A man sat at his piano feeling the pearly white and black keys under his fingertips. Over and over he played the notes of Beethoven’s 7th symphony. As he played the song a boy danced around the room laughing and calling to his grandfather. When the man stopped playing the boy stopped dancing…and disappeared. A tear would always stand in the mans eyes as he longed for his grandsons companionship again. For hours the man would sit at the piano laughing when he’s grandson appeared and sobbing when he left again. Night after night this went on. Then one night the old man dressed in his best suit, opened a window in below freezing weather, and played their song as he froze to death…
A song danced in Adrienne’s head as he slipped off the silent elevator and into the small apartment him and his fiancée shared. He remembered the apartment to be quit expensive, but the best thing the two love birds could find. He whistled the tune as he shuffled through the mail. After a moment of going through junk mail and bills he came to a small envelope addressed to him in his grandfathers writing. Quickly he tore the envelope open wishing to hear news from his grandfather and possibly a forgiving statement:
Dearest Adrienne,
I have longed to write you for some time now, but I have been lost for words. I want to tell you that I’m very happy for you and Cadence. I wish you two the world and all it holds in store for you. I hold you can forgive a stubborn old man like me. I want to take everything I said to you back. I love you, Adrienne. I never wanted to be without you. After your grandmother died you were the only one left and I didn’t want to give that up.. I’m sure being a man with the kind of heart you have you can surely understand. I wanted you to grow up as normal as possible, but I knew without your real mother and father you would have a slight difficulty. I’m sorry for that day, but I also lost someone. I understand how mad you were….at me, at the world. Everyday I tried giving you something to live for, but you always pushed me away. I was about to give up, but then you slowly came to me. Remember how close we were after you helped me fix up that old 76’ mustang. I know I wasn’t the best thing for you or your sister, but I loved you both. I know your expecting a “I forgive you, Adrienne,” but it wouldn’t be right because I’m the one that needs to apologize. Not you.
Love Always,
Grandpa Louise
Adrienne stood taking in the words of the letter. He was still standing in a daze when he turned the letter over and found more:
P.S-I want you to read my journal and understand everything. I am so sorry. Contact Thelma Forman: 534-3688
The song still hung in the back of Adrienne’s mind as Cadence stepped in the door. Her long brown hair covered the left side of her face and she tried to brush it back with her shoulder, but with her arms full of groceries she failed. Adrienne walked over and placed the lingering hair behind her ear and took the paper bags from her arms. With a look of relief she retreated to the couch and laid her swollen body down. “How are my two most favorite people in the world,” he said as he placed a hand on Cadence’s navel. A tired look came on her face as she fell asleep in Adrienne’s arms.
While Cadence slept Adrienne feel into the memories of his past. With the letter still clenched in his hand he remember how his grandfather had once been. He had endured life taking in all of its surroundings as if he would never see them again. Adrienne pictured the old piano in the living room of their two story house. Night were spent fiddleing with the keys and dancing around the small space. As a child Adrienne loved watching Grandpa's hands move gracefully around the massive instrrument. His ear captured the sounds of his grandfather plucking away. At the age of eight he had become a loner and his grandfather had been the only companion and family member that the young Adrienne had left. Both his parents had died in a car accident and Adrienne seldom opened the door to those days. The music him and his grandfather shared took away the pain and only left joy and happiness. They had both held onto the music for different reasons, but they still came together every night and had shared a connection no one could imagine to replace.
"I need more" -- Josh.
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