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It Will Come To You by Neil Southern It always does.. [162 words]
How Can Anyone Believe In God? by Neil Southern Why would a loving God allow such pain? [85 words]
Maw by Neil Southern A sad life, a sad end [136 words]
Paw by Neil Southern Life was simple then [210 words]
Just Imagine by Randall Barfield Dedicated to the One with the scarred hands. [59 words]
Father, What Hath Thy Done? by Chris Lockley This is a poem about someone who has a dark past, had his friends killed off, and i... [129 words]
Your Daughter by Cody Lee Talks about how a girl's parents don't approve of a guy who their daughter really loves, he's rea... [201 words]
You Gave In by Cody Lee About a relationship that is being torn apart by the pressures around it. [290 words]
Years Later by Audrey Kohout A scene once seen from a car window. [118 words]
When The Time Comes by Neil Southern Can the acceptance of death overcome pain and fear? [81 words]
What Would You Say? by Neil Southern Are we ever alone? [92 words]
This Is Love by Bk Kinsel Just sweet love, love. [97 words]
Third Nerve by Sinfonia - [56 words]
Things Have Changed by Neil Southern Getting older isnt easy [152 words]
They Live Within Me by Brian J Hankins Caution...may scare you!!!! Or get you to thinking [137 words]
The Universal Poet by Michael Potter Some words on taking your own poetry to seriously. [35 words]
The Politics Of Resurrection by Doc Byron - [91 words]
The Monday Morning by Dylan Barbour A poem about the morning [122 words]
The Hill by Neil Southern I have often thought of my life as a hill where the early years seemed to be a slow clinb up and more ... [170 words]
The Dead Finally Died by French - [37 words]
The Cantos Fascism Poor Nudity In Hinton W.V. by French French - [36 words]
That One Girl by Andrew Detar - [89 words]
Tale Of A Closet Poet by Kc Briggs - [91 words]
Song O' Times by Vaishali Shroff About some unchanged melodies that take us back in time to live the same moment all over again! [194 words]
Senses by Jaymie N Dillon - [6 words]
Security Matters by Alberto Pupo The words to ignite [100 words]
Remembering The Night by Michael Perry Poem [150 words]
Reasons For Happenings by Elise Simmonds Its a short poem i was doodling at home and someone said they liked it. Its really about... [99 words]
Poem 1968 by Michael Potter Short poem about dreaming of a lost love [71 words]
Parched Of Laughter by Kendall Wilt This is a celebration of selective humour [73 words]
Nothing Stopping Me
New Comedy Material- Feedback Greatly Appreciated by Gino Russo I wrote some new material for my stand up act. Plese let me k... [366 words]
My Writing Lately by Carla Thomson It sucks [145 words]
My Only Friend by Neil Southern My dad once told me to hang on to a true friend as there wouldnt be many. [156 words]
Melancholia Darkness by Alberto Pupo As the title implies [69 words]
La Epica by Alberto Pupo Whatever it is, it has become [168 words]
It's All As It Was by Neil Southern Do you ever question existence? [138 words]
It Takes Just One To Tango by Vaishali Shroff A source of inspiration to make a better world for everyone to live! [205 words]
It Still Hurts by Wayne Insane This is a poem I wrote when I was bored a few weeks ago - it's title is 'It Still Hurts' - now r... [14 words]
In An Instant by Neil Southern Reflections on the futility of relationships [111 words]
If The End Is The End by Neil Southern People hang on to the belief of Heaven & Hell. What if the end really is the end? [108 words]
I Just Cant Get U Off Ma Mind!!! by Omair (Mark) Ali Dedicated to ma x,, nooshin nassiri!!! [364 words]
I Hate It When... by Latoya Maracinno Short Little Poem [44 words]
Hidden Treasures by Seema M Salman This is a poem I have written about my personal experiences and my way of dealing with good ,b... [76 words]
Ghazal by Aatika Noor - [128 words]
For The Moment by Michael Perry Poem [86 words]
For Onece In A Lifetime, You Find What You Have. by Andrews - [229 words]
Faries On An Ordinary Day by Dg Williford What you think is real is just a whisp of a dream [147 words]
Drunk On Rain by Michael Potter Feeling ectascy brought on by rain. [48 words]
Desire by Seventh Star This is a poem that i wrote about someone and i know everyone can relate to in one way or another so che... [87 words]
Delusion by Aurora - [125 words]
Deceit by Neil Southern Are there things you can never discuss with anyone? [74 words]
Da Truth by Jonathan H Alston (Last Name) Young Prophet (Pseudonym) You know how the truth always comes back to you no matter what you do? Well, I wanted to write about ... [142 words]
Cuthbert Mot by Neil Southern Seems gibberish. Can you work it out? [131 words]
Cry When I Smile. by Trish Mallen - [249 words]
Beg by Alberto Pupo Plead [68 words]
Angry Housewife by Dg Williford Dg Williford Musings on the raising of a mass murderer [156 words]
An Offering For Hades by The Black Cloaked Poet - [265 words]
A Red May Rose For Thee by Randall Barfield - [45 words]
A Nothing Love by Bk Kinsel A poem that is about a relationship that is about to end. [150 words]
480 557-9436 by Sinfonia - [1,609 words]

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Nothing Stopping Me
Tells about a guy who won't give up on his true love for a girl, no matter the cost.
[269 words]
Cody Lee
[May 2007]
Angel In Me (By: Cici) (Songs) About a guy who realizes that God has given him a special side, and angel. [364 words]
Did You Know ? (By: Cici) (Songs) A very down-right awesome Christian song! [1,156 words]
Godzilla (Cici Feat. Joker, M.J.E, Doc) (Songs) About the big lizard, Godzilla! [585 words]
Jealousy (By: Cici) (Songs) Talks about a guy who is really special in his own ways and how everybody wants what he has and he now finally realizes it. [969 words]
The Renegade (50 Cent Diss) (Songs) Song I wrote about 50 Cent. I like some of the dude's stuff but he needs to get off all of these rappers, seriously. [307 words]
You Gave In (Poetry) About a relationship that is being torn apart by the pressures around it. [290 words] [Relationships]
Your Daughter (Poetry) Talks about how a girl's parents don't approve of a guy who their daughter really loves, he's really more than they thought he was. [201 words]
Nothing Stopping Me
Cody Lee

In these cold days I thought it'd stop,
But, who was I? Cause we done been caught,
Two times ain't changed nothin'
Only we gotta be best friends til' the day comes where we can do somethin',
Ain't nothin' stoppin' me from loving her so much,
Ain't nothin' stoppin' me from getting the last touch,
Her church thinks they know her but, they have no clue,
She's in love with this one-shot dude,
If I cared about her parents, I would have given up,
Already tried a few times but, I I hate tryin' I've had enough,
Just can't wait til' the day rolls around,
I'm gonna get married to her when make it through this crowd,
Screw what the people say, we stand for God,
If they gotta problem, they can kiss the lot,
I'm a kind guy,
With those kind eyes,
Melt her ever second I drop by,
I know I love her and I can't drop,
Even when I try, the spirit is locked,
I'm in love and there ain't no use in facin' it,
I'm gettin' married in a few years, and I'm' pacin' it,
Screw the haters, they can kiss my glass,
Cheers to the future hubby and bride and pray it'll be the last,
I'm prayin' the years will fly by like a destination I'm heading,
Cause if we stay in this, it's gonna be a huge wedding,
After that we're gonna settle down,
Have a couple kids and be mother and father like we will be when it comes around,
Oh, what? You can't do a thing now,
The time for a say is not worth a thing now,
I love her and you will never witness it,
You were the worst to her, now it's time to use what consists it.


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© 2007 Cody Lee
May 2007

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