Ms.Johnson a successfully, established woman whom is constantly batteling this tormenting voice in her head. This voice has become a personal war her against the voice. Is she worthless as the voice say's or will she take back her power and put the voice to rest? [425 words]
A beautiful young single African American mother, who is accomplishing her goals and succeding through some of lifes toughest objections and distractions. I learned a long time ago, that no matter what I go through or what someone says about me, or whoever may disbelive in me. That I will make it. I am determined to and I believe in myself no matter what odds I am facing. For better or for worst, I can do something about anything I face. I accept all challenges except death, because I can't do anything dead. [September 2005]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Ciggaretts (Poetry) A Health Hazard worst and costly then the most addictive drugs out in the market place to date. [296 words] [Health] Cuntroversy (Short Stories) A story with several twists and turns, as she whispers the words in his ear " you never know the underlining truth " CUNTROVERSY" History proves women are smarter! [183 words] [Erotic] Hot Baby (Songs) Intro: The way you make me feel. [106 words] [Mind] Illegalllll Immigrants Pu-Lease (Plays) This play is about a African American woman struggling to survive and take care of her family; however, she can't because all the employers in her city is hiring illegal immigrants, and telling her sh... [454 words] [History] It Is My Business (Poetry) This poem is about other people business, but your own. [123 words] [Comedy] Start Asking Questions (Poetry) This poem is about relationships? [136 words] [Fantasy] The Wendy Williams Pu-Lease (Poetry) A big Phat Shout Out to my girl Wendy Williams on her Pu-lease to the people who did not give one brown cent to the Katrina Hurricane Victims, and the victims who did not accept help after loosing eve... [203 words] This Spirt In Me (Screenplays) Theme is Two woman act. A young lady name Kim desperately trying to find her purpose in this world. She calls the request line to speak to disc jockey about her issues. [775 words] [Drama] Umn Is All I Can Say (Poetry) This poem is about handsom or beautiful women that make you Umn. [95 words] [Fantasy] Who Said? (Poetry) This poem is about courage and believing in yourself, when no one else believes in you, your parents, family, or friends. It's human nature to walk by sight and not by faith; however, faith is the be... [26 words] [Adventure]
The Lying Voice Yessayana Hartfield
After crying and feeling pity for myself. I jumped up mad as hell. But what would continously haunt me was my emotions and that annoying voice I constantly heard. Over and over and over again I keep hearing that voice in my head saying: Sucker; You got played stupid; Are you gonna stand up for yourself? coward, coward COWARD!
I was afraid to tell anyone what I was feeling and going through so I would try to block this voice out; however, it would keep getting louder and all I could hear was "COWARD" To all those who knew me, I appeared fine. I continued on with my daily routine as usual as if nothing was happening; in fact, everything was happening I was fallen to pieces, loosing my mind. This voice was invading me, violating and disrespecting me as if I were not human.
I better call the doctor. I reached for my cell phone and begin dialing his number. Hello, Hello Mr. Taylor this is Miss Johnson. I need a refferal to see a therapist, this is an emergency. Well Ms. Johnson is it anything I can do? Are you having trouble sleeping are you depressed? If you would like I can prescribe you some medication. "NO" I yelled. I don't want medication, I want education. Just give me the damn referral to the therapist, Thank you. I'm really sorry Miss. Johnson I really wish I could help you. You can, just give me the refferal to speak with the therapist. Thank you Dr. Taylor.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, that voice inside my head started saying to me. Go and see a therapist, No one will believe you, not even her.
Fueled with anger, I started driving recklossley, speeding going over the speed limit. I didn't realize the look on my face. I looked like an insane crazy lady, eye's flaming red and fueled with anger. So what, the voice begin to yell. "COWARD", WHO is going to believe you? You're a lyer, slut a whoer, your worthless, WORTHLESS, whoer's don't have crediablility, Beside's your powerless. I won, your the victim and "I AM THE VICTOR" just then miracoulsly a very uplifting song that was playing on the radio drowned the voice out. "First, I was afraid and I was petrified, as long as I know how to love, I know I will survive. I started singing along with the tune at the top of my lungs I will survive hay hay. I looked in the mirror and said YES, I WILL SURVIVE this bullshit for sure!
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