Second Collection Of Short Poems On The General Subject Of Pain - dealing with inner and outer turmoil, conflict and heartache. Deep. [364 words]
PLEASE READ AND REVIEW MY WORKS! ------------------------------------------------- T J Rintoull, born 1983, currently residing on the Gold Coast in Australia, grew up in a combination of city housing, winnebago travelling and bush shacks, before entering the worlds of music, art and literature. Told often that he should have attended university to better himself, instead he devotes his time to working dead end jobs in order to pay the bills, and his spare time to creating music and literature. He confesses that although he loves to paint he has no ability with a brush whatsoever. Currently T J Rintoull resides with his fiance in a small flat, as he continues to attempt a measure of success with his band and his writing. _________________________________________________ PLEASE READ AND REVIEW MY WORKS! [May 2006]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (43) A Better Friend (Poetry) Poem for solitude and loneliness. [94 words] [Motivational] A Haiku (Poetry) A Haiku [8 words] [Mind] A Name Will Come (Songs) The first of many song lyrics to be included here - this written for the world today, for things we've lost, faith in ourselves and many other things - this is the title song of my band. [218 words] [Spiritual] A Simple Hope (Poetry) A short poem I wrote while at work. [57 words] [Motivational] A Sudden Burst Of Sunshine (Short Stories) Arty awakens on a farm with amnesia and is forced over a single day to come to grips with his former life. [7,122 words] [Popular Fiction] Bald (Poetry) A complaint against nature and pattern baldness. [132 words] [Nature] Bathroom Memorial (Short Stories) A rare moment of reverse joy in the life of a depressive semi-suicidal. [744 words] [Mind] Brothers And Sisters (Songs) I was told, "good people don't like you" This was the result. [128 words] [Relationships] California Gothic (Poetry) This poem is simultaneously a blighted personal love poem and one big metaphor for an attack on modern society. [155 words] [Motivational] Cliches Are Still Feelings (Poetry) The entire poem is one big cliche nowadays, or so I'm told. Is it still relevant? Is it thematic plagiarism? You be the judge. [90 words] [Romance] Downtime (Poetry) Lyrics to a song, written for my band. [164 words] [Motivational] Epistle To Faeries Past (Short Stories) A letter to a ghost of the past. [814 words] [Drama] Fire Fright (Poetry) Read the poem please. [172 words] [Mind] Goin Pro (Songs) Sarcasm, metaphor, this song is all of these things and more. Unless of course you're going pro... [63 words] [Erotic] In Dreams (Poetry) Poem written at work, for nothing more than disillusioned ambition. [69 words] [Motivational] Left (Poetry) It's not really a poem about breakups, although initially it would seems so. It's about more than that - interpersonal relationships falling apart, as well as a minor metaphor for the world at large. [152 words] [Relationships] Moments To Remember (Short Stories) The first and last moments of true love... [683 words] [Romance] New Year's Day (Poetry) This was written on the morning of the new year. [105 words] [Mind] One Small Step At A Time (Short Stories) A glass-half empty kind of guy named Allan makes a big triumph in a small tragedy. [494 words] [Psychology] Out Of Ink, Out Of Time (Short Stories) Tongue-in cheek short story about office work and accidents of quantum physics. [627 words] [Literary Fiction] Poem For Poet's Sake (Poetry) A poem about the poet - striking out westward in search of something new. [99 words] [Mind] Poem - Reasons (Poetry) Lyrics for a song. [179 words] [Mind] Poena Acer (Poetry) Short Lyric Poem. [27 words] [Mind] Poena Aetas (Poetry) As always, sophomore description of heartache and pain, this time expressed as a tattoo. [83 words] [Mind] Poena Affectus (Poetry) Small collection of lyrics and poems, (also lyric poems) - many of these are untitled. [1,142 words] [Mind] Poena Convoco (Poetry) Another metaphoric, or perhaps not so metaphoric attack on the modern world - but as always I seem to constrict its purity with personal memories. [120 words] [Business] Poena Defendo (Poetry) Poem written while attending a carnival/field day in the heart of country pig hunting territory; these words were inspired by some of the people and imagery at the functions I attended. [77 words] [Animal] Poena Flumen (Poetry) Of Rivers and Flowers and Life And Love and Pain. [87 words] [Spiritual] Poena Labo (Poetry) On friends liars and life. [91 words] [Relationships] Poena Speculum (Poetry) For the wanderer and watcher. [52 words] Poena Termes (Poetry) A tree falling. A teardrop landing. [21 words] [Nature] Poeta Postulo (Poetry) The poet's question of his feminist muse. [226 words] Shopping (Short Stories) She went shopping - he was left home alone... [501 words] [Relationships] Sleep Insane (Poetry) Continuation of California Gothic, but from a different mind, view, philosophy and life. [83 words] [Mind] The Evening Red (Poetry) Do you [46 words] [Health] The Golden Man (Poetry) Originally I thought to make this a story - but I thought it better as a short poem. [96 words] [Spiritual] The Great Procrastination (Poetry) Self explanatory, really. [121 words] [Mind] The Office (Poetry) I couldn't work out if this was a micro-short or a prose poem. The way it's written it's a short story, but I think there's too much rhyme, and it's a bit too short. Anyway, here it is for your pleasu... [474 words] [Mind] This Marble Reflection (Poetry) Surrealism - in prose. [118 words] Toad (Poetry) Poem - about a toad. [50 words] Upon Waking (Poetry) Upon waking, this short lyric poem came to me. [60 words] [Psychology] Wamphyrri (Poetry) Romantic sense of the vampire. [177 words] [Horror] You Said.... (Poetry) Short freeform poem descriptive of the deserted wounded lover. [59 words] [Drama]
Poena Texo T J Rintoull
I beat
My head
Slowly now
Against a wall
Inviting chaos
Blood and grim to mingle
Blinding me with concrete pain
Forcing out the scream requirement
Raising distant voices of disdain
Repression agression ultimate pain
Nerve wracking sobs of agonised squealing
Washing down bruised blackened muscles
Parting a vermilion sea
Resolving the climax
Answering the sobs
Giving up ghosts
Start again
New day
Eyes bright
Certain people like it hard
Other people like it fast
Others like to hurt and hate
The rest just want to feel the rape
A world of misfits reeling past
Lost and crying eating grass
Greening in a world of steel
Lose that talent how to feel
Ice is growing in the heart
Innocence is Monster Mart
Evil real and filled with glee
Running rampant wild and free
No longer do we watch TV
Instead get into B & D
And that's okay if you're that way
Not just expressing your dismay
At worlds in worlds forever lost
Forest summer caged in frost
If this is so then hark to me
You go too far it's time to flee
For S and M in fun I know
Will warm agains the coming snow
But time will tell then kneeling bold
If you're frozen in the cold.
If all likfe is geared
Toward one cosmic purpose
What then
Regardless of the purpose in question
Is the point of existence
Once that pinnacle is attained?
Where do we go from there?
Do we simply snuff, having fulfilled
Our destiny?
The answers
We are given
Are not satisfactory
Perhaps it is best
To fall back
On a peculiar
But famous axiom
Being that
Truth suffers
From too much questioning.
World spins
Stars fly hurling wildly through time
Hitler gasses six million Jews
Stalin is named a hero of his nation
Herbert and Robinson sell millions
Rampa is forgotten
Hearts break
Buildings topple
Wars are again fought and lost
Season come seasons go
Politicians rage endlessly over nothing
Lives detract and add to each others' purpose
Philosophers question endlessly
Mandella an Arafat recieve a Peace Prize
Microchips enter the wrists of the public
The Euro crashes only to emerge stronger than ever
The Japanese are ever so polite
Surfing just gets better
Halley's comet comes again for the second time
Jesus heals
Bhudda doesn't
Religion attacks science in a turn table event
The word Mob gets a bad name
Hyphens and exclamation points continue to be under-used!
Atlantis sucks another plane under
Bipolar afflicts one in five
My couch is kind of dirty
So is my brain
I wonder
What the hell am I doing in my loungeroom?
As I think this, Halley's comet passes over
And the world spins.
"All very clever, the last one was my favorite" -- kwilt.
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