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The Light Of Love by Kennedy O Obohwemu It's the great light that love gives... [109 words]
Togetherness by Dri Cook Which other thing in this world is as beautiful, sexy, loving and charming as two people deeply i... [161 words]
Classical Feel by Nesam Pillay A short deejaying stint left me with this musical experience. [157 words]
Emotion In Motion
Yellow String by Nesam Pillay A sad love story. [228 words]
Worms In My Grandmother's Garden by Skyler Drevan An old peom I found that I wrote when I was very young helping my grandmother ... [120 words]
Without The Subtle Clouds by Jersey Mike Just a dry day when it should have rained. [97 words]
What Is... by Michael Clates The soul of a disturbed kind.(it's not evil, trust me.) [150 words]
What I See1 by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler Its just what I see around the world these days. [102 words]
Visiting Insomnia by Hayley Burdett - [96 words]
To My Best Friend by G N Everyone should have a best friend like I have. [131 words]
To All The Forgotten by Skyler Drevan - [124 words]
This Girl by Jay Little It's about this girl,my first love but the only problem is I didn't know that I loved her until I los... [151 words]
The Words Your Ears Will Never Hear by Jacson A Bevens Addressing loves, past and future. [235 words]
The Vacation In Vain by Skyler Drevan - [42 words]
The Study Of Balls by Skyler Drevan The title may be a bit misleading. [114 words]
The Painful Mistake Of Losing You by Skyler Drevan - [106 words]
The Hound Of Desire by Jersey Mike - [96 words]
The Fruitstand At Lunchtime by Skyler Drevan - [72 words]
The Art Of Writing Poetry by Gary L Reynolds (Aka) Drtigger Just hav'n fun with this one... [167 words]
Talking To Myself by Gary L Reynolds (Aka) Drtigger A poem about how life was when I was growing up and before... [403 words]
Sun Setting, Memories Rising by Hayley Burdett - [69 words]
Spring's Jealousy by Hayley Burdett - [59 words]
Sleep Walking by Gary L Reynolds (Aka) Drtigger A poem I wrote about a dream I had... [122 words]
Silver Enclose by Inchara It describes the beauty of Full moon and moonlit night. [108 words]
She2 by Gary L Reynolds (Aka) Drtigger The actual title of this poem is "She" but I couldn't post it that way here because someone else has alrea... [109 words]
Sangria Dream by Hayley Burdett - [106 words]
Sadie by Christopher Dahm WARNING! Erotic lesbian verse and drawings. [25 words]
Resplendent Nature by Inchara It is about beauty of the nature and how man is in the process of destroying the same. [96 words]
Reinvent The World by Skyler Drevan If I were in charge, this is what it would be like. [206 words]
Reborn by Jacson A Bevens Reaching out to the who broke my heart. [246 words]
Reality Of An Illusion by Robert A Ferguson Poem from feeling. My new fav. [80 words]
Queen Of Hills by Inchara It describes about a beautiful hill station by name Ooty situated in South India. [76 words]
Pillow Daydream by Hayley Burdett - [70 words]
Passion's Ruins by Rae - [56 words]
Passion On Canvas by Nesam Pillay Passionate - Erotic - Adults only! [204 words]
Partners Slowly Slipping Away by Skyler Drevan - [218 words]
Overcoming You by Hayley Burdett - [61 words]
One Perfect Moment by Leah Neeson To see what cannot always be seen. [46 words]
Of The Dream by M Q Walters - [153 words]
Obscurity by Inchara Its about loneliness and self-pity. [73 words]
Null And Void by Erasmus Flynt - [61 words]
Night Life In Nyc by Hayley Burdett - [71 words]
My World by Rocky Rhodes - [132 words]
My Swan Song by Skyler Drevan - [78 words]
My Reality by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler It's just who I thought my lfie was taking over me and everything. [142 words]
My Dark Is Dark. by Michael Clates Life for you is easy.Life for me...... [132 words]
Misery Loves Company by Hayley Burdett - [90 words]
Midnight Hour by G N Dark poetry. [140 words]
Love From A Pyromaniac's Point Of View by Hayley Burdett - [26 words]
Lost Hope by G N The way I feel.............. [98 words]
Looking Back... by Jacson A Bevens Would you still make the same decision? [137 words]
Longing For Something More by Hayley Burdett - [56 words]
Living On The Outside by Rhiannon Price - [111 words]
Life Must Proceed by Buxton ? [46 words]
Life Is Like That by Nesam Pillay About an aspect of life. [141 words]
Life And It's Irony by Skyler Drevan - [128 words]
Let Your Heart Roam Free by Leah Neeson Take what is yours. [76 words]
Jailbreak by Hayley Burdett - [73 words]
Is He Yearning Too? by Nesam Pillay Romantic. [84 words]
Intimacy Lost by Jacson A Bevens Passionate writings about a former love. [1,564 words]
Intensely And Beautifully Obscene by Skyler Drevan - [49 words]
Inside 84 Acacia Ave by Mungo Faust - [141 words]
In Transit by Erasmus Flynt A soul makes an unexpected pitstop along its journey. [232 words]
In The Rose Garden by Nesam Pillay Love in a quaint garden? [75 words]
Illusionary by Jacson A Bevens Which one is the real you? [151 words]
If I Had Only Known Then by Skyler Drevan - [36 words]
I Miss Her by Jay Little It's about the girl in this girl. [89 words]
I Didn't Do All I Could (But I Tried) by Skyler Drevan When you haven't done enough, but should have tried. [340 words]
Her Majesty by Inchara It is about goddess and her wonders. [98 words]
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Nesam Pillay Romantic Life. [118 words]
Have Mercy by Jack Frost - [590 words]
Gratitude by Jacson A Bevens For bringing me to the place I need to be. [282 words]
Fall's Arrival by Hayley Burdett - [73 words]
Every Morning With You by Jacson A Bevens My dreams of waking up next to her. [103 words]
Empty Barnyard In October by Skyler Drevan - [207 words]
Early Morning by Hayley Burdett - [96 words]
Drinking Coffee With Loveliness by Skyler Drevan Loveliness is a metaphor in this poem about whatever makes you smile. [122 words]
Drama Called “Life” by Inchara Explains different phases of Life - Past, Present, Future. [105 words]
Double Indifference by Skyler Drevan - [43 words]
Dormant Musings by Erasmus Flynt - [106 words]
Diminishing Soul by Inchara Its about being dejected in love. [70 words]
Deceptive by Rhiannon Price - [133 words]
Death, Dying by Nesam Pillay An aspect of Life. [154 words]
Daze by Nesam Pillay An experience... [172 words]
Dance With Me Forever by G N To that special someone....may we dance forever. [179 words]
Compassionate Darkness by Jersey Mike - [102 words]
California Night by Hayley Burdett - [104 words]
By The Lake by Nesam Pillay Romantic, fantasy for your reading pleasure! [183 words]
Bury Your Yesterdays by Rocky Rhodes I wrote this one for the true love of my life. [143 words]
Attorney At Law by Skyler Drevan - [218 words]
At A Point In My Life by Jay Little The title should say it all and if you read it it'll hit even harder. [112 words]
Angels From The Moon by Buxton - [86 words]
An Ode To Man's Best Friend by Skyler Drevan - [199 words]
An Elusive Rose by Nesam Pillay - [88 words]
Advice by Hayley Burdett - [106 words]
Abuse by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler A man beating on his wife till he goes to far. [174 words]
A Visit To Heaven by Dri Cook It's about the moment I reached the top of Mount Sinai, Egypt, few years ago. A moment in my ... [176 words]
A Spark Of Light Through The Valley by Skyler Drevan - [253 words]
A Reflection Of Love by Skyler Drevan - [23 words]
A New Beginning2 by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler It's just about how I used to feel when I was 12, and now that I'm 15, I'm finally slowly turn... [162 words]
A Memoir Of Angst by Skyler Drevan - [50 words]
A Description Of Night by Hayley Burdett - [55 words]
60 Seconds by Buxton - [72 words]
100 Syllables by Jacson A Bevens A short address to the one who left. [58 words]

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Emotion In Motion
Hey JAG, your piece "Welcome to Storymania", inspired this one. To you, Storymaniacs. I can't list you all but I can say THANK YOU for being part of my life. I love you!
[72 words]
Dri Cook

Dri Cook

My name is Adriana, and though I have a nickname, an American friend has told me I have a beautiful name, and uses only my full name. I am a woman, a dreamer who has a passion for life, and loves writing, and I must say, that I breathe words in and out.

I started writing in 2003, as I was internally urged on to do so. Poetry is a natural outcome of my life, and I felt that I was guided or maybe even destined to write, a feeling that took over and could not be stopped.

I love writing all types of poems and am glad when emails arrive from other people on the web, telling me that I put into words exactly the way they feel. Helping people is a nice way to forget about one's own personal problems and keep on going. Another reason that I have been writing is to improve my English. As English is not my native language, writing in English is another way to be even closer to this beautiful language. It has always come so naturally to me, that I can consider it a gift from Heaven.

I was born and raised in Brazil. In marriage, I spent some time in the USA with an American citizen. Sadly though, it did not work out, and I returned to my native land, Brazil. Memories of the time I lived there are nice, and one day I hope I am able to go back to that beautiful country to visit and enjoy all the good things it has to offer.

Teaching is what I do as an occupation and have a love for it, while writing is not only my love, but a hobby and a friend as well. As life's trials come I realize just how blessed I am in God and that He is everything to me.

My children are grown and are young adults now. One is currently living in Italy and works as an Architect, and the other is a psychologist and lives here, in São José dos Campos.

Soon, I will be a grandmother and will continue writing poetry and enlighten people's lives with my gift.

My ultimate dream is to have one of my original poems used as lyrics in a song, and then hear it on many radio stations.

[May 2008]
2 Lovers And A Sexy Moon! (Poetry) A dream! [61 words]
A Man And A Woman (Poetry) Biography, spiritual and also mystical! And of course, a love story that I lived in the past! [164 words]
A Place Of Her Own (Poetry) We all should have a place to hide when the storms come. And there isn't any other place better than... [109 words]
A Safe Place To Be! (Poetry) His boat is still a safe place to be! [121 words] [Motivational]
A Visit To Heaven (Poetry) It's about the moment I reached the top of Mount Sinai, Egypt, few years ago. A moment in my life that, as much as I live, will never, ever foget. A day I touched heaven with my fingertips... [176 words]
A Walk By The Ocean (Poetry) Again, the SHE part is my unconscious and it talks about our interaction and the healing process. There is nothing on Earth that can not be forgiven or healed with the power of Love. [160 words] [Psychology]
Affection (Poetry) Unbreakle bonds, unforgettable memories that will last a life time. [149 words]
Another Routine Day (Poetry) A boring and dull routine day can also become special. It all depends on the way we look at it. [141 words]
B. R. I. A. N. (Poetry) Of course this is for BRIAN O'NEIL, another wonderful pen friend I have in here. [150 words]
Be With Me!! (Poetry) When to love means to help the other to grow! [124 words] [Relationships]
Beauty Without The Beast (Poetry) The battles are supposed to lift our spirit. Let the beast go and if it's meant to come back it will return to you, but never as a beast anymore. [96 words]
Born Free! (Poetry) - [124 words] [Spiritual]
Broken Hearts Can Be Mended! (Poetry) A sweet love poem! [134 words] [Romance]
Butterfly, Could I Borrow Your Wings? (Poetry) The caterpillar must develop itself into a person each one of us is supposed to be. [130 words]
C.H.A.R.A.D.E (Poetry) You tell me... [65 words] [Psychology]
Cheek To Cheek (Poetry) One of those moments of heavenly insanity. [68 words] [Romance]
Close Your Eyes! (Poetry) There are times, we can only see when we close our eyes! [119 words] [Motivational]
Dancing In The Dark (Poetry) I grew up under the beat of his music. A tribute to someone who has always been part of my life: Ray Conniff, the great Maestro. [305 words]
Daydream (Poetry) I interact with my unconscious. The SHE part is my unconscious helping me out during the healing process. [131 words]
Divine Acceptance (Poetry) I'm not mad at God! I'm not mad at a person either! Despite the disappointments, should we still keep on hoping for miracles? I think so! [185 words]
Don't Be Jealous, I Too Love You As A Friend! (Poetry) To Rocco...from me..... [138 words]
Dropping Tears! (Poetry) - [128 words]
Ecstasy! (Poetry) Just changing a little bit... [94 words] [Erotic]
Effusions Of Love (Poetry) impossible to describe true Love! [44 words] [Motivational]
Emerging (Poetry) A natural psycological growing process that most of us, human beings, go thru to get flow of power in our lives (Edited) [85 words]
Emotional Frenzy! (Poetry) [111 words] [Erotic]
Eternity (Poetry) Are you ready for it? [91 words]
Falling Again (Poetry) He melts my heart, charms me, how could I resist? I bet you too would fall for him. [153 words]
Falling Tears (Poetry) I'm back...it's a reflection of the period I was away. [86 words]
Fly, Eagle, Fly! (Poetry) Soar, baby, soar! You're born to be free! [151 words] [Psychology]
Foolish Heart! (Poetry) There are days I don't make any sense...this is one of them...that's when I just love writing about anything! [86 words]
For Better And For Worse (Poetry) When God created man, He saw that it was not good for him to be alone, and He created a woman not only from him but especially for him. Edit. [91 words]
Fragance Of Heaven (Poetry) I had the insight while I was washing the dishes this morning and saw very clearly on a plate I was about to wash, the shape of a cross made of bread crumbs. [110 words]
Frightened Little Bee (Poetry) God and I talking few moments before I was conceived. This caused me to better understand who I really am and to experience a very beautiful moment in my life. [221 words]
Frightened Little Girl! (Poetry) A tribute to my childhood and a way I found to letting go the hurt and suffering I went thru when I was just a little girl! We always can make it, when we have inner strenght and believe in the power... [172 words] [Motivational]
Frightened Little Me (Poetry) Frightened Litte Bee, now in quartains. Thanks RAM, thanks for your help and support! [258 words] [Biography]
God Is Never Late! (Poetry) I was driving back home today when I thought about God being late about certain events that we want to happen in our lives. Then the answer came to my heart! [761 words] [Motivational]
Good Morning, Baby! (Poetry) A romantic way to say good morning! [90 words] [Romance]
Hands In Glove (Poetry) The title came very strongly in my heart. I sort of visualized this metaphore. This time, I am NOT talking about myself. Perhaps I'm talking about you and the pain in your heart. [88 words]
Happy Birthday To Me! (Poetry) Life becomes better as time goes by and dreams come true! [245 words]
Heartless Love (Poetry) To someone I call "Mom". [321 words]
Her Journey (Poetry) Sooner or later, we all go thru this process. A painful but such a wonderful journey! Getting in touch with my unconscious as part of the healing and growing process. [94 words] [Psychology]
Heroes (Poetry) Angels or humans?? Visible or invisible? [158 words]
He's Risen! (Poetry) Happy Easter, everyone! [148 words]
Hey, You! (Poetry) Somehow, we all can contribute to make this world a better place to live! [120 words] [Motivational]
Home Sweet Home! (Poetry) Again, would love this one to become lyrics for a song. In the meantime, it is just a love poem! Yes, Brian? [106 words]
How To Make Someone Happy! (Poetry) Love for good and for worse, but never take the other for granted! A tribute I wrote to someone I loved dearly and that life took away from me. [231 words] [Relationships]
Husbands&Wives (Poetry) - "Grow old along with me". For wives and husbands. For ex wives and ex husbands. [206 words]
I Am (Poetry) I love to be what I have become and still working on it. Thanks to the great I AM [73 words]
I Dreamed Of You (Poetry) To my dad with all my love. To celebrate Christmas, to be thankful for the blessings that come into our lives when we are willing to love and to forgive the ones who hurt us the most. [143 words]
I Just Called To See How You Are Doing! (Poetry) A sweet love poem, a precious dream, that I wanted it to become lyrics for a song! [145 words] [Romance]
I Know You Hear Me, But Are You Listening??? (Poetry) It takes so very little for a broken and confusing someone to become a brandnew person!To believe, to accept and to love this someone unconditionally is the answer! [396 words] [Motivational]
I Love Words (Poetry) Words, what I do, what would I be, if I hadn't you to share my life with? [192 words]
I Love You As A Friend (Poetry) To JAG, my first friend in here! [105 words]
I Love You As My Man! (Poetry) To the one who will walk with me, the journey of life.... [268 words] [Relationships]
I Should Have Known (Poetry) I'm back! Had to give my brain a rest for so much work. I wrote this one from a male perspective. [151 words]
I Wish Mothers Were Like Angels... (Poetry) To my Mom...someone who deserves my unconditional love and respect, no matter what! [337 words] [Motivational]
If I Could Go Back In Time (Poetry) Self-awareness. To Brian, for being such a wonderful friend. Christmas time, time to rethink our lives. [264 words]
I'm A Rose (Poetry) No matter what, a rose will always be a rose in the garden of love. [199 words]
I'm Forced To Say (Poetry) I wrote this poem from a male perspective. The "she" part of the poem is me. [123 words] [Fantasy]
I'm Home (Poetry) It takes more than bricks and gardens for a house to become a home. When dreams come true. [80 words]
I'm Telling You: Don't Fade Away! (Poetry) I wrote this poem to another author who writes with me on another site. He seems to be fading away, meaning, taking his last trip and this saddens me very much! A TRIBUTE to one of my best pen friends... [231 words] [Relationships]
I'm Your Friend (Poetry) To the ones in need of peace, a little hope and comfort. To the ones who are self-sufficient and believe this is all a lie. [274 words]
In Love (Poetry) This is a simple prayer that I wanted it to become a song. [108 words]
In Praise (Poetry) Spiritual. [111 words]
Insane Love (Poetry) Relationships can be like that at times. Some time ago, late at night, playing with few words...this is the result. [93 words] [Relationships]
It Was Love At First Sight (Poetry) Another take of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I want to thank RAM, another wonderful pen friend I have here, for his help. [163 words] [Biography]
It's Alright, You Say... (Poetry) Love is blind, but people shouldn't be. [107 words] [Relationships]
It's That Simple: I Want You! (Poetry) A mixture of ingredients. [147 words]
I've Learned! (Poetry) At the end, to live is such a wonderful adventure, isn't it? [264 words]
Just Because We Met (Poetry) No need of description. The poem itself can tell. If it's real or not?? Ahhhhh...this is none of your business:-) [116 words] [Romance]
Just For Today (Poetry) Where are we going to? [216 words]
Kisses Are, Ah...Just Kisses... (Poetry) A tribute to the art of KISSING! [257 words] [Romance]
Let Me Be A Woman (Poetry) "My darling, I am yours, and you desire me..." - Song of songs. Thought about this one as a song. [95 words] [Romance]
Live, Just Live!! (Poetry) we never know how far a kind word could go. Perhaps to save a life?? [154 words] [Motivational]
Love At First Sight (Poetry) Memories of a love story. [92 words] [Biography]
Love Is The Answer! (Poetry) Go for love...you'll never regret it! [143 words] [Motivational]
Love Me! (Poetry) A Tribute I wrote to someone who I loved dearly in my life... [86 words] [Relationships]
Love Me, Love Me Not (Poetry) Love is always having to say you're sorry, no matter what the movies or the world may say. [168 words] [Motivational]
Loving You (Poetry) Do I know you? [107 words]
Masterpiece (Poetry) We all are unique before the eyes of God. Happy thanksgiving y'all. [124 words]
Mirror Talk (Poetry) I dialogue with myself in front of the mirror about the woman I used to be. [46 words] [Psychology]
Morning Star (Poetry) We all long for a soul mate even though we don''t know who or where he might be. Life is a divine adventure that brings us the right person at the right time, so, don''t worry [89 words]
Mothers And Daughters (Songs) Not always mothers and daughters are what they should be. Co-written by Brian O'Neil and Dri Cook [230 words]
My Endless Love For You! (Poetry) A tribute to eternal love, the type love that lasts forever, love that not everyone is given to experience. I'm thankful that I was given such a gift. [169 words] [Relationships]
My Gratitude (Poetry) When being thankful is a must. A letter to a friend. [314 words]
My Heart Still Bleeds! (Poetry) There are days the past still haunts us, like a bad dream that we know will fade away when we dream another dream! [71 words] [Relationships]
My Sweet (Poetry) This poem is the apple of my eye. It was my second one and it's very related to Insane Love. Here it goes, edited. Back to its original title. [243 words] [Psychology]
Please, Stay! (Poetry) Love is free. In case you want someone to stay and you fail, let the bird go. If it's meant to be yours, somehow, it'll return. If not, do not insist, let the bird be free. [126 words] [Relationships]
Poetry, You'll Always Be Sweet (Poetry) Someone here told me to never stop writing with my heart. How could I? Poetry is my life, my passion. Everything I write always come from within. [112 words] [Biography]
Puppet On Strings (Poetry) He shot, but not to kill. [89 words]
Rock Me, Baby, Sing Me A Lullaby! (Poetry) Could be a song, if I knew how to write it in lyrics:-)Yes, Brian? [143 words] [Romance]
Roses Are Beautiful! (Poetry) Despite the thorns, roses are always beautiful. Despite the trials, life is always good! [312 words] [Relationships]
Say I Love You! (Poetry) When was the last time you said these magical words? A poet friend of mine who is fading away inspired me to write this piece. [251 words]
See What You Do To Me? (Poetry) A song, a poetry, whatever...yes, Brian?? [103 words]
Shadowy Depths Of Your Soul (Poetry) It's psycological in e-v-er-y single way! Could be each one of us. We all have dark spots which need a little encouragement to be left behind, so that we can keep on going before the last depart. [63 words]
Silent Nights, Lonely Nights, Just You And I! (Poetry) Well, I think it deserves...I have to admit it's such a companion...a tribute to my computer. [185 words] [Relationships]
Silent Prayer (Poetry) A response to a very intimate moment I shared with the Lord. [154 words]
Simply Woman (Poetry) To the ones who don't know me. The ones who already know, I want to invite you to stay in my life. [309 words]
Slow Dance (Poetry) Sundays can also be nice. [138 words]
Somewhere In Time (Poetry) sometimes time and space may be different to make things happen [124 words] [Romance]
String Of Pearls (Poetry) You adorn my story with all sorts of dreams... [68 words]
Sweet Honeymoon (Poetry) - [94 words]
Sweet Madness Of Love (Poetry) He is the Rock, the only adequate foundation. Hope this helps, somehow, the ones who are in need of love and hope. [282 words] [Motivational]
Sweet Poetry (Poetry) A poem that I wrote which is one of my favorites, such as A NEW LIFE. It describes what exactly writing means to me: A PASSION! [220 words]
Sweet Valentine! (Poetry) A lost Valentine is never really lost!If you truly love him, he'll always stay, forever in your heart... [60 words] [Romance]
Tell Me I Still Can Trust (Poetry) Releasing... [80 words] [Relationships]
The Apples Are Gone (Poetry) A contemporary fairy tale. [111 words]
The Arm-Chair (Poetry) Even an old chair can hold deep emotions. [75 words]
The Bill (Poetry) To Jim Cook. [69 words] [Relationships]
The Dance Of Love (Poetry) I just had a very strong insight about this poem and here it goes.... [79 words]
The Elevator (Poetry) Not always friends are supposed to use words to communicate, are they? [199 words]
The Girl With Broken Wings (Poetry) - [217 words] [Biography]
The Heart (Poetry) - [12 words] [Mind]
The Ideal Relationship! (Poetry) Comedy or drama? You decide! [98 words] [Relationships]
The Radio (Songs) Fragments of a love story. Co-written by Brion O'Neil and Dri Cook. [211 words]
Things Money Can Never Buy!! (Poetry) There are people, poor people, who still believe their money can buy people!! [473 words] [Drama]
This Evening I Want To Think About You! (Poetry) - [176 words]
Time To Make Choices! (Poetry) Should we stay in a marriage that faded away despite every single effort, or should we run all the risks and take a chance again? What would YOU do? [212 words]
Time To Say Good Bye! (Poetry) As hard as it may be, there are times we have to say good bye to a past that does not belong to us anymore! [106 words] [Publishing]
Time To Tell Stories! (Poetry) There is a time for everything in life! [180 words] [Relationships]
Togetherness (Poetry) Which other thing in this world is as beautiful, sexy, loving and charming as two people deeply in love? Another one that I wanted it to become a song. [161 words] [Relationships]
Traces Of Us (Poetry) To accept with serene indifference ghosts from the past, is the best medication to scare them away. [37 words]
Turmoil (Poetry) Not always we're able to make it alone. Sometimes, we might need a hand to guide us to the end of the tunnel. [97 words] [Psychology]
Two Little Birds (Poetry) Not always is an easy task to become true people. Having broken wings and feeling lost are just part of the process. [120 words] [Psychology]
Two Little Fish (Poetry) There's an interaction again with my unconscious. The two little fish are my children.It talks about freedom and the desire to be part of their lives. [161 words]
Unexpectedly! (Poetry) Not always words are necessary! [76 words]
U.S.A. Let's Fall In Love Again! (Poetry) It talks about my love for the USA and how I see the rejection of American politics living in a S.America country. [258 words]
Vertigo (Poetry) Just in the mood to write more than I've ever been! [120 words] [Romance]
What A Shame! (Poetry) To Lucy, my daughter, the apple of my eyes. [234 words] [Relationships]
What Are Words? (Poetry) Words can shout BOO but they can also say I LOVE YOU! What would I do, if it weren't for you? [122 words]
Why Do We Write? (A Reflection) (Essays) Just about it. Nothing personal. To all of us, Storymaniacs. [984 words]
Why To Offend? (Poetry) A poem I just wrote to someone who has been offending me in here! Thought I would write him a poem. To you, Clayborne, I dedicate this poem! [312 words]
Wishes (Poetry) Greeting the New Year. From my heart, to your heart. [109 words]
Wonderful People (Poetry) People are people, nothing more, nothing less. [188 words]
Would You Mail Your Heart To Me? (Poetry) A poem that I wanted to become lyrics for a song! [206 words] [Romance]
Emotion In Motion
Dri Cook

You write,
I read,
I write
to get you
to plant some seeds,
to give some flavor to
your life,
sensations that we share,
friends for a lifetime,
people that,
even though so far
enter our houses,
read our souls,
feel the pain
in our hearts,
put tears of joy
in our eyes,
ordinary people that
can make us
human beings,
some releasing
their pain,
just sharing
ideas stored
in their brains,
normal people,
mirror of our souls,
emotion in motion,
so glad we have met!




"Hey Dri, this piece is another great one. I found JAG's piece a little helpful myself. I really enjoy your work. We all love you too, Dri. " -- Skyler.
"love this one dri, captured the soul of storymania terrifically well i think." -- just a guy.
"thanks, Jeffrey and Jag. Love you!" -- Dri.


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© 2004 Dri Cook
October 2004

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