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Short Stories

Jenna by Kat Fiore The horror of love. [2 words]
Like Troubled Water by Amarjit Bhambra One way of explaining life... [1,261 words]
He Gave It All Away by Amarjit Bhambra I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words]
Eat You Lunch Children by Amarjit Bhambra A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lun... [450 words]
The Power Within by Amarjit Bhambra - [90 words]
The Pharoah's Daughter by Amarjit Bhambra A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words]
The Healing Hand Of The Lord by Amarjit Bhambra I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. ... [259 words]
The Good Against The Evil by Amarjit Bhambra - [628 words]
Charlie The Squirral by Amarjit Bhambra When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses u... [341 words]
A Thing Of A Bat? by Amarjit Bhambra When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that ... [349 words]
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector by Amarjit Bhambra I think that sharing is very importa... [197 words]
The Heart Of A Noble Woman by Mandi Butkovich -A story about a young noble woman who first discovers what love is.---Please Review [860 words]
Witchcake by Risa Peris An imaginary retelling of the beginnings of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 throught the eyes of one o... [1,491 words]
Venice by Matthew Penner - [303 words]
Untitled About Bugs by Durfee's Student World from the perspective of another. Title suggestions appreciated! I can print the 2nd... [1,706 words]
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. by Amarjit Bhambra This really happened to me ... [356 words]
Thin Air by Randall Barfield ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words]
There Are No Others! Just Me! by Nik Siromah Short story about one of the greatest Bulgarian revolutionary of all time, Vasil ... [3,577 words]
The Thorn And The Rose by Amarjit Bhambraaa Bitter tangled love? [224 words]
The New Gaurdians by Creature Of Death This is another story I made like I said sci-fi is my beiggest thing I like to write about th... [2,079 words]
The Hunter by Evgeni Miller Jonas Rath A short story dating a couple of months ago. Comes with a second chapter which will be posted in a... [433 words]
The Electric Car by Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Two stories in Latin America become intertwined when a young Engineer kills herself after a fa... [1,462 words]
Teenager's Prayer by Jordan Holetzky A teenager's prayer... [1,216 words]
Screaming, Save Me. by Marie Buzzy After the dream ends, I find myself sitting in bed, frightened and panicking as I whisper t... [718 words]
Schoolgirl by Randall Barfield - [937 words]
Reflections And Modern Man by Kristal O-Garrow The dispersed thoughts of a man who just experienced a divorce. [678 words]
Pedro by Jordan Holetzky Talks about people who don't even know you are will to care about you to pray for you and to share God wi... [654 words]
Nightmare 1 The Chase by Jordan Holetzky This story is about a freaky dream... [752 words]
My Treat by Amarjit Bhambra - [631 words]
My Name by Allie Haaland - [209 words]
My Embarrassing Moment by Brady Kalt This is a short story about one of my embarrassing moments. [203 words]
Mountain Arrival by Norachai Thavisin The hermit has to prepare his mountain chalet for the arrival of his woman visitor. He didn't ... [2,095 words]
Most Embarrasing Moment by Anthony Espinoza Assignment for school. [226 words]
Mexico by Hiatt - [799 words]
Life Force by Caleigh Jepison Please please can you tell me what you think? Starting chapter of a horror novel - may be a bit clic... [603 words]
Inbox by Nathan Weaver The first in a series of short horror stories. I can't say much without spoiling anything. Just check i... [688 words]
Inbox 2 by Nathan Weaver The second in the series. The roommate. [1,081 words]
In Michael's Mind by Am Mason R.I.P. Michael. [218 words]
Hospital Room by Randall Barfield Sadly, it's another case of "who needs fiction?" [1,115 words]
Hickory Dickory by Tomas B Sancio Of mice, men and Nuclear Science. [828 words]
Family Therapy Remembering Nama's Funeral by Mickey Bryant This short story gives detailed descriptions of the comedy of errors ... [5,111 words]
Embarrassing Day At The Pool by Kaitlin Kingdon A short story about an embarrassing day at a pool on vacation. [319 words]
Damn by Bk Kinsel It is all my fault. [163 words]
Creature Of Death's Bio by Creature Of Death This a character I use alot in my stories he reflects me and my mood at certain times a... [3,589 words]
Birthday Visitors by Norachai Thavisin Two unexpected people visit me on my birthday. We spend an unexpected day at the local beach.... [1,319 words]
A True Story About A Very Young And Naive Nathan Weaver by Nathan Weaver The title says it all. A short, true story about mysel... [346 words]
A Red Tent by R Amici I had to submit this for school. [633 words]
A Cry In The Dark by Barry Stevens Faeden A creepy story of the macabre. Not for the weak hearted. [887 words]
'fly by Lawrence Peters Freedom [426 words]
Without Reason by Sime Sheef Anger breeds hate and hate breeds evil. Unfortunately this perfect world breeds all three. [983 words]
What's Wrong With The World? by Bk Kinsel A story about the world. [172 words]
Valentine's Cupid by K J H Sienna is a fiery redhead that works for a local newspaper. She is fairly unlucky when it com... [2,873 words]
To The Fullest by Sime Sheef Peter has figured out how to drain the potential from every moment in life...but what will it co... [978 words]
The Wedding Reception by Avis - [1,893 words]
The Little Turd That Could by Michael L Phillips (Aka The Purple Monkey) A short story based on office interaction and politics. [1,052 words]
The Final Battle by Briony Carvalho Read it and you'll see! Any comments on anything I do are hugely appreciated - even if it's j... [348 words]
Sword From Heaven by Kristen Karlson A series of interconnected stories about the forms and consequences of power. [7,754 words]
Six Episodes Of Love by H Klecel - [3,199 words]
Russian Roulette: Foreshadow by Catherine Lefloy The story is about a young russian soldier that is eager to go to war, later he fi... [1,635 words]
Ordinary Day by Derek Anthony Held A short story about military families and how war tears them apart. [540 words]
Night Of The Courtesane by Charles F Kane A Dream that's more than a dream. Story with a twist. [1,243 words]
Life On The Broken Wings by Partha Pratim Majumder A young pretty girl , who is handicapped since birth , has to pass her leisure sitting... [1,860 words]
Heaven With Her by Bk Kinsel An old man dying in his bed wishing only to see the love of his life. [253 words]
Flak by Joseph Xavier Ramirez A short story about an escort fighter pilot in WW2, as he embarks on this mission he will face many challe... [1,158 words]
Escaping Reality by Monica L Sprague This is an account of a real event that has a fictional ending...the ending that I know she wa... [981 words]
Dream For An Insomniac by Rachel Joseph A short love story of a unique girl [739 words]
Downsizing by Katherine A M Corkery A confident employee at a well-established law firm enters the office ready to receive word of a pro... [1,823 words]
Confortable Darkness by Sime Sheef The world is dark and light is not welcome. It only pains the eyes. [996 words]
Cipher by Rachel Joseph The life story of a boring girl. [2,509 words]
Can't Let Him Go by Nicky Rothschild Can't Let You Go is about a girl that has fallen in love with a man that is 4 years older then... [1,442 words]
And... by Lawrence Peters For Andrew, whether you like it or not, it's yours. written in Los Angeles, where writers go to become r... [129 words]
And I Prayed Part 3 Of Awakening by Sidney Tucker Continuing from Awakening and The Journey Home A man finds the final steps to ... [1,235 words]
Alone At Dawn by Sime Sheef The tale of a man searching to resolve the pain of loosing the woman he loved. [957 words]

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Narration of annual general medical exam.
[1,548 words]
[August 2006]
Blood & Tears (Poetry) Love is not sunshine and roses. Love is dark, deep, twisted, cruel, euphoric agony. A mortal woman speaks of her love for a Vampire. [283 words] [Romance]
Charmed (Poetry) A poem which got itself written for man who stole a girl's heart. [243 words] [Romance]
God? (Poetry) - [110 words] [Spiritual]
I Met Him For The Last Time (Short Stories) Narrative monologue. I think the title speaks for itself. [1,096 words] [Relationships]
Maybe... (Poetry) A Bold, Brave poem which reveals it all and yet coyly admits nothing. [354 words] [Romance]
Miss You (Poetry) A love letter expressing the pangs of being away from a lover. [210 words] [Romance]
On Abortion (Poetry) My guttural reaction when I watched a documentary on abortion in school. [113 words] [Crime]
Our First Meeting (Genres) My thoughts of our first meeting. [648 words] [Romance]
Sea (Poetry) My first poem, wrote it when I was 15. Am pretty embarassed abt the amateur style. [145 words] [Nature]
The Wedding Reception (Short Stories) - [1,893 words] [Humor]
Verse In Whimsy (Poetry) Verse written in a whimsical mood. [56 words] [Fantasy]
Withoutyou (Poetry) - [150 words] [Erotic]

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© 2006 Avis
August 2006

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