hello everyone, i hope that you like my work.. i'm a 19 year old girl who uses writing as an outlet.. some of my work isn't the best but there's a few pieces out there worth reading.. i started writing these posts when i was 14.. and i haven't taken the time to weed out really anything that's a little dull.. well anyways.. hope you enjoy what you do read *Smiles* always, ~Carla [January 2009]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (105) A Card For My Love (Poetry) Ok... this isn't a card I sent to anyone... and no one sent this to me... i wrote this for my art class and I thought it was good enough to post,,, so what do you think? [92 words] A Fleck Of Sand (Poetry) - [115 words] A Letter To You (Poetry) It's a letter to the only guy I've ever loved. it's letting him know how I feel, an opology, and letting him know that I've changed.... well read the thing... what do get out of it?... i never did sen... [232 words] A Place In My Memories (Poetry) - [84 words] Alarm Clock (Poetry) - [91 words] Another Long Summer (Poetry) What can I say summer can be boring when all your friends are out of town. [232 words] [Teenage] Can't Get Away (Poetry) - [78 words] Class After Lunch (Poetry) - [134 words] Confused (Poetry) - [19 words] Congratulations (Poetry) I wrote this for an art project at school... we have to make 3-4 card and this was one of them.. hope you like it... and I hope my teacher does too...lol. [55 words] Crying At Night (Poetry) - [62 words] Cute Little Kids (Poetry) - [63 words] Dad (Poetry) This poem is about my dad, and how he let my step-mom take over. My brother and I moved out after having to dealing with 4 1/2 years of her of her bullshit. And I pray to god that she doesn't treat Ta... [126 words] Dear Friend (Songs) - [167 words] Do I? (Poetry) - [102 words] Do You Really Like Me? (Poetry) - [114 words] Drama (Poetry) - [68 words] Drea (Poetry) - [209 words] Dumped For The First Time (Poetry) - [134 words] Empty Room (Songs) - [116 words] Everyone's Crap (Poetry) - [249 words] Expanding My Horizon (Poetry) - [164 words] First Time In 3 Months (Poetry) It's about the day I saw my friend val again. [128 words] Flash-Backs (Songs) This is a country song that I wrote on the date of: 10-24-04. [165 words] Fly Like A Sparrow (Poetry) - [64 words] Friday Afternoon (Songs) This song is kinda jazzy. if you just read it can sound depressing. but it sounds kool when its being sung. [99 words] Get Out Of My Head (Poetry) - [205 words] Getting Back On Track (Poetry) - [98 words] God Please Help Me (Poetry) - [51 words] Hidden Beauty (Poetry) - [121 words] Hope You're Lucky (Poetry) - [77 words] I Feel So Used (Poetry) - [116 words] If You Were Here (Poetry) - [56 words] I'll Try For You (Poetry) - [117 words] I'm A Bitch! (Poetry) ok... this is about me, how i lost my verginaty to my friend's guy, and how i feel about that... [297 words] It's My Birthday! (Poetry) I just wrote it... tell me what you think... I think it get's a little of the subject... all well... hope you enjoy it [198 words] It's Not All About Sex (Non-Fiction) You'll find out. [383 words] It's Only A Dream (Poetry) - [77 words] Just Hold Me (Songs) - [156 words] Just Respect Me (Poetry) Guys annoy me when they don't know how to show respect... what else can I say... they piss me off. [99 words] Kid Without A Clue (Poetry) - [55 words] Lets Clean The Slate (Poetry) Something I just wrote.. I see more than one meaning in it.. well it's here for everyone to enjoy... would love some feed back... keep on smiling... because smiles sure make my day! [91 words] Life Wasted Sitting (Poetry) - [99 words] Looking Back At You (Poetry) This is about a person that I spent a lot of time with last summer. i don't think that the title really fits this poem.. but it's gunna have to do until I think of somethink else. [141 words] Matthew (Poetry) Well you know who you are.. lol i just read your poem... I thought you'd like a poem more than a review... you write for me so just thought I could write a little something for you... it's a I had tro... [122 words] Maybe More Than A Friend (Poetry) - [60 words] Midnight Rain (Poetry) I wrote it last night and would love some feedback... anything would good. [148 words] Missing You Still (Poetry) The only guy i've ever loved... thinking about him still... I left him about a year ago... [129 words] My Parents And Myself (Non-Fiction) It's basicly me bitching about my parents. [1,277 words] [Teenage] My Second Chance (Poetry) - [115 words] My Writing Lately (Poetry) It sucks [145 words] Nature Of The Seasons (Poetry) - [62 words] [Nature] No More Creeps For Me (Poetry) - [78 words] One Of My Prayers (Poetry) I just started to write what I was feeling and as I wrote I was prying... I guess I just don't know what I want really... I just pray that God will take the hurt away. [301 words] Only Curious (Poetry) - [122 words] Picture (Poetry) - [101 words] Please Smile For Me (Poetry) - [87 words] Praising Him (Poetry) - [100 words] Quinton (Poetry) - [194 words] [Relationships] Rejection (Poetry) - [107 words] Restless Slumber (Poetry) - [74 words] Scorpio (Poetry) - [116 words] Shocked (Poetry) - [74 words] Should I Let You In (Songs) A slow rock song. [123 words] Sitting Alone (Songs) A country song. well its just something I came up with thinking of other peoples' lives. it has nothing to do with me, but there are people out there that have to deal with what I wrote. [146 words] Someone (Poetry) Someone that I knew back in middle school... I just want to get to know him better... he'd a good friend... now all you readers don't get the wrong idea... ok if you want to you can... but that is not... [100 words] Still Waiting (Poetry) - [95 words] Stop Looking To The Skies (Poetry) - [45 words] Stress (Poetry) - [302 words] The Age Of The Less Forgotten (Poetry) I don’t really understand it, even though I wrote it. these words just came to me; so I wrote them down. maybe someone can tell me what it really means… because I’m really at a loss here. [83 words] The Break Up (Poetry) - [126 words] The Girl In The Corner (Poetry) - [89 words] The Joy Of A Teen's Room (Poetry) Well... my room is one of those kool attic rooms... when i'm done painting it it's going to be spiffy cool with tuns of different colors.... well I don't usually keep my room a mess but i've been bizz... [158 words] The Outside (Poetry) - [100 words] The Things We Go Through (Poetry) The person that this is talking about is me... when it says "you" it's talking about me. [171 words] The Way That I See It (Poetry) - [120 words] They Said They Wouldn't (Poetry) - [79 words] Thinking Of My Past (Poetry) - [81 words] Thinking Of Yashua (Poetry) What do yhou think?... it's just somthing that kind of came to me... didn't spend a whole lot of time on it... i'd like some feedback. [159 words] This Weekend (Poetry) - [242 words] Thoughts On Life (Poetry) Thoughts and questions about life... stuff I was thinking about [189 words] Time To Smile (Poetry) - [71 words] Tk (Poetry) - [204 words] Turn Down The Sound (Poetry) - [62 words] Val (Poetry) - [85 words] Walked Around Town (Songs) - [115 words] Wanting Something (Poetry) Just something I wrote... I don't know. [113 words] What Do I Want? (Poetry) - [137 words] When It Knocks (Poetry) - [90 words] Where Is It? (Poetry) - [53 words] Where My Thoughts Lay (Poetry) this is about my ex-fiancé and myself ... a little bit of what i'm feeling right now i couldn't really think of a title that suits this poem [139 words] Why Am I Single? (Poetry) - [116 words] Winter's Trees (Poetry) - [20 words] Wish To Be A Child (Poetry) - [185 words] Writer's Block (Poetry) - [71 words] Yet Another Ending (Poetry) more like a letter than a poem... an ending of a sexual friendship with an ex... an ex that's hard to let go of, yet seems to know how to break a girls heart time and time again.. so it's my turn to d... [206 words] You Are There (Songs) Well it's a song I just wrote... I might add one more verse... [49 words] You Her And Me (Poetry) - [183 words] You Love Her (Poetry) - [120 words] You Need A Beating! (Poetry) - [142 words] .Always There. (Songs) This is a song that I wrote last summer... I'm just now getting to put it on this site... lol... I hope you enjoy it! [151 words] .Just Let Me Be. (Poetry) - [221 words] [Teenage] .Moving On. (Poetry) - [100 words] .The Beach. (Songs) A countryish song. [125 words] .Why Do You Hide Me?. (Poetry) - [102 words]
How Do I Say It? Carla Thomson
How do I explain how I feel about you?
This burning sensation in my heart.
I want to say the words I’m thinking.
The words only my heart can define.
The words I want to say, my mouth can not form
No matter how hard I try
I’m afraid you will not see the deep meaning in those words,
Or you don’t feel the same.
Yet you’re always by my side
And always want to make things right
It bugs me that I can’t say what’s on my mind,
When I’m looking in those eyes.
I want to say it
But I can’t get it out
It’s the fear of you being afraid and not knowing what to say,
That it will catch you by surprise.
I keep on asking myself,
Will I ever let him know?
How long will we last?
And is he the one?
Because, I know I’m in love.
"Hey there Carla... who's this about I wonder? :) Gonna write somethin bout me? HUH? jw... love you Great job. It is beautiful!" -- Desi.
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