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Short Stories

Jenna by Kat Fiore The horror of love. [2 words]
Like Troubled Water by Amarjit Bhambra One way of explaining life... [1,261 words]
He Gave It All Away by Amarjit Bhambra I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words]
Eat You Lunch Children by Amarjit Bhambra A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lun... [450 words]
The Power Within
The Pharoah's Daughter by Amarjit Bhambra A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words]
The Healing Hand Of The Lord by Amarjit Bhambra I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. ... [259 words]
The Good Against The Evil by Amarjit Bhambra - [628 words]
Charlie The Squirral by Amarjit Bhambra When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses u... [341 words]
A Thing Of A Bat? by Amarjit Bhambra When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that ... [349 words]
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector by Amarjit Bhambra I think that sharing is very importa... [197 words]
The Heart Of A Noble Woman by Mandi Butkovich -A story about a young noble woman who first discovers what love is.---Please Review [860 words]
Witchcake by Risa Peris An imaginary retelling of the beginnings of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 throught the eyes of one o... [1,491 words]
Venice by Matthew Penner - [303 words]
Untitled About Bugs by Durfee's Student World from the perspective of another. Title suggestions appreciated! I can print the 2nd... [1,706 words]
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. by Amarjit Bhambra This really happened to me ... [356 words]
Thin Air by Randall Barfield ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words]
There Are No Others! Just Me! by Nik Siromah Short story about one of the greatest Bulgarian revolutionary of all time, Vasil ... [3,577 words]
The Thorn And The Rose by Amarjit Bhambraaa Bitter tangled love? [224 words]
The New Gaurdians by Creature Of Death This is another story I made like I said sci-fi is my beiggest thing I like to write about th... [2,079 words]
The Hunter by Evgeni Miller Jonas Rath A short story dating a couple of months ago. Comes with a second chapter which will be posted in a... [433 words]
The Electric Car by Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Two stories in Latin America become intertwined when a young Engineer kills herself after a fa... [1,462 words]
Teenager's Prayer by Jordan Holetzky A teenager's prayer... [1,216 words]
Screaming, Save Me. by Marie Buzzy After the dream ends, I find myself sitting in bed, frightened and panicking as I whisper t... [718 words]
Schoolgirl by Randall Barfield - [937 words]
Reflections And Modern Man by Kristal O-Garrow The dispersed thoughts of a man who just experienced a divorce. [678 words]
Pedro by Jordan Holetzky Talks about people who don't even know you are will to care about you to pray for you and to share God wi... [654 words]
Nightmare 1 The Chase by Jordan Holetzky This story is about a freaky dream... [752 words]
My Treat by Amarjit Bhambra - [631 words]
My Name by Allie Haaland - [209 words]
My Embarrassing Moment by Brady Kalt This is a short story about one of my embarrassing moments. [203 words]
Mountain Arrival by Norachai Thavisin The hermit has to prepare his mountain chalet for the arrival of his woman visitor. He didn't ... [2,095 words]
Most Embarrasing Moment by Anthony Espinoza Assignment for school. [226 words]
Mexico by Hiatt - [799 words]
Life Force by Caleigh Jepison Please please can you tell me what you think? Starting chapter of a horror novel - may be a bit clic... [603 words]
Inbox by Nathan Weaver The first in a series of short horror stories. I can't say much without spoiling anything. Just check i... [688 words]
Inbox 2 by Nathan Weaver The second in the series. The roommate. [1,081 words]
In Michael's Mind by Am Mason R.I.P. Michael. [218 words]
Hospital Room by Randall Barfield Sadly, it's another case of "who needs fiction?" [1,115 words]
Hickory Dickory by Tomas B Sancio Of mice, men and Nuclear Science. [828 words]
Family Therapy Remembering Nama's Funeral by Mickey Bryant This short story gives detailed descriptions of the comedy of errors ... [5,111 words]
Embarrassing Day At The Pool by Kaitlin Kingdon A short story about an embarrassing day at a pool on vacation. [319 words]
Damn by Bk Kinsel It is all my fault. [163 words]
Creature Of Death's Bio by Creature Of Death This a character I use alot in my stories he reflects me and my mood at certain times a... [3,589 words]
Birthday Visitors by Norachai Thavisin Two unexpected people visit me on my birthday. We spend an unexpected day at the local beach.... [1,319 words]
A True Story About A Very Young And Naive Nathan Weaver by Nathan Weaver The title says it all. A short, true story about mysel... [346 words]
A Red Tent by R Amici I had to submit this for school. [633 words]
A Cry In The Dark by Barry Stevens Faeden A creepy story of the macabre. Not for the weak hearted. [887 words]
'fly by Lawrence Peters Freedom [426 words]
Without Reason by Sime Sheef Anger breeds hate and hate breeds evil. Unfortunately this perfect world breeds all three. [983 words]
What's Wrong With The World? by Bk Kinsel A story about the world. [172 words]
Valentine's Cupid by K J H Sienna is a fiery redhead that works for a local newspaper. She is fairly unlucky when it com... [2,873 words]
To The Fullest by Sime Sheef Peter has figured out how to drain the potential from every moment in life...but what will it co... [978 words]
The Wedding Reception by Avis - [1,893 words]
The Little Turd That Could by Michael L Phillips (Aka The Purple Monkey) A short story based on office interaction and politics. [1,052 words]
The Final Battle by Briony Carvalho Read it and you'll see! Any comments on anything I do are hugely appreciated - even if it's j... [348 words]
Sword From Heaven by Kristen Karlson A series of interconnected stories about the forms and consequences of power. [7,754 words]
Six Episodes Of Love by H Klecel - [3,199 words]
Russian Roulette: Foreshadow by Catherine Lefloy The story is about a young russian soldier that is eager to go to war, later he fi... [1,635 words]
Ordinary Day by Derek Anthony Held A short story about military families and how war tears them apart. [540 words]
Night Of The Courtesane by Charles F Kane A Dream that's more than a dream. Story with a twist. [1,243 words]
Medical-Shedical by Avis Narration of annual general medical exam. [1,548 words]
Life On The Broken Wings by Partha Pratim Majumder A young pretty girl , who is handicapped since birth , has to pass her leisure sitting... [1,860 words]
Heaven With Her by Bk Kinsel An old man dying in his bed wishing only to see the love of his life. [253 words]
Flak by Joseph Xavier Ramirez A short story about an escort fighter pilot in WW2, as he embarks on this mission he will face many challe... [1,158 words]
Escaping Reality by Monica L Sprague This is an account of a real event that has a fictional ending...the ending that I know she wa... [981 words]
Dream For An Insomniac by Rachel Joseph A short love story of a unique girl [739 words]
Downsizing by Katherine A M Corkery A confident employee at a well-established law firm enters the office ready to receive word of a pro... [1,823 words]
Confortable Darkness by Sime Sheef The world is dark and light is not welcome. It only pains the eyes. [996 words]
Cipher by Rachel Joseph The life story of a boring girl. [2,509 words]
Can't Let Him Go by Nicky Rothschild Can't Let You Go is about a girl that has fallen in love with a man that is 4 years older then... [1,442 words]
And... by Lawrence Peters For Andrew, whether you like it or not, it's yours. written in Los Angeles, where writers go to become r... [129 words]
And I Prayed Part 3 Of Awakening by Sidney Tucker Continuing from Awakening and The Journey Home A man finds the final steps to ... [1,235 words]
Alone At Dawn by Sime Sheef The tale of a man searching to resolve the pain of loosing the woman he loved. [957 words]

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The Power Within
[90 words]
Amarjit Bhambra
[June 2007]
A Different Kind Of Love (Poetry) - [95 words] [Nature]
A Dj Song (Songs) - [130 words]
A Few Asian Girls In Britain 1969 (Poetry) Incident that we had to face in School from English girls with hump against the Asian girls. [163 words] [Biography]
A Letter To Shilpa (Poetry) A thought on racism.... [181 words]
A Lost Soul (Poetry) A poem based on what drinking can do. [79 words] [Mind]
A Message For Christmas....... (Poetry) A Little song that l always remember from my childhood which l learned in Sunday School, I think that there should be more Sunday School for our children to be preaching on the right path - so that th... [80 words]
A Mother In Law From India (Plays) This poem is written with an open mind and does not relate to my own Mother in Law in anyway.It is something that is made up and l hope you enjoy it, as It is my first peice using both English and In... [225 words] [Humor]
A Peice Of Spain (Poetry) I have not been back to Spain since 27 years! [65 words]
A Taste Of Snow (Poetry) A contrast between two lands Africa and Britain. [212 words]
A Thing Of A Bat? (Short Stories) When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that particular day with us. [349 words] [Humor]
Aaron (Poetry) A small Hiku poem - My first Grandson [17 words] [Relationships]
An Unbalanced World (Poetry) - [168 words]
Angry Waves (Poetry) The waves of 2005 [97 words] [Nature]
Another Bilingual Indian Song (Songs) Having bought up in England, Its nice to try and write songs or peotry in Indian, tranlated in English So other people can understand us too. And as u can see in the Music stream, youngesters of Brit... [171 words]
Be Kind (Poetry) - [61 words]
Birth (Poetry) And it was the birth of my Grand son! [33 words] [Biography]
Brown Owl (Poetry) Was an Middle aged Lady living down our street, who ran the Local Girl Guide. She encouraged me to go to Brownies with her each week at the age of 7. I am an Asian girl and she welcomed our family wi... [152 words] [Biography]
By The Sea (Poetry) Its were we all like to be. [82 words]
Charlie The Squirral (Short Stories) When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses used to feed -chips, so this story is for children to enjoy dedicated to Charlie the Squirral.(Oh my son is ov... [341 words]
Circle Of Life (Poetry) Haiku About life... [10 words] [Mystery]
Corridors Of Love? (Poetry) Knocking on the right door....I remember my creator.... [79 words] [Mystical]
Cries Eoch In The Mountains, (Poetry) Can you not almost hear the real eoch of crying in the cold Mountains after the Earthquake? [75 words] [Nature]
Dare If You Care (Poetry) - [67 words] [Relationships]
Dear Brother (Poetry) Life is full of meanings, but sometimes we wished we had said things not realizing it when it is too late. [101 words] [Relationships]
Deep Rooted Love (Poetry) - [75 words] [Mystery]
Diana (Poetry) A POEM ABOUT Diana. [55 words]
Do Yea Remember Those Eyebrows Gil? (Poetry) Some of the funny things that happen to us in life.... [131 words]
Don't Judge Me Via A Book By It's Cover (Poetry) I say don't judge anyone even a ........ [207 words] [Humor]
Eat You Lunch Children (Short Stories) A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lunch.... [450 words] [Literary Fiction]
Emotion Hurts (Poetry) - [102 words] [Mystical]
Emotions Hurt (Songs) It made me cry as I wrote this sad song, of the day my mother died - did it make anybody else cry? - I think that death is a mystery. [104 words] [Mystery]
Estimated Love (Poetry) Love has its values in measures, amounts and cost... [74 words]
Eve's Birthday Surprise (Plays) A funny little play. [204 words] [Humor]
Face To Face With Daylight Robbers (Short Stories) A tricky situation... [288 words]
From The Earth To The Moon (Poetry) - [75 words]
Full Steam Ahead (Poetry) A Child's first Train..... [31 words]
Funny Funny (Poetry) Have a laugh, its good for you. cheers [469 words] [Comedy]
God Is Working On Another Mircle (Poetry) Please continue praying for Payam for today l have read that after 5 weeks he has started to talk! He is a 15 year old boy who was Knocked down by a car,,, Please keep praying [44 words]
He Gave It All Away (Short Stories) I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words]
Help Me Back To The Ground (Songs) Imagine singing this one on top of a mountain. [111 words] [Self-Help]
Henna And The Coloured Pencils (Children) Delightful short story about a small girl who threw her coloured pencils away but.... [586 words] [Fantasy]
Hidden Looks (Poetry) Mysteries of Love. [158 words]
Hip Hop, Bangra's Hot (Songs) Comments on this one which includes HIP HOP, Bangra and Boy, girl (SCENE IN DISCO CLUB) and...... a Parrot! RAPPING IT IN! pretty smart.... what do you think? [251 words]
How A Teenager Advoided A Pervert (Short Stories) A lot of teenager girls are not aware of dangers that they would face when confronted with a pervert.... thinking clever sometimes work. [819 words] [Literary Fiction]
I Remember Joe (Poetry) About our cockatoo whom we had for 11 years. [147 words]
If I Was To Walk Back In Time (Poetry) - [63 words]
Impecunious (Poetry) A poem about work without money! [128 words]
In Out (Poetry) Figure it out A Hiku - meaning a small four line verse poem. [24 words]
Is What L Hate, Is What L ................. (Poetry) Do you know the feeling? [356 words]
It Was One Day Before Christmas....... (Poetry) - [88 words]
Its Rock (Songs) - [87 words]
Just Like Your Dad (Poetry) - [61 words]
Knocky Knocky Nnocks! (Children) When the world cries, you cry with it, and when the world laugh, you laugh with it. [92 words] [Humor]
Life Can Take You Up And Down (Poetry) - [103 words]
Like A Bottle (Songs) Something knew to me - A Bilingal song, written and translated - in English and Indian. So it's a 2 way writting method. ....A bit on the unfinished side perhap you can help finish it? [64 words]
Like Sugar And Cream (Songs) A little love song. [96 words] [Fantasy]
Like Troubled Water (Short Stories) One way of explaining life... [1,261 words]
Lilic Dreams (Poetry) I aways loved the colour Lilic - lilics are full of dreams. [99 words] [Fantasy]
Living In Dreams (Poetry) How far can l remember, for our lives gone by are dreams now, that we can never forget and never thought we would dream off, Yet we live our dreams and yet we never deamt we would come this far.(A lo... [95 words] [Biography]
Love Is A Connection (Poetry) Haiku On Love... [12 words]
Love On The Other Side (Songs) A song about a woman who died young and her husband is kind of forgotton her and married someone else. [161 words] [Fantasy]
Love With Respect (Poetry) - [76 words] [Mind]
Making A Promise (Poetry) How do you keep a Promise? [75 words]
Me And My Pyjamas (Songs) How doe it feel song have a laugh and have an opinion? I don't mind if you think it is silly.... [162 words] [Comedy]
Mental Art (Poetry) Picture painted via da Mood. [100 words]
Modonna Crying Statue - Why? (Foreign) Words that express poetry and words that express meaning of the above. [146 words] [Mystical]
Mother Earth's Brains For The Future (Poetry) See for yourselves, What is happening around the world - (Globle Warming) Richard Braston is also now offering award to solve the problem to scientist. PS This poem was written in 2005. [154 words] [Nature]
Mother India Our Root Man (Songs) I Love reading on how other Silks like myself have settled in England and other parts of the World BUT at the end of the day, one should not forget our Roots - We all were at one time the seeds of Mot... [168 words]
Mr. Me,Me,Do (Songs) A little jolly son, for babys and toddlors. [69 words]
Mrs. Bilkhu And Her Two Little Finches (Short Stories) A very sad little story - very diffcult to write through my tears. They flew into her heart and ....... [926 words]
Mrsa - The Deadly Bug (Poetry) - [215 words]
My Africa (Poetry) Bits and peices of what l can remember in Africa from the age of about 5 to 6 [71 words] [Biography]
My Bodyguard, Carol (Poetry) A school friend that used to protect an Asian Girl in Multy racial British School in the 70's. [128 words] [Biography]
My Favourate Flower.....An Orchid. (Poetry) They are beautiful and smell nice,,,,, [48 words]
My New Gran-Ma And My New Gran-Dad (Poetry) When we arrived in Britain in the cold winters of the 60's, At the age of 6, how did we know that we were going to leave behind our Grand-dad and our Lovely Gran-ma back in Africa. After living rough ... [259 words] [Biography]
My Own Thought On The New Airport T5 (Poetry) My own thoughts about the New Runaway, Terminal 5 [133 words]
My Teeth Are Clean! (Children) One way to teach children to eat carrots! This one is for under 5's I hope you enjoy it, it was written for my Gran-son Aaron. [65 words] [Animal]
My Treat (Short Stories) - [631 words]
My Well Respected Brother On Lakri Day (Poetry) Lakri Day,is a very special day for Brother and Sister. The Sister's tie a string on their brother wrist to show their love and respect for each other. My brother died a few years ago, so l wrote thi... [73 words] [Biography]
My Wonderful Gran-Son Arron (Poetry) My first Gran-son....Ahhh. [23 words] [Relationships]
Now That You Have Gone.... (Poetry) - [119 words]
One Day And Than What? (Poetry) Think about it. [123 words] [Nature]
One Foot Here, One Foot There (Poetry) Haiku about the soul [10 words]
Our First Pet (Poetry) About a cocktel which we had for 11 years and one of our first pet. [128 words]
Our Parrot Scared The Burglar (Short Stories) I can imagine at it happened and find it quite funny as to how he must have ran off without taking any goods from our house.... [454 words] [Animal]
Pardise In Neasden (Poetry) - [75 words]
Pleasant Dreams (Poetry) A small poem about my brother who passed away a few years ago. [45 words] [Mind]
Pray To Be Connected (Poetry) Feel the Power of Beinging connected. [103 words]
Prayers (Poetry) Prayers can... [40 words]
Praying For A Mircle.... (Poetry) Please have heart and join in pray for a mircle for a very sick boy who was involved in an accident in October. If our prays work, maybe we will hear of that Mircle. This is one way of doing good and ... [96 words] [Mind]
Put It Together (Songs) - [94 words]
Revealing Secrets (Songs) How difficult could it be to get into ones heart. to know ones feelings..... [111 words] [Horror]
Shine Your Light (Poetry) - [62 words]
Sindy's Eyebrows (Screenplays) When this happened, it was very hillious and funny. I hope you enjoy it too. [213 words] [Humor]
Singapore Excution Of Mr. Nguyen (Poetry) Since last week, l came across the excution news on the Australian Mr. Nguyen. l am shocked at the way this young mans life is going to end because of a mistake he made. We all make mistakes, we all g... [149 words] [Humor]
Sisterly Love? (Poetry) Some of the things that happen in our teens... [106 words]
Thank You Britain (Poetry) This poem is about from there to here, when we first left Africa and landed in Britain. [118 words] [Adventure]
Thanks A Lot (Songs) Bangra is well know Indian beat now often used in Even rap songs, I make this one up last night. I hope some one would comment on it. [101 words] [Fantasy]
The Beautiful Sky Blue Budgie (Poetry) Saw him stand out again the green surroundings. [194 words] [Animal]
The Burglar, My Husband And I (Non-Fiction) This actually happened, Its also good to have a laugh about it. [243 words] [Humor]
The Ceramic Dog (Poetry) Which was so important to my mother before she died. [61 words]
The Day Joe Died (Poetry) When our family lost our feathered friend whom we had for 11 years [91 words]
The Destroyer Of Love (Poetry) What destroys Love.... [57 words]
The Different Colours Of Love (Poetry) Love moods comes in different packages [130 words]
The First Cry (Poetry) And l wonder why [45 words]
The Flower Of Life (Poetry) - [34 words]
The Good Against The Evil (Short Stories) - [628 words]
The Healing Hand Of The Lord (Short Stories) I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. I have to share my love from God and his wonderful healing power which comes from faith and love.... [259 words] [Mystical]
The Love Of God Within You (Poetry) - [80 words] [Mind]
The Mencing Of The Mobils (Poetry) I personally hate them, with the changes l have seen in my children using them 24 hours on ends. BUT l may just like them a little bit, when knowing my children are safe thats all. [118 words]
The Pharoah's Daughter (Short Stories) A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words]
The Power Of Love (Poetry) .....The Taj Mahal. [65 words]
The Prince And The African Grey (Chapter 1) (Novels) The Story is full of adventure and is about s Young Prince who falls in love with an Asian Girl. The main true character in the story is an African Grey who helps the Prince through his adventure in t... [3,551 words] [Adventure]
The Rude And The Polite (Poetry) - [35 words]
The Sikh Way Of Life (Poetry) - [82 words] [Spiritual]
The Things That I Thought He Could Not Do (Poetry) My African Grey [148 words] [Animal]
The Tsunami (Poetry) A time to express our feelings of how we feel. [120 words]
The Victims. (Poetry) A helping hand from the loving World. [105 words] [Mind]
The Vine (Poetry) Haiku About the Vine.. [14 words]
The Warrior Of Love And Passion (Songs) - [139 words] [Health]
The Waves They Tell Me (Poetry) - [1,250 words]
The Yun And The Yin (Poetry) So you know what it means? [59 words]
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. (Short Stories) This really happened to me in School and l made it into a short story... [356 words] [Mystery]
To Be With You On Valentines Day (Poetry) - [88 words] [Fantasy]
Trish (Poetry) - [50 words]
True Dreams (Poetry) A poem on a dream that really came true, I don't know the meaning can anyone help? [83 words] [Mystery]
Twaddle (Poetry) The title speaks for its self. Twaddle(senseless, talk or writing nonsense) I like it - I hope you like it too. [26 words] [Fantasy]
Twisted (Songs) - [66 words]
Ufo? - Are They Our Enemies Or Are They Our Friends? (Short Stories) The best time to experience these unusal flying saucers are at the early hours from about 1 am to 2 am in the mornings - you might think you are looking at the stars but if you are lucky you might spo... [747 words] [Mystery]
Wanna Man A Lot (Songs) Might sound nice if there is music to it. I hope somebody would like it. [79 words]
What An Experience (Poetry) An experience in India. [118 words] [Adventure]
What Is Justice Of Mr. Nguyen And The Prince Of Arabia? (Poetry) What is the Justice in the World compared with Mr. Nguyen and the recent drug smugglar - The Prince of Arabia? [119 words]
What Is This Thing Called Love? (Poetry) It hurts to see love that is blind? [176 words] [Horror]
When You Hear The Dolk Beat, You Can Hip Hop To The Beat (Songs) This song is about the rythm of the beat of the Dolk......(A "Dolk" is an Indian drum...boy the beat is one fine beat). Actually it is played Britain since the 60's and it can be played whatever tune ... [141 words]
Why Is Statue Of Modonna Crying? (Poetry) i feel l get the answers from an unusal reading. l call it the Dictionarie reading. I find that some of the readings that i have done in the past were about 80 per accurate. So l asked "Why is Modonn... [247 words] [Nature]
Wishing For (Poetry) Just nice wishing. [39 words]
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector (Short Stories) I think that sharing is very important, I want the readers to share some of the mircles that God had proformed in my Life. [197 words]
Yestoday Is Gone (Poetry) A poem about the tsunimi. [111 words] [Mind]
Your First Kiss For Me (Poetry) My one and only......... [43 words]
Your Want To Look At My Machine Girl (Songs) A song for all guys and girls, regarding their well respected machines - cars. [132 words] [Fantasy]
You’Re My Baby, L Love You So Much (Songs) A little Valentines Song [115 words]
Zaloo-Loo Ruled Her Tribe (Short Stories) Some Tribe secrets remain a mystery to the Moden world. I made up a story based on tribe life of a young tribe girl who fought to become a Leader in hunting a Mostodon. The creature are extinct now... [1,857 words] [Literary Fiction]
Zoffany(The Master Of Stage Coaches) (Songs) - [89 words] [Fantasy]
(Cont.. Part 2) The Prince And The African Grey (Short Stories) This Chapter is continued to my story "The Prince and the African Grey (Part 2). It is about a young girl and her Unique special talking African Grey (the only true character in my story).....He is i... [1,552 words]
The Power Within
Amarjit Bhambra

There is no power than
Than the power of within.

There’s no corner of Earth,
That you will find the peace,
The peace of within,
There is no gem,
There is no gold,
There is no silver,
In what my mind holds

But there is an essence,
And the presence of God,
There is eternal light
That is so bright,
May my soul be cleansed?
And be united with God,
Who is my provider?
Who is my father?
Who has given me the secret of the
Power of within.

I bow,
I lay my soul before God,
For we only live in this world of
False drama


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© 2006 Amarjit Bhambra
March 2007

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