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Used To Be by Chuk H MacDonald You must have cast a spell over me. I used to be bad and now look at me. I guess a bad cat can strai... [276 words]
You're One Dream by Chuk H MacDonald I can't get you out of my mind. I dream about you. I think I see you. Sometimes I think I hear... [177 words]
Until Your Love by Chuk H MacDonald I wasn't a pretty picture. I was drifting. I was going nowhere. I was just spinning my tires..... [189 words]
The Way I Think Of You by Chuk H MacDonald Though time, distance and life separate us, I will always cherish memories of you. [192 words]
A Little Too Close by Chuk H MacDonald Is it me or did something just happen between us? [194 words]
Playing In Puddles by Chuk H MacDonald Life used to be so simple. Remember those beautiful carefree days of your childhood when you... [212 words]
Maybe You And I by Chuk H MacDonald Here we are. You don't know me and I don't know you but something brought us to the same place ... [267 words]
Every Bit Of Your Heart by Chuk H MacDonald How do you expect us to move forward if you keep holding back? [199 words]
Cupid, Close Don't Count! by Chuk H MacDonald Come on Cupid, What to hell were you thinking? How 'bout hitting the bull's eye? [148 words]
Been There Done That by Chuk H MacDonald Everybody makes mistakes and I know I've made my share [237 words]
Keep Your Distance by Christy Mack Thinking about everything, and taking it all in, only to realize you have absolutely no idea... [227 words]
All I Need Is Your Love (Not Sure About Title) by Mueller - [278 words]
Where'd You Go by Ranay Mueller Ok none of my songs have music until I find someone that can do that for me. This song is sad I... [169 words]
Undo This Forever Loss by Christy Mack Breaking up when you don't want to. Telling someone that you still love them when they'r... [200 words]
To Blind To See by Ranay Mueller This song is about being heart broken and not really seeing what is right in front of you cause... [236 words]
The Cold Beneath The Light by Rick B. Baber Story of a down-&-out "street person". Lyrics written with John Cougar Mellencamp i... [264 words]
Open Your Heart by Ranay Mueller This is one of my newest songs I just wrote tonight. It's about a girl that wants her boyfrien... [182 words]
Little Girl by John Heckel A melancholy tune written for my wife after her father passed away. It's a slow melodic song that ... [226 words]
I'll Tell You A Secret by Christy Mack Telling the person you love them that, you do. They hurt you, but, you can't get over th... [152 words]
Down From The Balcony by Jaded Angelll Tribute To My Mother [127 words]
Don't Promise Me by Jaded Angelll Jaded relationship filled with broken promises. [126 words]
Walk Away Real Slow by Christy Mack Wishing you had the guts to leave and forget what you had, but you can't because you know t... [179 words]
Never Tell A Soul by Christy Mack Just a song about not being able to tell somebody you love them! :):) [159 words]
If Only.... by R. Nonny - [184 words]
Hypnotized by Mueller - [151 words]
Losing My Mind by Ranay Mueller I dont know what this is about, it just popped in my head and you can either like it or hate it.... [174 words]
You Don't Understand by L Chapman We've all been told in our lives whenever someone has a problem, and we try to help, that ... [277 words]
You Can't Buy My Love by L Chapman its a song about a guy who never tells his girlfriend he loves her, but instead buys her ... [375 words]
She Was A Dreamer by L Chapman This song is about a girl who has a lot of confidence in herself, she likes to dream all the ... [235 words]
I'm Proud Of You by L Chapman this is definitely not one of my best works, i think i wrote it in like 2 minutes LOL [197 words]
Dont Want To Let You Go by Ranay Mueller This is a song I wrote for a guy I really love. [133 words]
34th Street by L Chapman I was bored one day, so i decided to write this song cos i live on 34th street. My man came to visi... [285 words]
Bring Me by Mia Angello Lyrics to a mosh song. [140 words]
Here To Stay by Samantha Carter A song about being happy because you are comforted by the knowledge that you're lover will never l... [202 words]
Raisin In The Sun by Fizzgig McArthur It's a song based on a movie, based on a screenplay, based on a poem, based on a dream [202 words]
Join The Stars by R Wood A questioning song about what happens after all this is over [220 words]
Eight Years Old by R Wood I'd prefer it if you made your own mind up as to the meaning of the song. Basically it's follow... [156 words]
Rainy Monday by Rosario Perez It can "rain" in your life when someone doesn't love you [144 words]
Road Runnin by Fizzgig McArthur The first title my band ever did. Just playing around y' know? Having fun. [149 words]
Eyes Wide Open by Jenine Marie Graschuk A song about spouse abuse. [226 words]
The Best Of Whats Left by Genesis [124 words]
Heart Be Still by Genesis [100 words]
The Hardest Part
Alone by Sabriel About a girl whose boyfriend is always leaving when she needs him the most, and finally she deals with hi... [240 words]
Nightmare Alley, A Collection by S Lichtenstein Nightmare Alley - A dark song about escaping to one's nightmares. Prayer For Love...
Sleepless at 3.44 a.m.
The Surrender Song
Making His Body Hot

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The Hardest Part
A song about how tough it is to leave someone behind for someone new.
[145 words]
Just me writing on a whim. I write songs or a local band and Id like to see how my work would be accepted by different people. Thanks for reading.
[December 1999]
Heart Be Still (Songs) [100 words]
The Best Of Whats Left (Songs) [124 words]
The Hardest Part

Its been a while
Since I saw you smile
You know somethings wrong
What we have is not enough
Its been too long
We're running out of luck
Its over, I have nothing to show
It has to happen
But the hardest part is letting go

Verse One:
We've been here so long
It felt so good
But I guess its all gone
It doesnt feel like it should
I cant shrug this one away
I think Im leaving
The hardest part is knowing what to say

Verse Two:
I guess I jumped in too fast
I should have taken my time
I should have known it wouldnt last
Sometime love's a crime
I take one more look at you
Staring at me that way
I need something true
I turn and walk away
The hardest part is knowing you knew

Verse Three:
My body carries me out the door
My mind still in your arms
But I couldnt stay anymore
Sometimes love harms
Why its like this I dont know
But the hardest part is letting go



"i just want to know if this song has been published and if I can use it in my home town band? Thanx!" -- Tommy, Canada.
"are you that lesbian chick from the Real World? her name was Genesis too." -- Danny Gonzales.


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© 1999 Genesis
December 1999

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