Day Dead 1963 (Poetry) - [237 words] One Day On The Beach. (Poetry) - [196 words] One Day Scout 1959 (Poetry) - [159 words] One Friday Night On The Way Home. (Poetry) - [206 words] One In Nature Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [145 words] One Left. (Poetry) - [120 words] One Leg Anne. (Poetry) - [396 words] One Leg Anne And The Innocent Flirt(Poem) (Poetry) - [351 words] One Leg Anne Goes For A Swim (Poetry) - [471 words] One Leg Anne In The Summer House. (Poetry) - [347 words] One Leg Anne On The Beach. (Poetry) - [266 words] One Leg Anne's Escape (Poetry) - [298 words] One Legged Anne And Fate. (Poetry) - [390 words] One Legged Anne And Hormones. (Poetry) - [347 words] One Legged Anne And Pain In The Leg Not There. (Poetry) - [333 words] One Legged Anne And The Kid (Poetry) - [576 words] One Legged Anne And You And The Sea Air. (Poetry) - [285 words] One Legged Anne's Bath Night. (Poetry) - [459 words] One More Day.(Poem) (Poetry) - [200 words] One Morning 1961 (Poetry) - [189 words] One Moroccan Beach (Poetry) - [468 words] One Of Hers. (Poetry) - [183 words] One Of The Crowd (Poetry) - [249 words] One Of The Dancers. (Poetry) - [353 words] One Of Your Heads. (Poetry) - [251 words] One Off Creatures. (Poetry) - [184 words] One Summer 1958 (Poetry) - [394 words] One Summer 1962 (Poetry) - [287 words] One To One. (Poetry) - [106 words] One Wet Day. (Poetry) - [292 words] Only (Poetry) - [174 words] Only Human 1962 (Poetry) - [146 words] Only It Wasn't. (Poetry) - [80 words] Only One. (Poem) (Poetry) - [67 words] Only See So Far. (Poetry) - [280 words] Only Us. (Poetry) - [125 words] Only Way. (Poetry) - [131 words] Opened Shutters Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [246 words] Opposite Freudbank. (Poetry) - [309 words] Oregon 1947 (Poetry) - [267 words] Osrid Rode Tramcars. (Poetry) - [223 words] Other Nights 1970 (Poetry) - [175 words] Our Last (Poetry) - [113 words] Our Paris 1973 (Poetry) - [67 words] Our Sins (Poetry) - [136 words] Out In The Rain. (Poetry) - [391 words] Out Of My Head 1940 (Poetry) - [130 words] Out Of My Head 1964 (Poetry) - [141 words] Out Of The Rain (Poetry) - [204 words] Out Of The Shade 1965 (Poetry) - [203 words] Out Of This World Desire (Poetry) - [234 words] Out Of Wet Stuff. (Poetry) - [206 words] Out On Show 1940 (Poetry) - [175 words] Out There. (Poem) (Poetry) - [93 words] Out With Helen. (Poetry) - [186 words] Outshining The Sun. (Poetry) - [219 words] Outside Bruges 1974 (Poetry) - [130 words] Outside Burgos With Mamie. (Poetry) - [348 words] Outside Kiel With Dalya (Poetry) - [239 words] Outside Mr Dubbin's Room. (Poetry) - [396 words] Outside Oslo. (Poetry) - [287 words] Outside Paris 1970 (Poetry) - [186 words] Outside The Cinema. (Poetry) - [271 words] Outside There's Snow. (Poetry) - [344 words] Over His Latte (Poetry) - [265 words] Over The Way (Poetry) - [195 words] Overdose. (Poetry) - [128 words] Overhead Sky 1962 (Poetry) - [215 words] Overheard (Poetry) - [284 words] Painted Lady. (Poetry) - [167 words] Pandemonium At The Asylum. (Poetry) - [99 words] Paper (Poetry) - [101 words] Paper Plane Game 1956 (Poetry) - [92 words] Parent Rows. (Poetry) - [155 words] Paris 1900 (Poetry) - [146 words] Paris 1926. (Poetry) - [300 words] Paris 1933. (Poetry) - [272 words] Paris 1973 (Poem) (Poetry) - [157 words] Paris At Night. (Poetry) - [283 words] Paris With Dostoyevsky. (Poetry) - [265 words] Parisian Showering 1973 (Poetry) - [123 words] Parisian Summer 1973 (Poetry) - [238 words] Park Bench Blues. (Poetry) - [141 words] Parting Kiss. (Poetry) - [163 words] Partners In Crime. (Poetry) - [133 words] Passage Of Youth (Poetry) - [240 words] Passions Of Paris. (Short Stories) - [535 words] Patience In Bed. (Poetry) - [229 words] Pause Between Dances. (Poetry) - [168 words] Peacock Girl (Poetry) - [505 words] Peggy Sue. (Short Stories) - [2,180 words] Penny For Them. (Poetry) - [161 words] Pennysylvania 1948. (Poetry) - [208 words] Pensive Girl. (Poetry) - [204 words] Pentecost 1972. (Short Stories) - [596 words] Perchance To Sleep. (Poetry) - [283 words] Perhaps It Will 1975 (Poetry) - [124 words] Peter's Prayer. (Poetry) - [83 words] Petinni Loved The Sun. (Poetry) - [140 words] Philip Visits Grace 1940 (Poetry) - [278 words] Photo Take. (Poetry) - [170 words] Picnic Trip (Poetry) - [177 words] Picnic With Janice 1956 (Poetry) - [243 words] Pie Making With Mother. (Poetry) - [182 words] Pierce Hearted 1962 (Poetry) - [206 words] Pierre & Paris. (Poetry) - [115 words] Pillow Talk. (Poetry) - [239 words] Pipe Me To Pastures Still (Short Stories) - [2,411 words] Placing On Of Hands. (Poetry) - [274 words] Plan A(Poem) (Poetry) - [47 words] Playing To The Crowd (Poetry) - [413 words] Plus Side (Poetry) - [39 words] Pocket Lust. (Poetry) - [230 words] Poitiers And Beyond. (Poetry) - [354 words] Polishing The Silver. (Poetry) - [260 words] Polly In George's Room. (Poetry) - [290 words] Polly In The Dark 1917 (Poetry) - [124 words] Polly Strips His Bed. (Poetry) - [229 words] Polly's Thoughts Of George. (Poetry) - [286 words] Pond Date. (Poetry) - [227 words] Port In A Storm. (Short Stories) - [555 words] Portia In Florence (Poetry) - [122 words] Portia's Chitchat. (Poetry) - [285 words] Postcard (Poetry) - [130 words] Postcard Pain. (Poetry) - [249 words] Potomac Beach 1920. (Poetry) - [262 words] Pottery Class In 1959 (Poetry) - [214 words] Pound Of Flesh. (Poetry) - [313 words] Practising. (Poetry) - [68 words] Practising Night 1962 (Poetry) - [254 words] Prayer Of Dancing. (Poetry) - [161 words] Preferable Changes (Poetry) - [300 words] Preparation For Sex. (Poetry) - [532 words] Preparing For Petros. (Poetry) - [397 words] Pre-Raphaelite In A Cafe. (Poetry) - [73 words] Prestwick Dines. (Poetry) - [167 words] Pretending To Sleep. (Short Stories) - [1,050 words] Prior To Lauds. (Short Stories) - [717 words] Prior To The Dance. (Poetry) - [209 words] Process Of Undressing And The Letter. (Poetry) - [238 words] Promise Made And Kept. (Poetry) - [174 words] Promises Promises. (Short Stories) - [603 words] Puberty. (Short Stories) - [5,052 words] Pump Pump Heart 1961 (Poetry) - [207 words] Punch Drunk. (Novels) - [74 words] Pure & Simple. (Poetry) - [129 words] Purgatory( Poem) (Poetry) - [405 words] Purity Of Snow (Poetry) - [250 words] Purple Rages. (Poetry) - [98 words] Pushing One Leg Anne. (Poetry) - [234 words] Queen Of Bruising. (Poetry) - [272 words] Queen Of Despair. (Poetry) - [340 words] Quiet Please 1957 (Poetry) - [154 words] Quinn The Large. (Poetry) - [210 words] Quinn The Twin 1962 (Poetry) - [163 words] Quttocks Slept Alone. (Poetry) - [206 words] Rachel And You And The Day Trip (Poetry) - [311 words] Rag Week. (Poetry) - [181 words] Rain Date. (Poetry) - [288 words] Rain Falls. (Poetry) - [14 words] Rainy Day Under Trees. (Poetry) - [301 words] Rajputana 1932 (Poetry) - [157 words] Randshaw Muses. (Poetry) - [152 words] Rape & Crucifixion (Short Stories) - [696 words] Reach For The Sky. (Poem) (Poetry) - [339 words] Read The Book. (Poetry) - [251 words] Reading Between Lines. (Poetry) - [244 words] Recollection After Dinner. (Poetry) - [176 words] Red Ink. (Poetry) - [9 words] Red Scarf. (Poetry) - [270 words] Reflections. ( New Poem) (Poetry) - [274 words] Regrets 1967 (Poetry) - [175 words] Regrets She Said. (Poetry) - [201 words] Rehearsing Dying. (Poetry) - [230 words] Rejected By Renoir. (Poetry) - [358 words] Rejected Train. (Poetry) - [298 words] Reluctance To Leave. (Poetry) - [113 words] Remember That Day. (Poetry) - [248 words] Remember The Chick (Poetry) - [193 words] Remembering An Aunt. (Poetry) - [156 words] Remembering Jean (Poetry) - [94 words] Remembering Miss Fleavage. (Poetry) - [141 words] Remembering Mrs Scrawlbucket. (Poetry) - [196 words] Remembering Ruby. (Poetry) - [231 words] Remembering Schutt's Farm. (Poetry) - [194 words] Remembering. (Poem) (Poetry) - [107 words] Remember? (Poem) (Poetry) - [84 words] Remembers Father. (Poetry) - [278 words] Remembers Him. (Poetry) - [346 words] Renoir Girl (Poetry) - [132 words] Revisiting An Old Resort. (Poetry) - [169 words] Richmond Replay 1965 (Poetry) - [141 words] Right Bitches. (Poetry) - [129 words] Right O He Said. (Poetry) - [254 words] Rigmoss & The Book. (Poetry) - [219 words] Ripping Apart Of Elaine's Heart. (Poetry) - [311 words] Risque 1910. (Poetry) - [165 words] Road From Paris 1970 (Poetry) - [127 words] Rock Baby 1973. (Short Stories) - [574 words] Rockabye Baby. (Plays) - [11,278 words] Rolland's Big Sister. (Poetry) - [199 words] Rome 1993. (Poetry) - [213 words] Romero In New York. (Poetry) - [253 words] Ronet & Sex. (Poetry) - [218 words] Room And A View. (Poetry) - [268 words] Room Is The Same. (Poetry) - [147 words] Room Of Your Own. (Poetry) - [307 words] Rosary Fingering 1963 (Poetry) - [169 words] Rosary Pushing (Poetry) - [177 words] Rose By Any Other Name. (Short Stories) - [2,104 words] Rose Like. (Poetry) - [17 words] Rose Placed (Poetry) - [118 words] Rose Remembers. (Short Stories) - [607 words] Rosie Remembers. (Poetry) - [245 words] Rough Sex. (Poetry) - [172 words] Row Memento. (Poetry) - [131 words] Rows Again 1957 (Poetry) - [228 words] Rozzer On A Bomb Site 1957 (Poetry) - [221 words] Rubber Of The Rosary. (Poetry) - [292 words] Rubbing Noses. (Poetry) - [256 words] Ruby's Loss Of Child. (Poetry) - [333 words] Rude Words Chalking 1957 (Poetry) - [248 words] Run A Bath. (Poetry) - [234 words] Run My Finger. (Poetry) - [53 words] Ryan & Marilyn. (Poetry) - [67 words] Sad Faced Clown (Poetry) - [149 words] Sad Sadie's Song. (Poetry) - [412 words] Sadness Of Being. (Poetry) - [264 words] Safe And Sound. (Poetry) - [193 words] Said Doyle (Poetry) - [279 words] Said Flint. (Poetry) - [112 words] Said Prayer Worked. (Poetry) - [189 words] Sailor Said. (Poetry) - [132 words] Sally & Sex. (Poetry) - [207 words] Sam's Prayer. (Poetry) - [306 words] Sam's Sugar. (Poetry) - [347 words] San Diego 1943. (Poetry) - [153 words] Sandwiched Hurt. (Poetry) - [192 words] Sang Not A Note. (Poetry) - [215 words] Santa Monica Beach 1905. (Poetry) - [227 words] Sarsaparilla And Arm Wounds 1955 (Poetry) - [243 words] Sarsparilla And Janice And You. (Poetry) - [261 words] Saturday Morning 1961. (Poetry) - [203 words] Saturday Morning Ride. (Poetry) - [335 words] Saving Miss Bunn. (Poetry) - [252 words] Saw Too Much. (Poetry) - [212 words] Saxons And Such 1956 (Poetry) - [102 words] Say Nothing Of Her. (Poetry) - [223 words] Say Or Do (Poetry) - [119 words] Scared Looks And Soft Moans. (Short Stories) - [1,249 words] Scavenging For Coal (Poetry) - [279 words] School Fight. (Poetry) - [232 words] Schoolboy Fun (Poetry) - [115 words] Schoolboys Will. (Poetry) - [189 words] Sea Escape 1959 (Poetry) - [150 words] Seamus & Finn. (Poetry) - [177 words] Searching Me. (Poetry) - [212 words] Seaside Visitation. (Poetry) - [194 words] Seaview Blues (Poetry) - [136 words] Secret Hidden (Poetry) - [292 words] Secret Love( Poem) (Poetry) - [185 words] Secret Place (Poem) (Poetry) - [137 words] Secreted Pets. (Poetry) - [65 words] Sed Libera Nos A Malo. (Short Stories) - [2,358 words] Seduction. (Short Stories) - [885 words] See Her. (Poetry) - [64 words] See Her Come. (Poetry) - [217 words] Seeing The X Film One Sunday. (Poetry) - [488 words] Seek & Find. (Poetry) - [108 words] Seeking An Answer. (Poetry) - [150 words] Seeking Love Mcxmlxxi (Poetry) - [130 words] Seeking Mother's Womb. (Short Stories) - [624 words] Seems Endless 1961 (Poetry) - [89 words] Seen Not Heard. (Poetry) - [214 words] Seeped Into My Head Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [215 words] Sensed Feeling Hot (Poetry) - [503 words] Senta In Paris 1917. (Poetry) - [170 words] September Chill. (Poetry) - [117 words] Serving. (Short Stories) - [2,706 words] Serving You Differently (Poetry) - [308 words] Sex And After. (Poetry) - [232 words] Sex And All. (Poetry) - [174 words] Sex And Helzingler. (Poetry) - [254 words] Sex As Snow. (Poetry) - [70 words] Sex Before 1963. (Poetry) - [127 words] Sex, Drugs And Rock And Roll 1967 (Poetry) - [142 words] Sex Game Lark 1964 (Poetry) - [153 words] Sex In London (Poetry) - [164 words] Sex In The End. (Poetry) - [109 words] Sex In The Park. (Poetry) - [209 words] Sex Letters. (Poetry) - [102 words] Sex & Phone Calls. (Poetry) - [98 words] Sex Was Sex. (Poetry) - [77 words] Sex With Miss Pinkie. (Poetry) - [268 words] Sexual Symphony (Poetry) - [51 words] Sexy Garment Store. (Poetry) - [208 words] Shadows On Walls. (Poetry) - [143 words] Shalom At Sheepshead Bay. (Poetry) - [233 words] Shared Cigarette. (Poetry) - [186 words] She Always. (Poetry) - [144 words] She Always Spoke. (Poetry) - [180 words] She And Sky. (Poetry) - [64 words] She And The 1890s Book Club. (Poetry) - [319 words] She Fainted. (Poetry) - [54 words] She Had Become. (Poetry) - [262 words] She Knew All This. (Poetry) - [152 words] She Knows He Will. (Poetry) - [121 words] She Laughed A Lot. (Poetry) - [339 words] She Liked To Dance 1977 (Poetry) - [72 words] She Loves Him Not. (Poem) (Poetry) - [271 words] She Maybe (Poetry) - [77 words] She Never Told. (Poetry) - [194 words] She Only Wanted. (Poetry) - [173 words] She Reflects. (Poetry) - [214 words] She Remembers Him. (Poetry) - [370 words] She Resisted. (Poetry) - [169 words] She Sinful Or Wild. (Poetry) - [203 words] She Smiled. (Poetry) - [75 words] She Would Not. (Poetry) - [93 words] She'd Be The One. (Poetry) - [265 words] She'd Not Seen. (Poetry) - [181 words] She'd Try. (Poetry) - [94 words] Sheial Or Maths 1962 (Poetry) - [122 words] Sheila Over Dinner 1962 (Poetry) - [134 words] Sheila's Dream 1962 (Poetry) - [159 words] Sheila's Musing 1962. (Poetry) - [136 words] Shifton Studied Sex. (Poetry) - [209 words] Shiver. (Poetry) - [123 words] Shlomit Remembers (Poetry) - [131 words] Shoe Inspections. (Poetry) - [218 words] Shoes At Auschwitz. (Poetry) - [145 words] Shopping First 1955 (Poetry) A GIRL GOES SHOPPING FOR HER MOTHER IN LONDON IN 1955 [167 words] Shoshana Touched 1962 (Poetry) - [77 words] Should Have Told (Poetry) - [237 words] Showing Dolls (Poetry) - [202 words] Shrove Tuesday Meet. (Poetry) - [322 words] Sidmouth's Sex. (Poetry) - [260 words] Sight Seeing (Poetry) - [134 words] Sightless Washdown 1940 (Poetry) - [155 words] Silence Of Rooms. (Poetry) - [173 words] Silent Treatment. (Short Stories) - [595 words] Simone's Night Out. (Poetry) - [143 words] Simple Fact (Poetry) - [262 words] Sinead & Finn. (Poetry) - [76 words] Sinking Ships 1966 (Poetry) - [208 words] Sister Ambrose At Close Of Day. (Short Stories) - [645 words] Sister Augustine's Visitor. (Short Stories) - [2,544 words] Sister Blaise Before Matins. (Poetry) - [369 words] Sister Clare's Bridegroom. (Poetry) - [149 words] Sister Elizabeth Sits In The Dark (Short Stories) - [512 words] Sister Elizabeth's Dark Night Of The Soul (Short Stories) - [2,134 words] Sister Lucy's Departure. (Short Stories) - [1,877 words] Sisterly Row 1962 (Poetry) - [258 words] Sit And Wait. (Poetry) - [101 words] Sit Down Boy. (Poetry) - [249 words] Sit & Wait. (Poetry) - [211 words] Sitter At Windows (Poetry) - [357 words] Sitting Beside Finbar (Poetry) - [270 words] Sitting In Leicester Square With Julie (Poetry) - [362 words] Sitting With Gran. (Poetry) - [143 words] Sitting With Nan. (Poetry) - [173 words] Skin A Rabbit. (Poetry) - [80 words] Sky Watching (Poetry) - [266 words] Slave Pearl (Poetry) - [244 words] Sleep After Sex. (Poetry) - [153 words] Sleep & Grief. (Poetry) - [145 words] Sleep To Dream. (Poetry) - [100 words] Slow Dressing 1986 (Poetry) - [180 words] Slowly Bleed. (Poetry) - [427 words] Slowly Dying Selves. (Poetry) - [141 words] Small Broderick. (Poetry) - [243 words] Small Nose. (Poetry) - [9 words] Smalls. (Poetry) - [42 words] Smelling Adventure (Poetry) - [239 words] Smiles All Round. (Poetry) - [347 words] Smoke From Chimneys (Poetry) - [45 words] Smokescreen. (Poetry) - [244 words] Smoking Lesson (Poetry) - [501 words] Snap Shot. (Poetry) - [104 words] Snow Already. (Poetry) - [148 words] Snow Bound 1971 (Poetry) - [150 words] So Extraordinary (Poetry) - [173 words] So Far So Good. (Poetry) - [259 words] So Good So Much (Poetry) - [94 words] So In Love. (Poetry) - [247 words] So Long Sucker. (Poetry) - [132 words] So Many Years. (Poetry) - [244 words] So Never Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [146 words] So She'd Heard. (Poetry) - [155 words] Sofia's Shadow. (Short Stories) - [591 words] Some Boys Are Different (Poetry) - [534 words] Some Brief Encounter. (Poetry) - [229 words] Some Days 2016 (Poetry) - [65 words] Some Days After School (Poetry) - [228 words] Some Days The Sunlight. (Poetry) - [196 words] Some Evenings Near Death. (Poetry) - [176 words] Some Nights. (Poetry) - [155 words] Some Part Of Beauty. (Poetry) - [474 words] Some People.(Poem) (Poetry) - [204 words] Some Place Else 1962 (Poetry) - [114 words] Some Schmuck. (Poetry) - [384 words] Some Sexy Love Song. (Poetry) - [170 words] Some Ship Of Fools. (Poetry) - [273 words] Some Table Talk 1962 (Poetry) - [163 words] Some When. (Poetry) - [166 words] Someone's Heaven. (Poetry) - [439 words] Something About Him. (Poetry) - [105 words] Something About Simcha, (Poetry) - [211 words] Something Other For Sure. (Poetry) - [262 words] Something Said. (Poetry) - [254 words] Sometimes Always. (Poetry) - [125 words] Sometimes It Was. (Poetry) - [148 words] Sometimes Memories Of Love. (Poetry) - [165 words] Sonia And The Cinema Date. (Poetry) - [364 words] Sonia And You And The Promise (Poetry) - [425 words] Sonia Sleeps. (Poetry) - [72 words] Sonya And The Rain (Poetry) - [210 words] Sonya In Paris. (Poetry) - [256 words] Sonya Posing In Paris (Poetry) - [177 words] Sonya's Wants (Poetry) - [270 words] Soper Beach Riding 1925 (Poetry) - [109 words] Sophia And Sex. (Poetry) - [331 words] Sophian Trial 1969 (Poetry) - [185 words] Sophie's Suggestion. (Poetry) - [284 words] Sorting The Boys From Men. (Poetry) - [620 words] Soul Saver. (Poetry) - [231 words] Sound Of Fresh Rain (Poetry) - [352 words] Speakeasy (Poetry) - [231 words] Speaking To Tennyson. (Poetry) - [458 words] Spied. (Poetry) - [81 words] Spitting Fires. (Poetry) - [326 words] Spitting Image 1960 (Poetry) - [171 words] Sports Day 1962 (Poetry) - [314 words] Spring.(Poem) (Poetry) - [11 words] Spying On Mother. (Poetry) - [230 words] St George's Road 1956 (Poetry) - [175 words] Standing Beside Fay One Saturday. (Poetry) - [303 words] Stars & Stripes. (Poetry) - [187 words] Start Again Or Hide 1969 (Poetry) - [292 words] Started To Rain 1960 (Poetry) - [231 words] Starying With The Stolucks. (Poetry) - [297 words] States Of Mind.(Poem) (Poetry) - [331 words] Status Quo.(Poem) (Poetry) - [233 words] Stealing Fruit. (Poetry) - [258 words] Steps Were Taken. (Poetry) - [97 words] Still Born (Poem) (Poetry) - [120 words] Still Life. (Story) (Short Stories) - [613 words] Still Lingers. (Poetry) - [163 words] Still She Talked. (Poetry) - [213 words] Stillborn (Poetry) - [60 words] Stoic Son 1984-2014 (Poetry) - [69 words] Stolen Kisses Never Taken. (Poetry) - [154 words] Stolen Kiss. (Poem) (Poetry) - [156 words] Stone Upon Stone. (Poetry) - [123 words] Stradler Loves. (Poetry) - [173 words] Strip Poker. (Short Stories) - [678 words] Striptease.(Poem) (Poetry) - [184 words] Stumoder & The Waitress. (Poetry) - [242 words] Subway Nyc. (Poetry) - [154 words] Such A Terrible Thing. (Poetry) - [273 words] Such Games. (Poetry) - [227 words] Such Things. (Short Stories) - [1,872 words] Suck Him Dry. (Poetry) - [239 words] Suddenly It Is. (Poetry) - [242 words] Suffering Can Be, (Poetry) - [137 words] Suffocated. (Poem-) (Poetry) - [170 words] Suffocating Angel. (Short Stories) - [597 words] Suffocation. (Poetry) - [113 words] Sugar Borrowing 1951 (Poetry) A GIRL BORROWS SUGAR FROM A BOY'S AUNTIE IN 1951 [378 words] Suggestion Box. (Poetry) - [145 words] Sullied. (Poetry) - [315 words] Summer 1962. (Poetry) - [87 words] Summer 62 And You. (Poetry) - [203 words] Summer Day Meeting 1961 (Poetry) - [118 words] Summer In The City. (Short Stories) - [733 words] Summer Of Sex. (Poetry) - [204 words] Summer Smile. (Poetry) - [219 words] Summer's Day And Jane 1961 (Poetry) - [241 words] Sun Blessed (Poetry) - [150 words] Sun Block (Poetry) - [110 words] Sun & Soup. (Poetry) - [110 words] Sunday Morning Blues. (Poetry) - [308 words] Sunday Morning Fun 1955 (Poetry) - [230 words] Sunday Night Love. (Poetry) - [238 words] Sunday Rain. (Poetry) - [191 words] Sunday Was Visiting Day. (Poetry) - [214 words] Sundays It Was. (Poetry) - [164 words] Sunflowers After Sex. (Poetry) - [186 words] Sunny Saturday Afternoon. (Poetry) - [383 words] Surviving The Tundra. (Poetry) - [147 words] Susan's House. (Poetry) - [178 words] Suspecting. (Poetry) - [228 words] Sutcliffe's Magazine (Poetry) - [318 words] Sutcliffe's Runny Nose. (Poetry) - [295 words] Suymmer Of Love 67 (Poetry) - [301 words] Sweet Delight. (Poetry) - [175 words] Sweet Georgia Brown. (Short Stories) - [2,707 words] Sweet Lorriane. (Short Stories) - [2,942 words] Swimming In Bedlam Park. (Poetry) - [269 words] Swing Time. (Poetry) - [217 words] Swinger Of The Cane. (Poetry) - [214 words] Swinging With Janice. (Poetry) - [299 words] Swings And Slides. (Poetry) - [279 words] Take It From Me.(Poem) (Poetry) - [195 words] Take Part. (Poetry) - [71 words] Taken 1933. (Poetry) - [184 words] Taken. (Poem) (Poetry) - [19 words] Taking In The Tate Modern With A Ghost. (Short Stories) - [958 words] Talk Of Battle. (Poetry) - [277 words] Talk Over Breakfast 1916 (Poetry) - [291 words] Talk Over Tea. (Poetry) - [250 words] Talks With The Dead. (Poetry) - [108 words] Tangiers 1970 (Poetry) - [281 words] Tangled Web.(Poem) (Poetry) - [61 words] Tango Dancer. (Poetry) - [173 words] Tattoo Dame (Poetry) - [103 words] Tb Dances. (Poetry) - [182 words] Tea With Tissot. (Short Stories) - [1,967 words] Teacher Stopped Play 1962 (Poetry) - [69 words] Tears (Poem) (Poetry) - [13 words] Tell Finn. (Poetry) - [204 words] Tess's Typewriter. (Poetry) - [310 words] Textbook Hits. (Poetry) - [147 words] Thames 1876 (Short Stories) - [2,428 words] Thank You 1976 (Poetry) - [109 words] Thanks Daddy She Said. (Poetry) - [221 words] That Austen Guy. (Poetry) - [238 words] That Christmas 1961. (Poetry) - [381 words] That Dark Place. (Poetry) - [160 words] That Great Out Of Doors (Poetry) - [439 words] That Kind Of Day. (Poetry) - [248 words] That Kind Of Friend. (Poetry) - [88 words] That Kind Of Girl. (Poetry) - [251 words] That Kind Of Guy. (Poetry) - [240 words] That Kind Of Party. (Poetry) - [264 words] That Kind Of Poetry. (Poetry) - [223 words] That Kiss 1960 (Poetry) - [206 words] That Last Time. (Poetry) - [142 words] That Last Time In Brighton (Poetry) - [148 words] That Much. (Poetry) - [145 words] That Much Easier. (Poetry) - [385 words] That Place To Hide (Poetry) - [87 words] That Red Head 1961 (Poetry) - [139 words] That Self (Poetry) - [61 words] That Summer That Love. (Poetry) - [285 words] That Was It. (Poetry) - [72 words] That Was That. (Poetry) - [263 words] That Way He Had. (Poetry) - [124 words] That Year (Poetry) - [196 words] That Year 1998 (Poetry) - [110 words] That's As Good. (Poetry) - [30 words] The Asylum Has Gone. (Poetry) - [230 words] The Back Of Them. (Poetry) - [191 words] The Beginning Of Night. (Poetry) - [341 words] The Big Cow 1916 (Poetry) - [212 words] The Big Kid And The Tall Tale. (Poetry) - [247 words] The Big Sell. (Poetry) - [185 words] The Biting Of The Cold. (Poetry) - [425 words] The Black Op. (Poetry) - [114 words] The Bombed Out Butcher's Shop. (Poetry) - [522 words] The Boys Remember. (Poetry) - [142 words] The Brophys. (Short Stories) - [669 words] The Children Come Still. (Poetry) - [63 words] The Coffin Comes. (Poetry) - [281 words] The Come Back.(Poem) (Poetry) - [149 words] The Coming And The Going. (Short Stories) - [601 words] The Cost Of A Bag Of Chips (Poetry) - [269 words] The Croft Girl And Saturdays (Poetry) - [253 words] The Crucified. (Short Stories) - [710 words] The Darkest Night Mmclxxi (Poetry) - [228 words] The Day. (Poetry) - [140 words] The Day Jane Fainted (Poetry) - [292 words] The Dead Are Here. (Poetry) - [155 words] The Dead Babe Thing. (Poetry) - [184 words] The Dream Lands. (Poetry) - [390 words] The Drying Of Feet. (Poetry) - [183 words] The Drying Of Hair. (Poetry) - [275 words] The Electric Train Set. (Poetry) - [120 words] The End Of Rain 1961 (Poetry) - [249 words] The Eternal Why (Poetry) - [212 words] The Evil Stare. (Poetry) - [165 words] The Exercise Walk (Poetry) - [382 words] The Falling Book. (Short Stories) - [1,753 words] The Falling Of Snow. (Poetry) - [431 words] The Final Bus. (Poetry) - [148 words] The Fruitless Man. (Short Stories) - [498 words] The Gift. (Poem) (Poetry) - [47 words] The Girl Who Held Your Hand. (Poetry) - [170 words] The Girl With The Croissant. (Poetry) - [110 words] The Gun (Poetry) - [154 words] The Hard Love. (Poetry) - [174 words] The Hollow Tree. (Poetry) - [529 words] The Hotel Game 1967 (Poetry) - [180 words] The Hush I Fear Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [204 words] The Kissing Tree. (Poetry) - [208 words] The Last Fix. (Poetry) - [122 words] The Last Of Him (Poetry) - [251 words] The Last One. (Poetry) - [237 words] The Last Time We Talked 2014 (Poetry) - [491 words] The Letter Safe. (Poetry) - [296 words] The Lostness. (Poetry) - [129 words] The Love Letter.( Poem) (Poetry) - [314 words] The Measuring 1959 (Poetry) - [288 words] The Need To (Poetry) - [44 words] The New Canary. (Poetry) - [502 words] The New Conker 1955 (Poetry) - [119 words] The Night Dionne Warwick Sang (Poetry) - [217 words] The Night Of Denials. (Short Stories) - [2,766 words] The Odd Sisters (Short Stories) - [1,668 words] The Old Attic. (Poetry) - [149 words] The One Leg Dance (Poetry) - [221 words] The Other Robin Hood. (Poetry) - [367 words] The Other Side Of Life. (Short Stories) - [634 words] The Other Woman(Poem) (Poetry) - [199 words] The Other You. (Poetry) - [212 words] The Outhouse On The Edge. (Poetry) - [212 words] The Parents. (Poetry) - [280 words] The Parson's Daughter. (Poetry) - [179 words] The Petty Crime (Poetry) - [363 words] The Phone Gift. (Poetry) - [345 words] The Push And Fall. (Poetry) - [98 words] The Putting On Of Stockings. (Poetry) - [281 words] The River(Poem) (Poetry) - [134 words] The Sacred Lake. (Short Stories) - [2,723 words] The Sad Stare (Short Stories) - [1,207 words] The Same Game. (Poetry) - [146 words] The Same Mother. (Poetry) - [222 words] The Secret Lover. (Poetry) - [229 words] The Senorita. (Poetry) - [131 words] The Sepia Photograph (Poetry) - [300 words] The Sex Thing (Poetry) - [135 words] The Sex Was Better. (Poetry) - [186 words] The Sexual Act. (Poetry) - [190 words] The Shoes. (Poetry) - [65 words] The Shop Lift. (Poetry) - [168 words] The Shortest Girl In Class. (Poetry) - [226 words] The Show Must Go On. (Poem) (Poetry) - [346 words] The Sick Rose. (Short Stories) - [2,386 words] The Snowgirl. (Poetry) - [156 words] The Starry Night. (Poetry) - [62 words] The Summer Recess Of 62 (Poetry) - [220 words] The Sun And The Moon. (Short Stories) - [2,657 words] The Swap. (Poetry) - [187 words] The Telephone Girl. (Poetry) - [91 words] The Thought That Counts.(Poem) (Poetry) - [463 words] The Try On 1963 (Poetry) - [187 words] The Very Thought Of You. (Short Stories) - [979 words] The Visitors Left. (Poetry) - [144 words] The Way The Snow Sat. (Poetry) - [96 words] The Weigh In. (Poetry) - [335 words] The Woman Down The Hall. (Poetry) - [153 words] The World To Rights (Poetry) - [96 words] The Year Marilyn Monroe Got Herself Murdered. (Poetry) - [170 words] Their 911 (Poetry) - [79 words] Their Nakedness Seen (Poetry) - [373 words] Their Paris. (Poetry) - [241 words] Then (Poetry) - [59 words] Then Her Face. (Poetry) - [137 words] Then Suddenly. (Poetry) - [109 words] There Is A Time. (Poetry) - [175 words] There She Is. (Poetry) - [81 words] There She Posed. (Poetry) - [199 words] There She Was. (Poetry) - [556 words] There Today (Poetry) - [301 words] There Was Always That. (Poetry) - [158 words] There Was You. (Poetry) - [145 words] These For You. (Poetry) - [52 words] These Things. (Poetry) - [107 words] They Bathed. (Poetry) - [246 words] They Don't (Poetry) - [68 words] They Forget. (Poetry) - [135 words] They Have Never. (Poetry) - [162 words] They Still Pretend. (Poetry) - [216 words] Things Performed. (Poetry) - [233 words] Thinking Of. (Poetry) - [282 words] Thinking On Millie. (Poetry) - [215 words] Third Coffee In. (Poetry) - [132 words] This Day Last Year. (Poetry) - [130 words] This Grief My Son. (Poetry) - [76 words] This Is It. Ipoem) (Poetry) - [173 words] This Is The Body. (Poetry) - [180 words] This Is(Poem) (Poetry) - [129 words] This Time.(Poem) (Poetry) - [68 words] Thompson's Non Date 1962 (Poetry) - [100 words] Those Days. (Poetry) - [156 words] Those Days Of Tears 1940 (Poetry) - [231 words] Those Kind Of Nights. (Poetry) - [109 words] Thoughts Of Christina. (Short Stories) - ... [1,035 words] Thoughts On Benedict (Short Stories) - [615 words] Three On A Pier. (Short Stories) - [1,639 words] Through Our Faults. (Short Stories) - [1,373 words] Through Paris 1970 (Poetry) - [100 words] Through Silence (Poetry) - [60 words] Tightening Nana's Corset (Poetry) - [336 words] Time After Time. (Poetry) - [122 words] Time To Lose. (Poetry) - [269 words] Time To Sit. (Poetry) - [198 words] Time To Sleep. (Poetry) - [392 words] Time To Wait. (Poetry) - [265 words] Times Before. (Poetry) - [259 words] Tipperary 1962. (Poetry) - [134 words] To Brighten Up Her Day. (Poetry) - [403 words] To Crap (Poetry) - [99 words] To Dulwich By Bus. (Poetry) - [589 words] To Go Or Die 1971 (Poetry) - [153 words] To Meet Again. (Poetry) - [84 words] To Obey Mcmlxxi (Poetry) - [155 words] To Remember. (Poetry) - [94 words] To The Pool With Benedict. (Short Stories) - [1,307 words] To Win. (Poetry) - [68 words] Today. (Poem) (Poetry) - [44 words] Todgrin Tooled Up. (Poetry) - [228 words] Together Bathed. (Poetry) - [111 words] Together Forever. (Poetry) - [133 words] Tomsin Laughs Alone. (Poetry) - [202 words] Too Concerned With Self. (Poetry) - [258 words] Too Far From Auntie's Gaze. (Poetry) - [234 words] Too Late This Time. (Poetry) - [191 words] Too Soon Returned. (Poetry) - [193 words] Touch Of Boys. (Poetry) - [267 words] Touch Of Hand. (Poetry) - [150 words] Touch Of His. (Poetry) - [142 words] Tough School Work 1956 (Poetry) - [140 words] Towards The Church (Poetry) - [250 words] Trafalgar Square Meeting (Poetry) - [473 words] Train Prayer. (Poetry) - [262 words] Train Spotting 1962 (Short Stories) - [1,051 words] Train Spotting With Lydia. (Poetry) - [206 words] Trains And Freedom (Poetry) - [102 words] Transfixed Again. (Poetry) - [33 words] Treasure Of Kings. (Poetry) - [115 words] Tries To Kiss. (Poetry) - [248 words] Trip To The Tower (Poetry) - [372 words] Tristana And Isolde. (Short Stories) - [2,523 words] Troppo Tardi (Poetry) - [128 words] Truth In The Scales 1956 (Poetry) - [122 words] Trying On New Clothes. (Poetry) - [291 words] Trying To See. (Poetry) - [74 words] Trying To Sleep After The Kiss. (Poetry) - [609 words] Twin Towers. (Poetry) - [25 words] Two Bricks Over A Hole. (Poetry) - [245 words] Two Maids Rising. (Poetry) - [262 words] Two Pieces Of Cake. (Poetry) - [236 words] Two Souls In Limbo (Poetry) - [354 words] Two Trenches. (Poetry) - [158 words] Two's A Crowd. (Plays) - [12,357 words] Una Kissed (Poetry) - [93 words] Unanswered Questions.(Poem) (Poetry) - [85 words] Unburdened. (Poetry) - [374 words] Uncaged Bird (Poetry) - [389 words] Uncertainty 1957 (Poetry) - [225 words] Uncleaned Sink. (Poetry) - [113 words] Uncle's Shave. (Poetry) - [162 words] Unconsumated Bed. (Poetry) - [484 words] Under A Blue Sky. (Poetry) - [157 words] Under Apple Trees (Poetry) - [176 words] Under Shelter (Poetry) - [370 words] Under The Bed. (Short Stories) - [613 words] Underground Monster 1956 (Poetry) - [220 words] Underhill Scores 1962 (Poetry) - [157 words] Underhill's Mood 1961 (Poetry) - [94 words] Understanding Women. (Poetry) - [147 words] Undesired Sex 1997 (Poetry) - [167 words] Undoing Of Things. (Poetry) - [111 words] Unexpected Father. (Poetry) - [373 words] Unexplored Desire. (Poetry) - [316 words] Unfaithful Fellow. (Poetry) - [226 words] Unfavoured Child (Short Stories) - [814 words] Unforgettable. (Poem) (Poetry) - [208 words] Unknown Delia. (Poetry) - [177 words] Unknown Lands (Poetry) - [70 words] Unloved. (Poetry) - [286 words] Unmade Bed. (Poetry) - [136 words] Unnecessary (Poetry) - [132 words] Unseen Rainbows 1965 (Poetry) - [196 words] Unsexual Relations. (Poetry) - [349 words] Unsuspected 1900 (Short Stories) - [1,049 words] Unwanted Gift (Poetry) - [259 words] Unwanted Wealth (Poetry) - [258 words] Unwelcome Attention In An Asylum. (Poetry) - [212 words] Unwinding Wool. (Poetry) - [132 words] Unwittingly 1964 (Poetry) - [123 words] Up There Sky Gazing (Poetry) - [266 words] Upon A Day. (Poetry) - [157 words] Upon My Flesh 1962 (Poetry) - [172 words] Ursula Undresses. (Poetry) - [182 words] Us Being There. (Poetry) - [142 words] Uxley Knew Nothing Of Women. (Poetry) - [212 words] Vacation In Valencia. (Poetry) - [246 words] Vermont 1941. (Poetry) - [267 words] Veronica In Venice. (Poetry) - [289 words] Very Well Don't 1977 (Poetry) - [118 words] Viminter's Hope. (Poetry) - [155 words] Visit To The Train Station. (Poetry) - [206 words] Visiting Julie. (Poetry) - [350 words] Visiting Nima 1967 (Poem) (Poetry) - [156 words] Viva La France 1973 (Poetry) - [177 words] Vivaldi Freak. (Poetry) - [158 words] Vocation Talk 1960 (Poetry) - [279 words] Vole And I 1958 (Poetry) - [117 words] Waiting By The School Gates. (Poetry) - [393 words] Waiting For. (Poetry) - [276 words] Waiting For Action. 1956. (Poetry) - [351 words] Waiting For Aldo. (Poetry) - [225 words] Waiting For Fay. (Poetry) - [343 words] Waiting For Finbar. (Poetry) - [253 words] Waiting For Freedom. (Short Stories) - [564 words] Waiting For Harrison. (Poetry) - [188 words] Waiting For Hubby. (Poetry) - [458 words] Waiting For Jack. (Poetry) - [195 words] Waiting For Janice In 1957 (Short Stories) - [902 words] Waiting For Luigi. (Poetry) - [290 words] Waiting For Lydia. (Poetry) - [214 words] Waiting For Marcel. (Short Stories) - [919 words] Waiting For Monsieur Pulpe. (Poetry) - [209 words] Waiting For Mr Death. (Poetry) - [238 words] Waiting For The Judo Boys. (Poetry) - [285 words] Waiting For The Phone To Ring. (Poetry) - [169 words] Waiting For Wally. (Poetry) - [209 words] Waiting For Words. (Poetry) - [132 words] Waiting For.(New Poem) (Poetry) - [90 words] Waiting & Serving. (Short Stories) - [673 words] Waiting To Be Kissed. (Poetry) - [252 words] Waiting's Worse (Poetry) - [218 words] Walk In A Park (Poetry) - [407 words] Walk Through Kale. (Poetry) - [279 words] Walking Dead 1917 (Poetry) - [192 words] Walking Under A Moon. (Poetry) - [330 words] Walking With Ghost. (Poetry) - [168 words] Wally Begins To. (Poetry) - [152 words] Walt Whitman & Apples. (Poetry) - [135 words] Walt's Wife. (Poetry) - [266 words] Want To Know 1933 (Poetry) - [158 words] Wanting More. (Poetry) - [275 words] Wanting Peace. (Poetry) - [238 words] Wanting To Doze. (Poetry) - [385 words] Wants To Understand. (Poetry) - [232 words] War Sucks. (Poetry) - [120 words] War Widow's Lament. (Poetry) - [128 words] War's Edge. (Poetry) - [160 words] Wars In Play. (Poetry) - [242 words] Was Made To Care. (Poetry) - [187 words] Wasn't The Same 1957 (Poetry) - [219 words] Waste Not, Want Not. (Poetry) - [156 words] Watching Granddaddy. (Poetry) - [198 words] Watching Her Sleep. (Poetry) - [119 words] Watching Her Washing. (Poetry) - [268 words] Watching Mother. (Poetry) - [156 words] Watching Mother 1960(Poem) (Poetry) - [116 words] Watching Polly 1912 (Poetry) - [149 words] Watching.(Poem) (Poetry) - [152 words] Water Dark Blue. (Poetry) - [266 words] Water Won't Wash. (Poetry) - [102 words] Waving Hands. (Poetry) - [249 words] Wedding Photograph. (Poetry) - [175 words] Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting. (Poetry) - [144 words] Weekend Free 1957 (Poetry) - [192 words] Weird Species. (Poetry) - [206 words] Well He Wasn't. (Short Stories) - [1,022 words] We'll Meet Again. (Poem) (Poetry) - [189 words] Well Said Henry. (Poetry) - [435 words] Wendy's Lot 1959 (Poetry) - [87 words] West End 1958 (Poetry) - [271 words] West Rides Home (Poetry) - [175 words] Wet Dreams. (Poetry) - [67 words] Wet Dreams 1972 (Poetry) - [147 words] Wet Wave Dry Shore 1997 (Poetry) - [255 words] What A Drowned Mother Wants. (Short Stories) - [759 words] What A Night.(Poem) (Poetry) - [151 words] What About? (Poetry) - [75 words] What Baby Saw. (Poetry) - [73 words] What Cedric Said About His Sister. (Poetry) - [233 words] What Celia Saw In The Back Of A Spoon. (Poetry) - [294 words] What Colin Saw. (Poetry) - [110 words] What Colour Soul (Poetry) - [178 words] What Do You Think? (Poetry) - [273 words] What Else. (Poetry) - [295 words] What Father Said. (Poetry) - [323 words] What For? (Poetry) - [173 words] What Gefen Said. (Poetry) - [361 words] What George Sees 1916 (Poetry) - [186 words] What He's Seen. (Poetry) - [182 words] What I Saw 1974 (Poetry) - [89 words] What Is Sometimes Hidden. (Poetry) - [207 words] What Kind. (Poetry) - [159 words] What Lara Wanted. (Poetry) - [149 words] What Lily Likes. (Poetry) - [219 words] What Liz Won't Share. (Poetry) - [133 words] What Lydia Heard (Poetry) - [133 words] What Makes The Day. (Poetry) - [212 words] What Matilda Said. (Poetry) - [298 words] What Max Wanted. (Poetry) - [255 words] What Might Have Been.(Poem) (Poetry) - [301 words] What Others Call Sin. (Poetry) - [237 words] What Others May Think. (Poetry) - [421 words] What Parents Say. (Poetry) - [238 words] What Roddy Remembered. (Poetry) - [254 words] What She Gave. (Poetry) - [164 words] What She Never Saw (Poetry) - [135 words] What To Do? 1962 (Poetry) - [157 words] What Was Once (Poetry) - [169 words] What Was Said. (Poetry) - [238 words] What Was There. (Poetry) - [343 words] What You Miss. (Poetry) - [91 words] What You Think You See. (Poetry) - [143 words] Whatever Her Name 1975 (Poetry) - [227 words] Whatever It Was. (Poetry) - [326 words] Whatever Road. (Poetry) - [125 words] What's In A Name. (Poem) (Poetry) - [196 words] What's Love Got To Do With It? (Poetry) - [123 words] What's Not Said. (Poetry) - [214 words] When Elvis First Sang On The Radio. (Short Stories) - [656 words] When He Had Said. (Poetry) - [186 words] When Her Brothers Were Away. (Poetry) - [398 words] When Lights Were Out. (Poetry) - [106 words] When Not To Gaze. (Poetry) - [135 words] When We Get Older 1963 (Poetry) - [215 words] When You Think It's Over. (Poetry) - [130 words] Where And When? (Poetry) - [105 words] Where Are They Going? (Poetry) - [82 words] Where Are You Now? (Poetry) - [89 words] Where Baby Died. (Poetry) - [173 words] Where Has Time Gone? (Poetry) - [104 words] Where Is The Light? (Poetry) - [122 words] Where Once He Was. (Poetry) - [178 words] Where She Used To Be. (Poetry) - [169 words] Where The Place (Poetry) - [243 words] Where They Sat. (Poetry) - [195 words] Where's Flynn. (Poetry) - [116 words] Whether George Loved Alice. (Poetry) - [225 words] While Amy Read. (Poetry) - [252 words] While Another Dies. (Poetry) - [360 words] While Hair Brushing (Poetry) - [228 words] While Making Love. (Poetry) - [146 words] While Posing (Poetry) - [167 words] While Screwing. (Poetry) - [170 words] While She Washes Up 1986 (Poetry) - [133 words] While Waiting For The Boys (Poetry) - [238 words] While Watching The Black And White Tv (Poetry) - [238 words] Who Are You? (Poem) (Poetry) - [236 words] Who Is He? (Poetry) - [59 words] Who Is Mother. (Poetry) - [388 words] Who Knows(Poem) (Poetry) - [178 words] Who Painted What. (Poetry) - [261 words] Who Was She. (Poetry) - [352 words] Who Will? (Poetry) - [56 words] Whom To Love (Poetry) - [281 words] Why Do Girls Do That? (Poetry) - [430 words] Wilful Bashful Beast. (Poetry) - [102 words] Will One Day Go. (Poetry) - [189 words] Will Remain. (Poetry) - [105 words] Willing And Able. (Short Stories) - [718 words] Window Fixers 1965 (Poetry) - [108 words] Window Washing. (Poetry) - [199 words] Winnie's Window Eyes. (Poetry) - [348 words] Winter Cold. (Poetry) - [56 words] Winter Musing (Poetry) - [102 words] Winter Weather 1957 (Poetry) - [232 words] Wishful Thinking 1973 (Poetry) - [109 words] With Dogs (Poetry) - [184 words] With Fay On A Bus. (Poetry) - [191 words] With Kafka (Poetry) - [115 words] With Mrs Ford 1974 (Poetry) - [201 words] With Steinbeck's Wife (Poetry) - [256 words] With The Grubbs. (Poetry) - [211 words] With The Hump 1959 (Poetry) - [265 words] With Thought 1962 (Poetry) - [151 words] With Us Today. (Poetry) - [85 words] With You. (Poem) (Poetry) - [47 words] Without A Sound 1916 (Poetry) - [160 words] Without Answer. (Poetry) - [196 words] Without Guide Or Star (Poetry) - [402 words] Without Her Knowing. (Poetry) - [317 words] Without Men 1997 (Poetry) - [66 words] Without Worries Or Care 1970 (Poetry) - [147 words] Wittgenstein's Example. (Poetry) - [160 words] Woman On A Train. (Poetry) - [238 words] Woman To Woman Thing. (Poetry) - [190 words] Woman Watching. (Poetry) - [168 words] Woman Who Cried. (Poetry) - [168 words] Woman With A Tattoo. (Poetry) - [170 words] Women's Intuition. (Poetry) - [178 words] Wonder What Mother Would Say. (Short Stories) - [1,010 words] Wondering Why Mcmlxviii (Poetry) - [128 words] Woodbine Maisie. (Short Stories) - [965 words] Woodrow's Return. (Short Stories) - [1,056 words] Word Has It. (Poetry) - [140 words] Words In Motion. (Poetry) - [113 words] Words Lost. (Poetry) - [61 words] Words Worth (Poetry) - [140 words] Work. (Poetry) - [137 words] Work To Do. (Poetry) - [351 words] World's Oyster. (Poetry) - [184 words] Wouldn't It Be Lovely. (Short Stories) - [869 words] Wrong About Men. (Poetry) - [216 words] Wrong Day. (Poetry) - [154 words] Xavier's Take On Life. (Poetry) - [189 words] Xenia And The Cold Morning. (Poetry) - [196 words] Yaakova In Belgium (Poetry) - [196 words] Yardic's Payback. (Poetry) - [228 words] Year Baby Died. (Non-Fiction) - [107 words] Yehudit After Sex. (Poetry) - [218 words] Yehudit And Farewell. (Poetry) - [130 words] Yehudit By The Pond 1962 (Poetry) - [91 words] Yehudit In Town 1965 (Poetry) - [138 words] Yesterday Is A Maze. (Poetry) - [183 words] Yiska And Knife (Poetry) - [153 words] Yiska And Snow And Me. (Poetry) - [270 words] Yiska At Dawn. (Poetry) - [152 words] Yiska Recalls (Poetry) - [349 words] Yiska Waits For A Bus. (Short Stories) - [908 words] Yiska's Hassle 1962 (Poetry) - [292 words] Yiska's Kiss. (Poetry) - [109 words] Yiska's Morning 1971 (Poetry) - [167 words] Yizreel's Death. (Poetry) - [122 words] Yochana And You In Bedlam Park. (Poetry) - [405 words] You And Auntie's Dog. (Poetry) - [211 words] You And Jackson Pollock. (Poetry) - [237 words] You And Jane In The Tall Kale. (Poetry) - [287 words] You And The Dog. (Poetry) - [145 words] You Are What You Wear. (Poetry) - [196 words] You Can See She's In Love. (Poetry) - [177 words] You Couldn't Say. (Poetry) - [455 words] You Have Gone Beyond. (Poetry) - [160 words] You I Miss. (Poetry) - [99 words] You Know 2016 (Poetry) - [76 words] You See. (Poetry) - [109 words] You Shouldn't (Poetry) - [480 words] You Surmised He Did. (Poetry) - [135 words] You & You. (Poetry) - [229 words] You'll Never Be In Love. (Poetry) - [149 words] You'll Wake Up. (Poetry) - [123 words] Young Man's Dream. (Poetry) - [135 words] Young Men Will Come (Poetry) - [219 words] Your Black Coat. (Poetry) - [104 words] Your Black Wallet. (Poetry) - [176 words] Your Blue And White Coat. (Poetry) - [105 words] Your Football Shirt. (Poetry) - [85 words] Your Granddad's Blue Book Of Planes. (Poetry) - [178 words] Your Grey Mittens (Poetry) - [97 words] Your Last Card. (Poetry) - [150 words] Your Little Secret. (Poetry) - [140 words] Your Man. (Poetry) - [156 words] Your Mother And You And The Cherries (Poetry) - [410 words] Your Mother Was. (Poetry) - [192 words] Your Old Wrist Watch. (Poetry) - [190 words] Your Red Woollen Jumper. (Poetry) - [132 words] Your Shirts (Poetry) - [96 words] Your Sister And You And The Pigeon. (Poetry) - [229 words] Your Way Out. (Poetry) - [11 words] You're The One For Me Fatty. (Short Stories) - [2,440 words] Yours Always 1922 (Poetry) - [121 words] You've Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. (Short Stories) - [2,923 words] Zinnia Hates Mornings. (Poetry) - [151 words]
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© 2000 Terry Collett |
January 2010 |