AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (125) 21 Steps Till (Poetry) 21 steps till something occurs... [62 words] A Game Of Lies (Poetry) Play the game to amuse yourself.... [63 words] A Journey Throughout (Poetry) A journey... [73 words] A Lack (Poetry) the confusion created when I miss her... [58 words] A Path Now Divided (Poetry) Just when everything seemed certain... [59 words] A Question Of Timing (Poetry) To time everything perfectly to time things right, or to forge forward. [74 words] A Simple Concept.... (Poetry) A quirky little poem with a dash of humor, about.... [61 words] After The Storm (Poetry) Dedicated to a love that has been tested by past phantoms but still goes on stronger than ever. [78 words] Again Struckdown! (Poetry) About frustrations from a not so distant past.... [67 words] Aimless (Poetry) For the first time understanding what its truly like to lose the love, of one you truly loved. [53 words] Ambiguous Art (Poetry) Delve deeper to find meaning perhaps... [83 words] An Ode To The One True Love. (Poetry) This is dedicated to the one I love and will always love, and I hope she will get the chance to read this one day. [128 words] And So It Goes....... (Poetry) going........ [56 words] Antidote To Love (Poetry) Is this the cure? [85 words] Anwser To You (Poetry) Anwser? [48 words] Awaiting A Call. (Poetry) Desperation at its finest... [71 words] Before Me... (Poetry) Yes before me... [82 words] Beg (Poetry) Plead [68 words] Beyond Earthly Despair (Poetry) Simply beyond... [51 words] Blinded (Poetry) Cannot see.... [57 words] Code Red (Poetry) An alert to all [91 words] Crimson Reverie (Poetry) - [48 words] Danger... (Poetry) Is there something dangerous in passion? [102 words] Dark Winter (Poetry) For it can truly be dark. [73 words] Delusions Of Grandeur (Poetry) There is nothing more ridiculous than a self deluded individual.... [70 words] Descending (Poetry) Prepare for the fall... [65 words] Desires Fulfilled (Short Stories) Desires burn deep within the human mind sometimes to have them fulfilled can be lethal. [516 words] [Suspense] Destiny Of Fools (Poetry) Are we fools destined for something, or is destiny for fools. [90 words] Embrace Again (Poetry) Strange rantings... [87 words] Emergence Of The Optimist (Poetry) Emerging from the ashes of the Pessimist. [160 words] Emerging From Shadows (Poetry) The unexpected can often be disturbing. [101 words] Emotion Pool (Poetry) A pool of emotions brewed into one. [42 words] Emptiness Of Living. (Poetry) A life so hollow.... [56 words] Essence Of Death (Poetry) Life... Death... [69 words] Eyes Deceive (Poetry) All is illusory everything is deceptionary... [65 words] Games We Play (Poetry) The games are played. [54 words] Half An Epiphany (Poetry) To understand to an extent. [54 words] Imprisoned (Poetry) Locked deep within... [52 words] Infinite Ocean (Poetry) Oceans of infinity... [63 words] Inner Demons (Poetry) How insecurity kills... [65 words] Innocence Lost (Poetry) A loss. [93 words] Into The Night (Poetry) from the darkness return.... [70 words] Is This To Difficult To See? (Poetry) The truth about everything and what I feel for her, is it really that difficult for her to see.... [73 words] Isolated (Poetry) Living in isolation. [42 words] Jc Of The Kitchen (Poetry) A description of the prophet of the lake [104 words] Journey Into Nothing (Poetry) Why the past means nothing yet is a plague to the mind... [80 words] Keeper Of My Heart (Poetry) For my one true love I'm so glad Ifound yher andeven though we are physically seperated by distance we willbe together forever soon enough. [68 words] La Epica (Poetry) Whatever it is, it has become [168 words] Live It Up (Poetry) Indulgence is the theme of today. [66 words] Logical Step... (Poetry) The next step.... [58 words] Lost In A Thought (Poetry) Deep within the mind in the darkest of corners... [63 words] Melancholia Darkness (Poetry) As the title implies [69 words] Memories Of Destiny (Poetry) Remember.... [73 words] Memories Of Her (Poetry) Only a memory. [102 words] Mind Of The Betrayer (Poetry) So easily are we all deceived.... [118 words] Mio Figlio (Poetry) To my son [76 words] Missing In Action (Poetry) Longing.... [38 words] Mistress Time.... (Poetry) Generous on the surface but deep down so terribly cruel.... [52 words] Morbidity (Poetry) All that is Morbid. [56 words] More Experimental Poems (Poetry) Yet again another experiment. [263 words] Musings (Poetry) To simply Muse. [84 words] Nocturnal Godess (Poetry) Love is much to strong... [66 words] Oceans Of Deception (Poetry) Sailing through treacherous waters.... [62 words] Ode To Love Bleeding (Poetry) How to find the cure for love... [57 words] Ode To The False One... (Poetry) A short little invective against one who has caused her such great pain. [74 words] On The Brink (Poetry) To die just a little every day. [55 words] Pandemonium! (Poetry) Total chaos is afoot... [76 words] Passion Reborn (Poetry) A flow of thoughts an outpouring of emotion, dedicated to a grow currently making a difference in my life. [105 words] Pleasures! (Poetry) Simply Pleasure.... [50 words] Poem To No One (Poetry) Because this is for that somebdy who is nobody... [89 words] Pools... (Poetry) For love is predestined... [78 words] Quagmire In Thought (Poetry) To decide or not to decide to forge ahead or not to, what will she do? [80 words] Questioning... (Poetry) All must and will be questioned.. [89 words] Realizations (Poetry) To realize... [64 words] Reflection (Poetry) To reflect upon... [80 words] Regretting Mistakes.. (Short Stories) a weird tale of a deranged little mind... [1,044 words] Restless. (Poetry) Indeed. [56 words] Returning To That Place (Poetry) Reawakening the Pessimist within. [50 words] Rhyming With You (Poetry) To rhyme somehow. [33 words] Salvation In Death (Short Stories) Things are never what they seem... [493 words] [Suspense] Saturnine (Poetry) Depressing, yet enlightening... [90 words] Searching For Sleep (Short Stories) Sometimes one cannot find the remedy or solution to the situtation... [536 words] [Suspense] Secret Place (Poetry) Into the secrecy of nothing. [38 words] Security Matters (Poetry) The words to ignite [100 words] Settings (Poetry) To set the stage. [70 words] Should Have Would Have, Could Have Been (Short Stories) A story of regrets and mistakes.... [638 words] Slave To The Imaginary (Poetry) Delving into irrational thought. [166 words] So Now A Crescendo (Poetry) An end.... [55 words] Sound And Sacrafice (Poetry) to the victor goes.. the spoils [87 words] Speaking Of Which (Poetry) To speak. [96 words] Spectre Of A Distant Past (Poetry) A memory of a girl who has faded.... [64 words] Stranded (Poetry) On this lonesome rock floating away.... [81 words] Struggle (Poetry) To struggle. [84 words] Struggles Within (Poetry) A battle against oneself... [53 words] Suddenly Numb (Poetry) The unfortunate nature of relationships.... [46 words] Taken (Poetry) To be taken. [46 words] Taste.... (Poetry) A yearning to break free, and taste passion. [59 words] That Saturday Night (Short Stories) A story of inner struggle and disbelief [766 words] [Thriller] The Adulturess (Poetry) Dedicated to all the one's out there. [74 words] The Experiment... (Poetry) A compilation of experimental type poetry... [224 words] The Fall (Poetry) What goes up must... [64 words] The Fruitless Search (Poetry) Love, a most ridiculous notion. [84 words] The Grazing (Poetry) Grazing. [81 words] The Mirror Image (Poetry) a redux now corrected [134 words] The Mirror's Image (Poetry) Do you like what you see? [129 words] The Replacement... (Poetry) Substituting one for the other... [57 words] The Song Continues... (Poetry) We sing a most depressive little tune don't we? [58 words] The Song Of A Goddess! (Poetry) To a Goddess which stirs my heart.... [82 words] The X- Factor (Poetry) You may not know who you are.. [71 words] To Diana Empress Of The Heart... (Poetry) Dedicated to the one I loved... Perhaps I still do love. [112 words] To Enlighten (Poetry) A most noble quest to stroke the ego. [95 words] To My Muse (Poetry) An ode to her. [118 words] Tones (Poetry) A tone of misery and despair. [59 words] Traces (Poetry) A fading trace... [56 words] Tragic Truth (Poetry) Because the truth stings, reality is harsh. [76 words] Travel In Darkness (Poetry) The road of a weary traveler... [73 words] Truth About Love (Poetry) A harsh reality. [67 words] Unconciously Wanting (Poetry) Wanting unconciously to reveal.. [108 words] Washing Away The Pain (Poetry) Dedicated to a girl who has recently come into my life and has already made such a difference. [70 words] Watcher (Poetry) Watching.... [42 words] Watching Madness. (Poetry) Gazing into that which defies sanity.... [48 words] Welcome To A New Tomorrow (Poetry) Love the grandest of delusions... [111 words] Where Does It Go? (Poetry) Indeed where to? [71 words] Why You Never Loved Me... (Poetry) The minimal doubt that existed, that was magnified by the way things went.. [105 words] Words Written (Poetry) Read the words written... [55 words]
Spellbound Alberto Pupo
A world dazzled by her beauty.
Enraptured with her grace.
To love thee an eternal duty.
A key into ecstacy into space.
Green eyes quite hypnotic
Cannot help but simply stare.
Merging of our flesh symbiotic.
Signs of affection displaying I care.
In the solace of sleep always there.
No matter what the occassion.
Being apart from her so difficult to bear.
A complete and utter dammnation!
"I like the second stanza -it was a nice touch" -- Celeste.
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