Why And How We Spoke God Into Existence by Colin Baker Have you ever wondered how God came to be? [234 words] Douglas R.I.P. by Colin Baker - [270 words] A Bus Commuter's Sonnet by Colin Baker - [107 words] Debt by Colin Baker Debt, Emily Dickinson style. [178 words] Norman's Unemployment Policy - Britain, Summer 1981 by Colin Baker - [158 words] Evening Class For A Grownup by Colin Baker - [58 words] Bill The Bus Driver by Colin Baker - [61 words] Taking Leave (And All That) by Colin Baker - [36 words] (Especially) Without You by Desi Williams slam poem ish bout a friend... or what I want to be MORE than... [170 words] Whispering Words by Andrews - [15 words] Where Do They Go? by Neil Southern Nice to think they are still around? [92 words] What If It Was Me by Green Emerald Grateful for what I have [169 words] What Am I Here For? by Green Emerald I'm here your here but we're in the middle of Nowhere [121 words] We'll Go No More A-Dogging by Colin Baker - [70 words] We'd Sit And Sing Alway (Then Came A Barratt Team) by Colin Baker Greenbelt, in certain parts of 21st century Britain, is a dw... [71 words] Up-Hill (Till M4 Junction 3, Then Head South) by Colin Baker - [138 words] Trap by Elise Simmonds Short poem. Being disconnected from the world and feeling like they don't belong. [86 words] Tool Of The Gods by Rae - [104 words] Too Horny by Alia Harold - [405 words] Today With Ms by Shelley J Alongi A poem about the affects of MS. This is how I've heard it described and expressed it. [70 words] Time To Smile by Carla Thomson - [71 words] Things My Heart Misses 01 by Jessica Barth - [79 words] They Fell by Jessica Barth just a random poem i wrote one day. [64 words] The Truth Of A Broken Heart by Jack Primer - [21 words] The State by Colin Baker - [22 words] The Misery Pool by Buxton Swim or sink. [100 words] The Mask by Celestial Space My current thoughts and feelings on life [130 words] The Lords by Colin Baker - [28 words] The Full Thought by Andrews - [75 words] The Cliff by Nikky Epperly poem [78 words] Sugar! by Neil Southern Kind of a cross between a poem and a short based on a creepy thought that came to me one cold dark morni... [190 words] Still Be The Wind by Andrews - [37 words] September 03, 2007 by Colin Baker To mark a particular President's recent visit to Iraq [18 words] Sensations Of Good And Evil by Mike Piotrowski Enjoy this poem, I promise it won't disappoint, You will have a sensational time, B... [138 words] Random Thought Psalm 17-30 (The Rush-Hour Psalm) by Colin Baker - [261 words] Princes And Lesser by Gregory Novak An exercise in entendre. [117 words] Poems Of Existance by Michael Potter Four short poems about internal reality. [179 words] Passion For Truth by Shelley J Alongi My admiration for a federal prosecutor. [69 words] Oh To Hear Your Voice Again by Andrews - [102 words] Oh Great, Bedtime by Curious - [22 words] My Child X 3 by Colin Baker - [23 words] Math by Desi Williams I wrote this in math one day based on a nearby poster combined w/ feelings of my life. [103 words] Lord Find A Place by Randall Barfield (For Luciano Pavarotti: R.I.P.) [70 words] Little Girl Blood by Jodie Brown was origianly written for my myspace about me section :P lol [172 words] Life Story by Robert Kelly The things that piss me off in life at the moment [195 words] Lies Past Formalities by Roberto J Moreno - [214 words] Last Wednesday: Peterchurch, Herefordshire. by Colin Baker - [31 words] In The Top Right-Hand Corner by Colin Baker - [21 words] In The Heat Of The Moment by Andrews - [184 words] I Wonder Why by Duke Sekhon - [248 words] I Miss Yooh by Jessica Barth - [134 words] Hey Darcy Read by Katherine Smith - [6 words] Goodbye Girl by Ally Its goodbye time ! [94 words] Getting Back On Track by Carla Thomson - [98 words] Get On Board, Iraqi Children by Colin Baker Allah's train keeps a-comin' for thousands of Iraqi children. [181 words] Friends And Deeds by Celestial Space The down side of friendship [75 words] Free-Style2 by Jay Little - [394 words] Either You Or I Or Both by Jimmy Mason If writing is present for anything. It's to have the ability to explore all the landsca... [189 words] Dance With Me by Dri - [151 words] Convey by Desi Williams It's written to this boy whom I hold very dear. [180 words] Completely Consumed by Natalie Pierpont Story about being entirely infatuated with another. [63 words] By Night When Others Soundly Slept (I'd Pinch Lots Of Stuff) by Colin Baker - [114 words] Beneath Her Window by Colin Baker - [34 words] Barbie's With A Twist by Kabbash Poetry about Barbie dolls [1,147 words] Ballad Of The Opiate King by Gregory Novak - [151 words] And I Believed by Dri - [201 words] Alexandria by Gregory Novak Just a quick little verse I scribbled down one day on a whim celebrating the destruction of knowledg... [24 words] African Sioux by Sinfonia - [15 words] A Smoker's Pledge Of Allegiance by Colin Baker - [98 words] A Restraining Order For Jesus by Colin Baker - [258 words] A Fortnight's Away by Roberto J Moreno - [135 words] A Dreamer's Song (Aka Wishful Thinking) by Colin Baker - [85 words] A Child's Cry by Celestial Space This is based on past real life experience.Maybe you can share and relate to this. [132 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 [94 ] 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Random Thought
- [35 words]
Jack Primer
I enjoy writing because no one expects me to. [June 2007]
A Question With No Answere (Poetry) I pose a question that I think can not be answered. [15 words] [Mind] Cost Of Fitting In (Poetry) What whould do to become popular. [10 words] [Mind] Fitting In (Poetry) I wrote this poem because I feel I have to change my self to fit in. [16 words] [Mind] God's Grace Is Always Given, But Not Always Accepted (Poetry) A haiku, about the feeling I have. [7 words] [Mind] I Want To Fight (Poetry) I am trying to inspire a feeling of guilt. a short poem I wrote. [22 words] [Mind] Ignorance Is Good? (Poetry) Is ignorance good? Only until I learn that it is wrong. [12 words] [Mind] Move Or Sit Still (Poetry) Is life predetermined? then what is the point in doing something with your life? [27 words] [Mind] One Day On A Trail (Poetry) Remaining ignorant can sometimes be the easiest path to travel. This poem is about a man who is traveling down a path. [141 words] [Mind] Perception (Poetry) A short poem on how we see ourselves and others. [26 words] [Mind] The Truth Of A Broken Heart (Poetry) - [21 words] Unfair (Poetry) A person That is sad about her friend who is about to die. [50 words] [Relationships] Weak With Belief (Poetry) Do you ever feel weak because you believe? this is a hiaku I wrote. hope you enjoy it [10 words] [Mind] Why Is My Life So Hard? (Poetry) Short poem. I like it... I hope you do. [11 words]
Random Thought Jack Primer
The subject of thought is useless,
It is always changing.
This is poem is pointless,
It is Devoid of meaning.
When all logical answers turn out to be excuses,
There is no more reason to move.
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© 2007 Jack Primer
July 2007