From The Earth To The Moon by Amarjit Bhambra - [75 words] Emotion Hurts by Amarjit Bhambra - [102 words] Loving You by Dri Cook Do I know you? [107 words] Zero And Falling by Diana Venditti - [35 words] True Dreams by Amarjit Bhambra A poem on a dream that really came true, I don't know the meaning can anyone help? [83 words] Tribute To Ms Diana Venditti by Nesam Pillay A tribute, a note of appreciation. [68 words] Treachery At Court by Diana Venditti - [168 words] The World:Now by Jay Little It's a little piece about how I see the world as it is now in the present how this might be the b... [197 words] The Voyage Of The Kyle Mayes by E Rocco Caldwell This is a poem in 5 beat meter as a part of the poetry contest mentioned in the Ad... [78 words] The Sibil by Joe Newton Would appreciate your opinion. [67 words] The Sands Of Time by Diana Venditti - [89 words] The Old Dark House by Joe Newton I hope someone will read this,and at least tell me if I am wasting my time,cheers,Joe. [113 words] The Hidden by D G Williford - [27 words] The Fairy Queen by Diana Venditti For D.J.Williford, because she loves fairies. [104 words] The Duat by Diana Venditti Right,let me try and make this as simple as possible, because it is not an easy subject. Seth is norma... [11 words] The Duat, Part 1 by Diana Venditti I did a note to help you understand this poem. note.- Re is King of all gods. Field of reeds= ... [147 words] The Brook by Diana Venditti - [105 words] The Boy King by Diana Venditti - [89 words] That Tree, A Selection Of Poems by Olutayo K Osunsan The poems are from Olutayo's upcoming selection of poems. [704 words] Starship by Diana Venditti First time for this kind, would be grateful for your opinion. [95 words] Spring by Diana Venditti - [89 words] Spiritual Readers by Higgins Those who look into crystal balls, read palms, interpret cards,... [153 words] So Lost by Jannah Akira Look closely. [55 words] Simply Malaysia by Nesam Pillay Picturesque Malaysia! [131 words] Senryu Poem Of Popular Oxymorons by Higgins A poetic rendering of combinations of contradictory or incongruous words. [40 words] Rock And Roll by Higgins A poem which includes a sampling of Rock and Roll luminaries. [163 words] Pull Of The Tides by D G Williford Lovers searching... who knows. [246 words] Orangy Love by Nesam Pillay Imagery. [39 words] My Curse by D G Williford A woman is plagued by other's sights... [266 words] Love Me, Love Me Not by Dri Cook Love is always having to say you're sorry, no matter what the movies or the world may say. [168 words] Love Is Blind by David Con You figure it out. [131 words] Ive Got To Go by Megan Quesenberry - [75 words] In The Lonely Temple by Nesam Pillay Free Poetry - An imagery of a journey to a rendezvous... [492 words] I Can Hope Faith And Charity by Diana Venditti Human nature. [112 words] Have Not Met You Yet by Jay Little Just something that has been in my mind and I've decided to write it down. [112 words] Fairies by Diana Venditti - [105 words] Echo Of A Green Valley by Diana Venditti I go there whenever I can. [94 words] Earth Wind And Fire by Diana Venditti - [40 words] Duh! by Nesam Pillay About something that was said. [20 words] Deep Rooted Love by Amarjit Bhambra - [75 words] Dear Brother by Amarjit Bhambra Life is full of meanings, but sometimes we wished we had said things not realizing it when it is t... [101 words] Dawn by Diana Venditti - [95 words] Dawn..... Part2 by Diana Venditti For kavya, hope you like this, let me know. [86 words] Country Music by Higgins Descriptions of superstars of Country Music. [171 words] Come Blow Your Horn by Diana Venditti A foxy story. [86 words] Central America 1400 by Diana Venditti Hope you are not squeamish. [124 words] Castors Creek by Diana Venditti Thing changed when... [161 words] Bruises by D G Williford [55 words] Blue Moon by Diana Venditti Playing with simple rhyme. [73 words] Baby Play by Nesam Pillay Play time with my Jon! [42 words] All Hallows Eve by D G Williford ....graveyard play. [72 words] Ain't Politics Grand by Just A Guy It's that time of year again - VOTE or don't. [95 words] Affection by Dri Cook Unbreakle bonds, unforgettable memories that will last a life time. [149 words] Actors And Dancers by Higgins - [109 words] A Walk Through Time by Diana Venditti A mystic journey. [90 words] A Walk Through Time Part 2 by Diana Venditti This is a different way of doing the same idea. [90 words] A Sampling Of Senryu Poems by Higgins These poems follow the 5-7-5 pattern of Haiku but do not focus on nature or the seas... [154 words] A Rose Bloom by Nesam Pillay Imagery. [48 words] A Letter To The Fallen Catholic by Tony R Rodriguez An address to those who've left the Flock. [344 words] A Beach Fable by Joe Newton My new friends I would be happy for your opinion. [161 words] 911:A Poem by Jay Little This was written a little after 911 but I just find it [70 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 [119 ] 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
I Can
Just feelings. [102 words]
Diana Venditti
- [October 2004]
A Fairy Tale (Poetry) For all of you with children. [105 words] A Fight Against Time (Poetry) Based on a true event in south africa, No.1 shaft western holding, welcome orange free state. [152 words] A Flirtation At Court (Poetry) - [188 words] A New Feeling (Poetry) Sometimes we have to find the courage to walk away. [170 words] A Perfect Affair (Poetry) Eat your heart out. [94 words] A Search For Words (Poetry) - [57 words] A Sparrow Falls (Poetry) For hostages killed in Irak. [79 words] A Walk Through Time (Poetry) A mystic journey. [90 words] A Walk Through Time Part 2 (Poetry) This is a different way of doing the same idea. [90 words] A War Of Wills (Poetry) - [81 words] A War Somewhere (Poetry) Will man ever learn. [158 words] An Ordinary Day (Poetry) - [217 words] And I Dream (Poetry) - [172 words] Angels Might (Poetry) - [101 words] Attila (Poetry) - [78 words] Birth Of A World (Poetry) - [161 words] Blue Moon (Poetry) Playing with simple rhyme. [73 words] Bonny (Poetry) A dedication to a dear friend. [114 words] Castors Creek (Poetry) Thing changed when... [161 words] Central America 1400 (Poetry) Hope you are not squeamish. [124 words] Come Blow Your Horn (Poetry) A foxy story. [86 words] Congo Stopover (Poetry) A true story. [134 words] Dance Of The Sandstorm (Poetry) - [92 words] Daughter Of The Sun (Poetry) - [175 words] Dawn (Poetry) - [95 words] Dawn..... Part2 (Poetry) For kavya, hope you like this, let me know. [86 words] Death Of A Godking (Poetry) - [142 words] Demons Gods And Heros (Poetry) - [73 words] Dreams And Logic (Poetry) - [63 words] Earth Wind And Fire (Poetry) - [40 words] Earthquake (Poetry) - [77 words] Echo Of A Green Valley (Poetry) I go there whenever I can. [94 words] Eternal Winds (Poetry) - [108 words] Evil Walks (Poetry) - [79 words] Fairies (Poetry) - [105 words] Fifteen Friends And A House On The Hill (Poetry) Paradise found. [207 words] For England And King Harry (Poetry) - [158 words] Friday Again (Poetry) A magic moment. [59 words] Getting To Know Me (Poetry) For all my new friends. [201 words] Go West Young Man Part 1 (Poetry) A new kind of poem would like your opinion to say if it works. [165 words] Hallowed Ground (Poetry) Beware when you walk in a graveyard after midnight. [103 words] Happy Christmas To All On Storymania (Poetry) - [53 words] Hatshepsut (Poetry) Attempted assassination of a queen. [147 words] Hell Riders (Poetry) In the night they come. [93 words] Here's To You All (Poetry) A little ditty to you all. [94 words] He's Done It Again (Poetry) - [49 words] Hope And The Warrior (Poetry) - [82 words] Hope Faith And Charity (Poetry) Human nature. [112 words] Hope's Golden Thread (Poetry) For Rebecca. [88 words] I Walk In Time (Poetry) - [96 words] Ihy (Poetry) Magic and myth. [85 words] Is It True (Poetry) Words that disturb sleep. [98 words] Just Me And Giov And The Olive Grove (Poetry) - [77 words] Ladies And Gentlemen Your Comments Please (Poetry) We all need feed back. [134 words] Life Loves And Death Of Cleopatra (Poetry) - [328 words] Little Bopeep (Poetry) Well we have to laugh sometimes I am tired of gloom and doom. [50 words] Looks Like Rain (Poetry) Well got to laugh sometimes. [100 words] Looks Like Rain Part 2 (Poetry) Come on in now ya hear! [104 words] Love Is (Poetry) - [75 words] Love On A Rainy Afternoon (Poetry) Long live rainy afternoons. [81 words] Miss Winterbottom (Poetry) This was made into a song. [133 words] Mitsuku's Moon (Songs) Little love song, written several years ago. [76 words] Monday Again (Poetry) I hate mondays. [127 words] Morning Mist (Poetry) - [89 words] Night Dreams (Poetry) - [111 words] Night Of The Blind (Poetry) - [95 words] Ode To Autumn (Poetry) To all nature lovers. [129 words] Ode To Winter Wind (Poetry) - [111 words] One Sweet Kiss (Poetry) - [66 words] Out Of Nowhere (Poetry) - [154 words] Rebecca And Christmas (Poetry) Happy christmas little one. [112 words] Red Rose (Poetry) - [58 words] Re-Education Camp Siberia (Poetry) - [42 words] Ride A Wild Tiger (Poetry) - [20 words] Sentinels Of Time (Poetry) A yearning to return. [91 words] Simba (Poetry) Another to my faithfull friend who loves Africa. [67 words] Someone Special (Poetry) - [97 words] Something Slithers (Poetry) - [117 words] Soul Song (Poetry) - [103 words] Spaced Out (Poetry) - [99 words] Spring (Poetry) - [89 words] Spring Song (Poetry) For brion. Hope I managed to capture your favorite time of year. [135 words] Starship (Poetry) First time for this kind, would be grateful for your opinion. [95 words] Street Music (Poetry) Sometimes fate does the right thing. [153 words] Sunday (Poetry) - [87 words] Sunday Snow (Poetry) A brief encounter. [85 words] Tempest (Poetry) - [99 words] The Angel (Poetry) I believe in angels. [59 words] The Art Of Survival (Poetry) - [80 words] The Boy King (Poetry) - [89 words] The Brook (Poetry) - [105 words] The Duat (Poetry) Right,let me try and make this as simple as possible, because it is not an easy subject. Seth is normaly the bady, god of chaos, but in the after world, which is like our hell,he is ok.Apophis is the ... [11 words] The Duat, Part 1 (Poetry) I did a note to help you understand this poem. note.- Re is King of all gods. Field of reeds= heaven Bark= ship Apophis= wicked serpent,who wants to stop you getting to heaven Maat,goddess of balance ... [147 words] The Encounter In The Forest (Poetry) - [160 words] The Fairy Queen (Poetry) For D.J.Williford, because she loves fairies. [104 words] The Final Solution (Poetry) Never forgotten. [61 words] The Flock (Poetry) - [86 words] The Frog (Poetry) A freaky frog story. [110 words] The Ghost (Poetry) Goose bumps. [102 words] The Gypsy Dancer (Poetry) - [72 words] The Hand (Poetry) Has it happened to you? [76 words] The Hunted Hunter (Poetry) A lttle justice sometimes. [131 words] The Indian (Poetry) - [211 words] The Inner Eye (Poetry) - [81 words] The Killing Fields (Poetry) - [230 words] The Kiss (Poetry) Keep wishing girls. [120 words] The Last Star In The Last Galaxy (Poetry) This kind of poem is new to me see what you think. [114 words] The Mermaid (Poetry) For those with children. [111 words] The Presence (Poetry) - [197 words] The Quest (Poetry) Pehaps many of us feel like this sometimes. [142 words] The Rat (Poetry) A secret fear. [142 words] The Rebirth Of Dawn (Poetry) - [92 words] The Sands Of Time (Poetry) - [89 words] The Sistrum (Poetry) For he who loves Africa. [79 words] The Spinner Of Time (Poetry) - [58 words] The Spirit Of Christmas (Poetry) A christmas message. [112 words] The Witch (Poetry) A story of a witch. [267 words] Thoughts Of A Fair Maid (Poetry) Tut tut. [92 words] Thoughts Of Sweet Maid Part 2 (Poetry) FOR MIKE AND ROCCO. TUT TUT. [107 words] Tiger (Poetry) To one of the most beautiful creatures on the earth. [91 words] Timeless Winds (Poetry) - [108 words] Treachery At Court (Poetry) - [168 words] Walk On The Wild Side (Poetry) She was a wild one. [109 words] War Of The Clans (Poetry) - [93 words] Wars Of Angels (Poetry) - [109 words] When Knights Were Bold (Poetry) - [223 words] Will He Won't He (Poetry) - [61 words] Will You (Poetry) Ye olde merry england type of ditty, tut tut. [137 words] Winter's Song (Poetry) - [138 words] Zero And Falling (Poetry) - [35 words]
I Can Diana Venditti
I can taste the sunshine,on a summer's day.
Smell the perfume,of the forrest when the rain has slipped away
I can see the tempest,lighting up the sky,
And feel the magic of the moon,when ,the night is nigh.
Wish upon a falling star,or see the waves roll in.
Dry the tears of my child,then see her cheeky grin.
When every thing around me,brings me to despair.
The wonder of Gods gifts I see,I know there allways there.
Then courage,takes me by the hand,to fight another day,
And even though I stumble upon the rock strewn way,
Tomorrow is another day,and I like phoenix rise,
And thank the Lord for everything,beneath his azure skies.
"Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Welcome back. Let's call a truce. I'll take the fault. We'll chalk it up to my insecurities...Lord knows I have a lot of them." -- KM.
"Hi, thanks for the kind words,not your fault, I raise my hackles too quickly, I should take a lesson from my doberman ,hes intelligent ,only raises when there is REAL trouble.xxD" -- Diana Venditti.
"nicely done but u sure u want to make peace - cat fights are soooo interesting." -- echo.
"Hi,dont be a stirer, xx lets just write what we feel,but no bitching,I think we all have a lot to offer, no?now for me this poem is what I call chocolate box, I will leave a bit of info on The Duat, when you know who is who,you just might find it interesdting,I work with this material,thats the problem, I forgot that you might not know what the h... I was talking about,so I will try now to help,THANKS D" -- Diana Venditti.
"All these things that happen now and then help us grow, Diana, not only as a writer but especially as a person. Don't take people so seriously, Diana, just enjoy the moment and the good within each one of us. If you don't mind me telling you, the commas are not in the correct place. Some of them should not be there. If you want to improve your writing, punctuation is something really important, ok?" -- Dri.
"Nice one, as Dri said I think some commas are askew and a few typos but there are some very nice lines here. Glad to see you didn't leave!" -- kavya.
"nice work, glad to see you back!!" -- Nesam Pillay.
"First,thank you all for your interest,second,Dri dont take this wrong,I have said so many times,comma's ect ,have allways been a thorn in my side,but non of us are perfect,I would be happy if you give me a hand in this.D" -- Diana Venditti.
"Hi Nesam, as usual you have such a lovely way of saying things, this comes from the culture of your country, where I found people that were very special.thank you, did you get the E.MAIL?D" -- Diana Venditti.
"Hi,Kavya,Thanks ,looking forward to reading a new one from you.D" -- Diana Venditti.
"there are some good sites that can help you on commas and punctuation. Go to Google and they will come up. As for the typing, just be careful when you type, review your work, if you notice a mistake, repost it and try to always make your work look neat. Well, just answering your question. And no, I did not know that commas have been a thorn in other side. We all have thorns in our sides now and then, Diana, we just need to learn how to overcome them. Good luck." -- Dri.
"Dri, leaving commas etc apart, you NEVER say if you like the story line or not, would be nice to have your comments on the poem itself.D" -- Diana Venditti.
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© 2004 Diana Venditti
October 2004