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Withwithout by Drevan This is my first posting in nearly two years. The writing bug has bitten me again. Let's see where ... [19 words]
When You Fall by Gina M Therrien When a form of love gets rejected. [87 words]
What You Mean To Me by Sidney Kinney BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MY BOYFRIENDS LOVE! [212 words]
Welcome To Hell! by Matthew Mark Gill Scrooge Man learns he should ahve been nicer to people. [109 words]
Vixen Vice by Req First ever Entry.. Please don't laugh! [134 words]
Victorian Life by Andrews - [32 words]
Vengence Driven by M Q Walters What it is. [62 words]
Unhealthy Eating by Cedric McClester Unhealthy Eating addresses the Amercan perchant for fast foods. [110 words]
They Passed Away by Cedric McClester They Passed Away addresses a child's observation concerning death. [119 words]
The World Is Not Yet Over!!!! by Ibemeforever - [46 words]
The Lighthouse by Dri I wish I were like you, my cute light house... [146 words]
The Girl With No Face by Buxton - [100 words]
The Envelope by Dri An unexpected surprise.... [109 words]
The Crows Await Us All by Ap Williams This is a poem, intwined somewhere within the story "The Red Wars", that battle-worn sol... [104 words]
The Bukowski Curse by Charles F Kane A Cynical, dark view on the world. [108 words]
Tenakahan by Chloe L Batey This isn't really poetry... but I had to do it for English (my English teacher -Mr. Watkins- told me ... [368 words]
Super Shithouse by Kendall Wilt This one is from the golden classic series. [78 words]
Subtle Emptiness In Lonliness by Req - [283 words]
Stop Writing by David William Bielefeld - [42 words]
Sports Agent by Matthew Mark Gill Dame Idiot learns he shouldn't talk about people.. [89 words]
Speechless by Matthew Mark Gill Sorry Don't know what to say to make this right! [68 words]
Smile Jane by Toni Jaquay Lynch-Omer Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. [82 words]
Sellouts by David William Bielefeld This is a poem longing for the return to good old time values. The people in the war all fought hard ... [94 words]
Say It Ain't So Joe! by David William Bielefeld This tells about the century of frustration after the sanction of Shoeless Joe Jackson and... [92 words]
Samuel by Chloe L Batey Again this isn't a poem (really). I had to do it for English. the activity was called 'Extending Sentenc... [186 words]
Rockstar Up! by Matthew Mark Gill Looking Good Gotta get to the top of the stage.. [89 words]
Resonate!! Requiem, Resonate!! by Req The wind picks the choosen one. A legend within his own mind. It takes the one. ... [167 words]
R.E.M. And Modern Music by David William Bielefeld This is a poem about how drug's can kill and change your body. Johny Cash changed his ... [63 words]
Reconition by Michele L Moyer This is about the war I would like to send this to all the troops god bless you all and Bless ... [26 words]
Poverty If Lifted For A Day by David William Bielefeld This is a poem about a poor region of Indiana and sports. [94 words]
Placid Dreamer by Sasu - [115 words]
People Of The World by Andrews - [37 words]
Our Dream For Love by Dri - [97 words]
One Step Closer
Of The Night by Andrews - [41 words]
Number One by Cedric McClester This poem is geared towards children ages 3 to 6. [25 words]
Nobody That's Me! by Matthew Mark Gill Loser Man knows that in life money and Fame just doesn't matter that much. http://myspace.com/matt... [80 words]
No Whys by M Q Walters A love poem...I guess. [103 words]
No Tide by M Q Walters Just a poem... [88 words]
My Imagination by Chloe L Batey About a mother yelling at her daughter, and the daughter drifting off into her imagination so sh... [255 words]
My Garden by Dri We all should have a place like this......a place of our own. [279 words]
My Everything by Ibemeforever - [23 words]
My Child, My Son, My Little Boy by Charity B Baez Funny thing is... I don't even have a son... lol... but I feel the pain none-th... [516 words]
Maybe Next Time by Q Lee A young woman has a rare opportunity to take control of her boss' futures. [2,750 words]
Loving Gloria by Charles F Kane Ugly love.. [111 words]
Love!! Sickening Stuff!! by Chloe L Batey The bad side of love... [96 words]
Looks Like by John Burton A poem about the end of a relationship. [128 words]
Leave My Heart Behind by Ibemeforever - [56 words]
Late One Night by Ibemeforever - [105 words]
La Otra Mujer by Charity B Baez The Other Woman [206 words]
Killing Her by Roberto J Moreno It's about breaking up with someone and killing their hopes. [200 words]
July In My Eye by Kendall Wilt Sweet forth at the beach. [52 words]
Imagination by David William Bielefeld A poem about life's simple facts. [49 words]
Hurt By Blood by Ibemeforever - [120 words]
Hoosier by David William Bielefeld This is a poem about the state of Indiana. [73 words]
Gift From God by Andrews - [13 words]
Getting Stale by Matthew Mark Gill Bum Wimp learns that his talk means nothing. [91 words]
Get A Life! by Matthew Mark Gill Loserville Guy learns that he is just a figment of his imagination.. [90 words]
From Up Above by Andrews - [45 words]
Fall Apart by Ibemeforever How I feel about what my family has become. [85 words]
Endless Love by Dri Eternal love.... [190 words]
Ending by Monica L Sprague Just a few questions I asked once upon a time ago... [21 words]
Driming Of You by Dri Playing with my name which is pronounced Dree. Just being silly myself. [84 words]
Doctors Feel Pain Too. by Buxton - [146 words]
Dixie Cup by Matthew Mark Gill Sox Man learns he's a bum! [88 words]
Desire Of Flesh by Randall Barfield ...you're ferried by death. [41 words]
Dead Hurricane by Kendall Wilt Remember to stock plenty of water, canned goods, batteries, cards, beer and a dartboard. [97 words]
Dark Days by Matthew Mark Gill Living See your life flash in front of you.. [39 words]
Cram by David William Bielefeld About Ozzie and how he makes life work well. Hard Rock tempers our frustration. [75 words]
Complete Nonsense by Matthew Mark Gill Blah Blah Blah Blah. [96 words]
Cold Truth by Req - [116 words]
Cam by Randall Barfield ...wound up twisted... [20 words]
Am I Insane? by Matthew Mark Gill Red Rum A man questions the depth of life. [68 words]
Alook From His Eyes by David William Bielefeld This is about an ex-convict from Gary who worked alongside me. [157 words]
Almost Like A Dream by Mike Piotrowski Hope you enjoy the poem! [154 words]
Alien Within by Monica L Sprague What comes with self examination. [15 words]
A Songbird's Intellect by Randall Barfield - [4 words]
A Lonely Park In The Fall by Sasha Taylor Poem about divorce between my mother and father. [116 words]
A Letter To You by Carla Thomson It's a letter to the only guy I've ever loved. it's letting him know how I feel, an opology, an... [232 words]
A Ghost's Reflection by Matt S Stemerman About a boy who lost his girl and his feelings. [149 words]

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One Step Closer
[751 words]
Charity B Baez
I have been writing since I was nine years old...this is the first time anyone has read my work....all feedback is appreciated.
[April 2006]
A Woman (Poetry) About a woman, (this woman) and how love affects her.... [259 words] [Romance]
Damn! I Fell.... (Poetry) I fell....in Love. [322 words]
First Meeting (Short Stories) Erotic tale of a man and woman who met online, and are meeting face to face for the first time. [2,501 words] [Erotic]
For Now.... (Poetry) For now...things are as they should be.... [175 words]
I Sit And I Write (Poetry) A reason as to why its hard for me to share. [143 words]
I'm Truly Tired.... (Poetry) I'm truly truly tired...and I want to give in....but cant... [150 words]
Just Thoughts..... (Poetry) Just thoughts running through my mind.....at a crazy point in my life..... [191 words] [Romance]
La Otra Mujer (Poetry) The Other Woman [206 words]
Lost....Again.... (Poetry) Ever found yourself lost...time and time again? [137 words] [Mind]
Love....My Love (Poetry) My idea of love. [126 words] [Relationships]
My Child, My Son, My Little Boy (Poetry) Funny thing is... I don't even have a son... lol... but I feel the pain none-the-less. [516 words]
New School Kinda Love (Poetry) Just my thoughts and views on Love in today's world. [287 words]
Not Ready... (Poetry) This is a spoken word piece...totally puttin myself out there.... [397 words]
Old School Kinda Love (Poetry) This is the kinda love i'm looking for...it's a spoken word piece...so u might not be able to catch the flow...but here it is nonetheless... [370 words] [Romance]
The Complexity Of Simplicity (Poetry) How hard can the simple things be? [147 words]
Time...Is All I Have (Poetry) What can heal a broken heart? only time.... [169 words] [Relationships]
Until Then...... (Poetry) - [102 words] [Relationships]
What Could Never Be (Poetry) What should not have happened, did, if only for a brief moment..... [144 words] [Relationships]
What I Want (Poetry) Everyone wants alot of things in life....these are a few of the things that I want. [189 words]
Why? The Question Of My Life..... (Poetry) Just asking a question and hopefully finding the answer within. [311 words] [Mind]
You'll Never Know That (Poetry) Some things are just not ment for others to know. [118 words] [Relationships]
One Step Closer
Charity B Baez

Is inevitable
Is unavoidable
Struggling in the ghetto
Brings much heartache to individuals
Many have given up and given in to the evil dark ways that suffocate the inner city streets.
Many have succumb to the wayward ways of drugs, tricking, and homelessness.
Selling their ass on the streets to get that next fix.
Many will never make it out, never survive, never realize their full potential.
Because the few that have tried
The few that felt that they can
The few that have attempted to climb out of the gutter and make a better life for themselves
Have crashed and burned
Been stepped on and squished
Chewed up and spat out
Who really survives the hood?
I heard Keisha’s cousin Sandra had a boyrfriend who had an aunt who’s ex-husbands girlfriends sister;
made it out the hood
Living large in a big house, with a fly whip…
But have you ever seen anyone with your own two eyes survive?
Seen someone put forth the fight, without the aide of a mic
With an education under their belt, and a clear path ahead
Make it out of the streets….
Its just a fantasy, fairytale, a fallacy fed to us by our immigrant parents who want us to do better with our lives then sit at the corner on a milk crate with a 40 of St. Ides making fun of 5-0 in their monkey suits driving by…..
Some say that the MAN is holding us down
That the MAN is keeping us at bay
Giving us just enough to survive
But not enough to overcome.
I can agree with them to an extent
But the only MAN that is holding you back
Is you.
The MAN can feed you lies, fairytales and happily ever afters
And hold them all just out of your reach
But only you can jump that extra inch, grab hold of your goals and soar above and beyond the outer limits of our urban streets.
Only you can peel away the band-aids they call welfare,
A stepping stone my ass
That shit was created to keep us dependant on mother fuckers that don’t give a damn whether we live or breathe, but just want to keep us in a controlled environment to breed amongst each other, kill ourselves off and not infect what they protect, their beautiful, rich, little rural communities.
The MAN has designed and created a master piece
A living breathing roach motel called the Ghetto.
They fill our street corners with drugs, guns, and violence.
They make it easy for us to live, eat, and strut our shit down fashion boulevard in 700 dollar Prada shoes, 300 dollar Gucci Shades, pushing chromed out whips, while buying food at the chino’s with our fucking EBT cards.
They know that we have such a low self esteem that we don’t see ourselves destined for anything better.
So they keep pushing the product
And we keep buying like fools
But we can change that
We can be THAT man to stand up and tell THE man that we ain’t taking his narrow minded, no faith having, wanna hold a brotha down cause they too scared of what the world would be like if our once hoodlum asses decided to grown up, gain some responsibilities, strive towards excellence and make their once unobtainable goals ours….
We can tell THE man, fuck you! I’m gonna get my education, be all I can be, better then your hypocrisy, backstabbing, lying ass mother fuckers that tried to hold my ancestors back for all of these years, well no more!
I am here to try and make it….no…no…wait….fuck that shit….
I am here to make goddamn sure that I can get the hell out of this fucking gutter…
make a better life for my children….
and hope and pray that one day my kind don’t have to struggle with drugs, guns, and violence
That maybe one day we can use words as our guns, and knowledge as our drugs and teach the next generation that we’re not feeding them a crack pipe dream.
That they can make it big, they can do what they want, not have to worry about the man trying to hold them hostage, pull them back and tie them down…..
All we need is to believe in ourselves,
We have strength in numbers
And if every drug dealer, pimp, prostitute, drug addict, thief, high school dropout, hustler supported just one kid in the hood…..just one….
Instead of doing the damn thing on the corner help him learn to read, write, believe in himself, struggle and fight the good fight, support and give hope for that one kid in the hood….
Then we’re one step closer to making it….
One step closer for all of us to survive
One step closer of finally being free.


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© 2006 Charity B Baez
August 2006

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