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Striptease.(Poem) by Terry Collett - [184 words]
Woman Who Cried. by Terry Collett - [168 words]
War's Edge. by Terry Collett - [160 words]
Toad... The Dark Horse by Lucy Lockett Relationship between the light and the dark [225 words]
Stumoder & The Waitress. by Terry Collett - [242 words]
She Never Told. by Terry Collett - [194 words]
Sailor Said. by Terry Collett - [132 words]
Row Memento. by Terry Collett - [131 words]
Prayer Of Dancing. by Terry Collett - [161 words]
Pillow Talk. by Terry Collett - [239 words]
Patience In Bed. by Terry Collett - [229 words]
Old Whores And Montez. by Terry Collett - [217 words]
Marbax Watches. by Terry Collett - [198 words]
Madge & Mother. by Terry Collett - [237 words]
Little Girl In Photographs...
Life As I Know It by Tulip My life has changed so much since the fall...I look back and am amazed at the metamorphosis t... [260 words]
Kid Minding. by Terry Collett - [212 words]
I Thought For A Second. by Georgia Smailes This is a poem to the person i love and I hope you all enjoy. x [107 words]
I Long For The Day by Naadira Rushing - [216 words]
Hot Love. by Terry Collett - [146 words]
Father's Ghost. by Terry Collett - [247 words]
Fat Dames Love. by Terry Collett - [195 words]
Even As She Speaks. by Terry Collett - [254 words]
Death Watch. by Terry Collett - [203 words]
Coco's Dawn. by Terry Collett - [255 words]
Braddox Alone. by Terry Collett - [235 words]
Bortlouder's Captured Image. by Terry Collett - [194 words]
Another Fine Beginning. by Terry Collett - [264 words]
Anny In A Small Cafe. by Terry Collett - [231 words]
When Mama Gets Paid by S B Douglass A short poem about a little girl's feelings of desertion surrounding her father leaving. [322 words]
Waiting For Mr Death. by Terry Collett - [238 words]
Unknown Delia. by Terry Collett - [177 words]
Romero In New York. by Terry Collett - [253 words]
Polly In George's Room. by Terry Collett - [290 words]
Old Days. by Terry Collett - [246 words]
Mrs Toadsbody's Art. by Terry Collett - [241 words]
Martha' S Ebony Christ. by Terry Collett - [147 words]
In A Side Ward. by Terry Collett - [133 words]
Hot Stuff. by Terry Collett - [181 words]
Her Heart Broken. by Terry Collett - [213 words]
Expected. by Terry Collett - [237 words]
Even As She Sleeps. by Terry Collett - [252 words]
Dibtop Wants. by Terry Collett - [156 words]
Delia Manages. by Terry Collett - [111 words]
Bredgarde Saw. by Terry Collett - [162 words]
Bonnie Parker's Visitation. by Terry Collett - [173 words]
Behind Wars. by Terry Collett - [228 words]
Ariadne Watches. by Terry Collett - [153 words]
Waiting For Wally. by Terry Collett - [209 words]
Unfaithful Fellow. by Terry Collett - [226 words]
The Devil Laughs by Jasmine P Batey - [85 words]
Take You Back Again by Jasmine P Batey - [119 words]
Summer Smile. by Terry Collett - [219 words]
Suffering Can Be, by Terry Collett - [137 words]
Slowly Dying Selves. by Terry Collett - [141 words]
Sex And Helzingler. by Terry Collett - [254 words]
Right Through Me by Jasmine P Batey - [161 words]
Pause Between Dances. by Terry Collett - [168 words]
Paris At Night. by Terry Collett - [283 words]
Open My Eyes by Jasmine P Batey - [135 words]
One Born Dead. by Terry Collett - [249 words]
Lying With Coco. by Terry Collett - [226 words]
Loves To Dance. by Terry Collett - [146 words]
Love Is A Despair by Jasmine P Batey - [92 words]
Just Open My Eyes by Jasmine P Batey - [135 words]
In Granddad's House. by Terry Collett - [222 words]
I Want You To See Me by Jasmine P Batey - [102 words]
Heidi And The Young Man. by Terry Collett - [206 words]
For How Long? by Common Sense - [47 words]
Every Things Alright by Jasmine P Batey - [110 words]
Doris's Men by Terry Collett - [263 words]
Don't Waste The Days. by Terry Collett - [251 words]
Don't Let Me Drown by Jasmine P Batey - [43 words]
Dixie Dourbridge. by Terry Collett - [178 words]
Dilly Doesn't by Terry Collett - [171 words]
Come Up And See Me. by Terry Collett - [281 words]
Calypso Could Once. by Terry Collett - [151 words]
Broke As A Joke by Yeh Nah Composed while smoking j's on the beach with mates [16 words]
Blue Girl by Terry Collett - [167 words]
Black Heavy Rain. by Terry Collett - [160 words]
Berlin Was Cold. by Terry Collett - [180 words]
Before The Hero by Jasmine P Batey i don't know where to go with it after this [36 words]
Bad Dreams. Ipoem) by Terry Collett - [193 words]
Aroma Of Women. by Terry Collett - [248 words]
Anny On The Beach. by Terry Collett - [226 words]
Anny At The Bank. by Terry Collett - [212 words]

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Little Girl In Photographs...
Self explanatory, really...
[180 words]
Desi Williams
[March 2011]
All I Need (Songs) Depression, wanting love but not finding it, better things to come. Think Evanescence, Linkin Park, Seether. [168 words]
All I Need 2 (Songs) This is a slightly different version of the first one... no swear words. [166 words]
Baptism Testimony (Essays) - [901 words]
Best Friend And Worst Enemy (Songs) Hard Rock lyrics... country sound... those two don't normally go together, huh? :) not my best work ever... I'm sick today LOL... thanks for the reviews. [154 words]
Black Boots (Poetry) This is to my sis. [94 words]
Can You See Me? (Songs) The title is the beginning of each verse. [62 words]
Cast The First Stone (Essays) - [244 words]
Cathartic (Poetry) Contains SI. Is short and choppy in some places for effect. Don't know if it will work. Let me know what you think. [95 words]
Convey (Poetry) It's written to this boy whom I hold very dear. [180 words]
Disappearing Beneath Myself (Songs) It is like "Going Under" by Evanescence. Same tone, anyways. [114 words]
Do It Better (Poetry) Rants to my parents. Again. [212 words]
Dreambook Snapshots (Poetry) - [180 words]
Fading Away With The Rain (Short Stories) I wrote it based on the cover of "Fallen" by Evanescence. [137 words] [Drama]
Fairy Tale Love (Poetry) Sort of a metaphor and at first it trips you up... You'll see. [95 words]
Feather Flowers (Poetry) I wrote this a long time ago, right after I walked to the library from my therapist's office. [55 words]
Fluttering Crush (Poetry) Description of feelings to a special person in my life, who does not return the gesture :( Look and see if you know what I am. [345 words]
For A Moment (Songs) I want someone to hold me close and tell me I'm special. That's what this is about. [136 words]
Forever Will I Love You (Poetry) Old poem... off the top... <3 yall! [58 words]
Hummingbird (Poetry) I wrote this right after seeing the guy I like... it's also just about a hummingbird, my fave bird, and also my two late grandmothers' favorite bird... [59 words]
I Packed My Bags (Songs) About how my parents don't appreciate me for who I am, and how sometimes, it gets to the point where we never wanna see each other again... [252 words]
In Your Awesome Presence (Songs) It's a work in process... I believe in a Goddess too... but I wrote about the God... tell me whatcha think! Love y'all! [183 words] [Spiritual]
Josh (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Josh mean to me? [10 words]
Just A Little, Baby (Songs) How I'm feeling in the moment... [143 words]
Live For Your Own Lyrics (Poetry) I was thinking about this one guy I know that is kind of a loner. We went on a community tour with some of our classmates and he just lit his cigarette and walked over to a big rock several hundred y... [82 words]
Love Prayers (Poetry) It's... well, once you read it, it is self explanatory. [113 words]
Love (An Essay On The Matter) (Essays) Maybe love really does exist for those who aren't as fortunate to have good looks or funny personalities. I have my eye on a few prospects... or their words, anyhow. *wink* Love y'all. [368 words] [Romance]
Make Up Your Mind (Poetry) About a complete dick that fucked up my life and ruined a friendship. Glad he's in prison. [259 words]
Math (Poetry) I wrote this in math one day based on a nearby poster combined w/ feelings of my life. [103 words]
Maybe Someday (Poetry) I don't think it's very good.... It's about someone... you don't know them... I think ;) [63 words]
Nunnada'utsun't'yi - The Trail Place Where They Cried (Short Stories) It is about a white girl and her father during the 1800s having to herd the Cherokee out of Georgia because of the Indian Removal Act. It is also told from the point of view of a young Cherokee girl ... [1,675 words] [History]
Pause (Let Me In) (Songs) It is bout mah mudder and fodder controllin mah life. [148 words]
Poem Letter To My Coping Mechanism (Poetry) I've had too much trouble in my life. I don't need this anymore. I have God, like always, and friends, and family. I don't need it!!! [102 words]
Red Faces (Poetry) Think about it. [57 words]
Redundant Oxymoronic Paradox (Poetry) Nuff said. Thought of it in the shower!!! [93 words]
Ruthie (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Ruthie mean to me? (I love my little sissy!) [11 words]
Sam (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Sam mean to me? [7 words]
Sitting All Alone By Myself (Songs) Just something I thought up... Inspired by my life, my friend Carla's song, and Dizzy Up the Girl, an album by The GooGoo Dolls. Love and peace and blessings to y'all! Stay crazy. [163 words]
Speech Blanket (Poetry) Something I wrote in a sleepy state... and although I was almost "out", yes, I did mean to spell emptiness with a "y"... [21 words]
Stay Away From My Way (Songs) It's a hard rock song... maybe not heavy metal... but definitely hard rock... punk... yeah... it's like a poem and a song... Love y'all and your reviews! Peace!!! [134 words]
Surreal Awakening (Songs) My first song on here, but definitely not my first song. Think Travis, Simple Plan. Please review. [86 words]
Synonymous Confusion... Thanks For The Help! (Poetry) It is just a jumble of my thoughts at this moment. [96 words]
The Garden Of Edenia - Intro (Novels) It has bisexuality, self harm, and Wiccan terminology. Be careful! [663 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eight--Bus (Novels) - [297 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eleven--Donor (Novels) - [652 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fifteen--Grandfather (Novels) - [410 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Five--Dyke (Novels) - [217 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Four--Secrets (Novels) - [176 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fourteen--Accident (Novels) - [340 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Nine--Edie (Novels) - [527 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter One--Class (Novels) - [181 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Seven--Ritual (Novels) - [216 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Six--Cut (Novels) - [329 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Sixteen--Kiss (Novels) - [180 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Ten--Mind (Novels) - [420 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Thirteen--Song (Novels) - [933 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Three--Discovery (Novels) - [201 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Twelve--Mom (Novels) - [249 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Two--Group (Novels) - [465 words]
The Opposites Of Love (Poetry) Another old poem...I don't think it's very good... <3 yall... [48 words]
Throw Me Away (Like You Did Before) (Songs) It's about a guy I never had. :) [158 words]
Val (Haiku) (Poetry) Who is Val to me? [3 words]
Whatcha Doin'? (Songs) It's sorta Emcee, sorta punk rock. Those don't really coincide, do they? Oh WELL!!! [149 words]
When I Need You Most (Songs) I wrote this on an especially depressed day. A little suicidal, though I'm not, thank God/dess. [188 words]
Where Are We Now? (Songs) Sort of a poem song... wait. all songs are poems LOL... about how trapped I feel sometimes. I'm sick a lot, but my parents never believe me, and I'm trapped in what they believe. [193 words]
Where Does She Go From Here? (Short Stories) It's about my life thus far... in a way. [477 words] [Self-Help]
White Hawk (Poetry) What does my white hawk mean to me? I can't finish it until the bird flies here and lets me know he won't poop on me. [37 words]
Why, Oh Why? (Poetry) A compilation of new and old poems I've written... some are more songs... hope you enjoy... please review... love y'all! [175 words]
Yesterday And Tonight (Poetry) Something old w/ a lil something new... [50 words]
(Especially) Without You (Poetry) slam poem ish bout a friend... or what I want to be MORE than... [170 words]
Little Girl In Photographs...
Desi Williams

My mother gave me several photos

Of when I was a little girl

Captured in those snapshots

is a different time, a different world

Looking at those pictures

I kind of struggle to see

The underlying connection

Between that little girl and me

There's so much innocence,

So much light shining from her face

Now that years and mistakes create a timeline chasm,

It feels like everything has been erased.

I'm surprised the boxes of documented memories

Didn't self-combust or turn to dust

When life turned upside down for me

And decided the easy path would be unjust

Apparently I haven't karmically earned

An existence of quiet and ease

There's some kind of god or higher power

I have to appeal to, have to appease

Could I show them one of those pictures

From when I was a little girl

And attempt to explain my confusion

About the annihilation of her world

Maybe those divine beings would understand my sorrow

For the loss of such simple beauty

To somehow return even a small portion of such radiance

Might possibly be my inherent duty

The first of many I must perform

To reach my ultimate destiny

Though how I'll manage it

I honestly don't know

Guess that little girl will have to see.


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© 2011 Desi Williams
March 2011

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