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The Legendary Graduate Success by Joseph D Smith How I became a successful author with my book, "The Legendary Graduate" by Josep... [343 words]
The End Of Bullying by Jordan Lee Wellnitz This work was written as an anti-bullying essay. [509 words]
She Likes Trains: The Book Of Engineers by Shelley J Alongi Memories, a new engineer, community, and the book of engineers. [4,114 words]
She Likes Trains Adventures With The Super Hero Bag by Shelley J Alongi Adventures with a railroad grip. [3,881 words]
It's For The Best by John Garlinghouse This is an essay on the positive effects of a lockout. [725 words]
Global Warming By Miles Eyre by Miles Eyre - [486 words]
Conversations With Glen Sweet Engineer Dreams And Metrolink Nightmares by Shelley J Alongi A dream come true; life, money, marriage... [5,852 words]
Oh You Angelic Devil by Dream Rinsed (Gospel Funk!) [99 words]
The Split At Tahrir Square by Alexander Gachikus The demands of “secular” opposition are limited to partial reforms within the framew... [1,512 words]
Conversations With Glenn: A Good Day Up Here by Shelley J Alongi Fatalities and Mickey Mouse. And a man admitting his flaws. What a... [3,566 words]
She Likes Trains: The Railroad Sweet Spot by Shelley J Alongi A question, freights, the railroad sweet spot. [3,015 words]
She Likes Trains: The Locomotive Stairway To Heaven by Shelley J Alongi So many things led to this moment, the moment I took my fir... [993 words]
She Likes Trains: Tales From The Rails by Shelley J Alongi Hit or miss, amazing ladies, the bath. sometimes the train station isn't... [2,395 words]
She Likes Trains: Not Looking For Trouble by Shelley J Alongi The man from the orange trains, two engineers by the stairs, an uncon... [2,064 words]
She Likes Trains: Barely Getting By by Shelley J Alongi Rules, paint jobs, diet Pepsi, kids, pictures, passion. It's all here. [2,142 words]
Violence Can't Stop Itself by Randy Hooper about violence and how we can maybe stop it [603 words]
She Likes Trains: The Stairway To Locomotive Heaven by Shelley J Alongi The metal staircase of Alco 98 curves upward, today is the ... [1,969 words]
She Likes Trains: The South Side Of Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, food, warm weather, and train chasing. [6,629 words]
She Likes Trains: Steel Tangled by Shelley J Alongi A new restaurant, a systems operation guide, lovely trains, don't get her mad, ... [3,497 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Engineer Confusion by Shelley J Alongi Short, sweet, confusing, lovely, always worth the wait. Numb... [2,343 words]
She Likes Trains: Sweet Train Dreams by Shelley J Alongi The opening of track 4, more engineers and sweet train dreams. [2,457 words]
She Likes Trains: One Hand Somewhere Else by Shelley J Alongi One hand waving, a bridge to paradise, helpful passengers who take th... [3,838 words]
She Likes Trains: Between Engineers by Shelley J Alongi what takes my time between meeting all my engineers? Happy Easter all my en... [2,742 words]
She Likes Trains: Chatsworth Ephiphany by Shelley J Alongi stories, the missing link, the harvey girls, fatalities, and the Chatswo... [2,768 words]
She Likes Trains: Post Fatality Syndrome by Shelley J Alongi Two years, four switch keys, one lock, one lantern, and three engineer... [2,887 words]
Revolution In The Middle East by Alexander Gachikus What are the prospects of the revolution in Arab world? What sort of a revolution... [2,447 words]
The Human Part Of The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Trespasser on the tracks. The intimate kiss of the engineer. It's all the human ... [2,519 words]
She Likes Trains: Taking The Engineers Heart by Shelley J Alongi Keys, dogs, stories, and the engineer's hearts. [3,992 words]
She Likes Trains: Journeys To Friday by Shelley J Alongi On our way to Friday, we experience the death of a mascott. The married en... [2,415 words]
She Likes Trains: Missing The Train Meet by Shelley J Alongi Birthday wishes are never too late, heart-stealers, more dogs, and mis... [5,044 words]
She Likes Trains: Flirting With The Locomotives by Shelley J Alongi The switch key attachment, love struck by the locomotives; love... [2,844 words]
On Proletarian Dictatorship And Islamism by Alexander Gachikus Early Islam, which revival at modern level is advocated by revolutiona... [1,309 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet, Lucky Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Train 221's fatality. I am the happiest love sick, star struck ... [3,301 words]
City Miles by Dan Smith City Miles is an essay on an argument between Karl Marx and Uncle Sam that has spilled into a new ce... [1,414 words]
The Letter To Maoist Internationalist Movement by Alexander Gachikus Mentioning only the USA as the super-power and hushing up about ... [521 words]
She Likes Trains: Silent, Train Night by Shelley J Alongi A Christmas carol, a messy, rainy week, Christmas presents for cats, love... [3,183 words]
She Likes Trains: Knowing About The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, daring passengers, dogs, signals, and love. [4,635 words]
She Likes Trains: Dog Days And Coming In Out Of The Rain by Shelley J Alongi Rain, accidents, dogs and the crazy Fullerton engineer... [3,642 words]
She Likes Trains: Crossing The Railroad Tracks by Shelley J Alongi Happy new year all my engineers! This year has been very eventfu... [3,783 words]
Afghan Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus Odious regime of police batons and lying clerical sermons, which rule... [2,070 words]
Advice To Women by Paula Barta-Schielke A single mother who has overcome childhood trauma and an abusive husband, offers insights into ... [630 words]
Advice To Men On Their Women by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author offers suggestions to men on ways they can strengthen their rela... [665 words]
A Man's Perspective by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author lends her views on a man's perspective on relationships gathered by inter... [560 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Train Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Signals, Chatsworth, hanging in there, and the mad dash on a rai... [3,058 words]
“Communist” Tyulkin Criticizes Bourgeois Authority For Insufficiency Of Nationalism by Alexander Gachikus Today official "communists"... [305 words]
She Likes Trains: The Engineer's Right To Know by Shelley J Alongi What persistence led to. [2,234 words]
She Likes Trains: Hogger Stocker by Shelley J Alongi All my engineers. All my fun, surprised, sweet engineers, and always my best! [2,153 words]
The Blank Analysis 101 by Mike Piotrowski A simple essay that uses abstraction to follow the parabolic pathway of life [289 words]
Sexnlove by Dream Rinsed the basic erotic instinct. [131 words]
Events In Georgia And Communists’ Response by Alexander Gachikus It is no reason for us, proletarians of the rich nations, to lose he... [2,598 words]
She Likes Trains: My Familiar Places by Shelley J Alongi Engineer teasing, returning to my beloved trains, or is it engineers? And ... [1,446 words]
Major Breakthrough In African Literature by Kennedy O Obohwemu It's really very simple...I'd like the relevant authorities to prove m... [581 words]
Chechen Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus - [1,922 words]
Metrolink708: Train Orders For The Court by Shelley J Alongi My engineers get a break, and yet life is still eventful at the fuller... [2,272 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Hunter by Shelley J Alongi the engineer and the switch key. Of cool summer nights and engineer hunting. [3,117 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Engineer Responsibility by Shelley J Alongi He says deal with it. Engineers have to be responsible. he wa... [3,336 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Of My Dreams by Shelley J Alongi It has been six months since I've talked to him, and it is, afte... [2,596 words]
Metrolink708: Railroad Birthday by Shelley J Alongi My very own train party Shelley style. Trains, conductors, engineers, food, fri... [4,633 words]
Metrolink708: Prince Charming by Shelley J Alongi All of Shelley's Prince charmings. [1,829 words]
Metrolink708: The Commuter Train To Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Tales from the Fullerton station. [3,172 words]
Metrolink708: Metrolink Tales by Shelley J Alongi Metrolink tales. [2,576 words]
Youssef Girard. Tan Malakka : Nationalism, Marxism And Islam by Alexander Gachikus Soviet-Russian opportunism kept silence about Tan ... [1,248 words]
The War On Weed.
The Break-Up Of Ussr: Collapse Of Socialism Or Collapse Of The Old Colonialism? by Alexander Gachikus Soviet Union was not Socialist ... [1,989 words]
Teens And Drugs by Michael Finch it is about the real facts of the effects drugs can have on kids [408 words]
Space For The Future. by Spencer A Morin An amazing idea [220 words]
Metrolink708: On The Trail Of Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold, engineers, it's all good, it's all gold. [3,498 words]
Manifesto Of The Russian Party Of Bolsheviks by Alexander Gachikus Opportunism of official communist parties compelled us, Russian Bo... [4,151 words]
Letters To Molly Norris by Wael El-Manzalawy - [152 words]
L.B. Some Preliminary Thoughts About Modern Class Structure by Alexander Gachikus The main advantages of the article of L.B.: 1) Rath... [2,307 words]
God's Love: A New Perspective On The Unified Field Theory by Ellen Rosser An essay describing the effect of God's love on the e... [853 words]
From What Is To Begin? by Alexander Gachikus Let us recollect Lenin’s idea of the formation of the party. The essence of this idea is... [1,323 words]
About The Slander Of Proletarian Dictatorship by Alexander Gachikus At imperialist stage the states of 2 types are possible – bourgeo... [459 words]
Metrolink708: Replacing The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi So many engineers, so many stories, so much potential, so little time, and... [4,401 words]
Metrolink708 Making Connections by Shelley J Alongi There's no place like home, I guess. New engineers, connecting with trains, it'... [3,225 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Day by Shelley J Alongi freight baby, social butterfly, drama, fun, and the gold standard. [5,147 words]
Metrolink708: Being There Tomorrow by Shelley J Alongi Not a good day, but such a great day. Already it has been eventful and we're... [2,200 words]
What It’S Like For Me To Be An Interpreter And Translator by Kclb The satisfaction of being bilingual explained. [383 words]
Metrolink708: Getting The Right One by Shelley J Alongi the FP59, the engineer, it's definitely the right one. And even if he is le... [5,635 words]
Answering Atheism I by Wael El-Manzalawy - [196 words]
Answering Atheism 2 by Wael El-Manzalawy - [119 words]
Metrolink708: Remembering My Name by Shelley J Alongi Do the engineers remember me? Seems so. This week they all either know, use, ... [2,015 words]
The Waterboarding Of Americans. by Dream Rinsed or The Trickle-Down Theory.(as it was called.) [130 words]
Metrolink708 Engineer Magic by Shelley J Alongi One can't stand the MPI, one wants to know where I've been, one wants to know if I'... [5,802 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Drama by Shelley J Alongi Oh goodness! If you don't like drama, even if it's all in my own head, and you don... [6,420 words]
Metrolink608 The Railroad Facts Of Life by Shelley J Alongi Oh the drama! Showing the engineer the switch key, changing the route, ... [9,681 words]
Metrolink608: Meeting Locomotive 800 by Shelley J Alongi Teasing, loco 800, wary Glen, the two woman fan club, it's all Glen. [2,844 words]
Metrolink608: Making It Through Tuesday by Shelley J Alongi Love, a hard taskmaster; tortured by the bell; two engineers, and stand... [5,677 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Gold by Shelley J Alongi There's gold in that there engineer and I didn't have to dig for it. Oh ... [3,419 words]
She Likes Trains: The Human Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold digging at the fullerton station. Everything about everything, the gad ab... [2,945 words]
Muslim Versus Atheist by Wael El-Manzalawy - [217 words]
Muslim In The Western World by Wael El-Manzalawy - [309 words]
Metrolink608 Learning The Story by Shelley J Alongi Learning the story, following advice. [3,760 words]
Wisdom - Lost With Tradition by Richard Koss An essay which compares the concept of traditional wisdom with the minds of today'... [500 words]
Metrolink608: Playing Hooky by Shelley J Alongi The first week after New Year's day, quiet, the same question over and over, and my... [2,426 words]
Metrolink608: Making The Engineer Happy by Shelley J Alongi Big trouble, morning blessing, and no sympathy even if I have a cold. h... [4,549 words]

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The War On Weed.
Pt.1 "How The High Became A Low."
[129 words]
Dream Rinsed
Non-Conformist livin' in this thing called Life!
[November 2011]
A Good Man Down (Songs) And ya wonder why a good man is hard to find. (sly&robbie type reggae) [150 words] [Romance]
A Moment In Love (Genres) MushyStuff. (new-age art jazz) [52 words] [Romance]
Ain't Lettin' You Go That Easy (Songs) (latinsoul steppers' slowjam) [178 words] [Relationships]
Answer The Phone (Songs) a song about gettimg that number from someone you're interested in. (newwavemotownpop) [138 words] [Romance]
Barbie Beaten By Brats! (As Told By Rainbow Brite) Pt1 (Short Stories) observations of childplay from a twisted point of view. [172 words] [Humor]
Beautiful Stranger (Genres) a song about love at first site. (steppers' latinsoul) [162 words] [Romance]
Bitch Wanna Be A Hoe! (Songs) we all know dem types! (chessy funky hairmetal romp) [108 words] [Relationships]
Blankinside (Songs) a song about being comfortably numb in and with love,i guess. (cool chill-out funky groove) [63 words] [Romance]
Blood And Roses (A Love Life) (Songs) a song about relationships. (slow moody funky pop) [155 words] [Relationships]
Boyfriend Sometimes (Genres) (pop r&b powerballard) [157 words] [Relationships]
Boyfriend Sometimes(The Last Word.) (Genres) and i rest my case. (strings&soft piano only) [51 words] [Relationships]
Buzzed Love (Genres) Blame it on tha booze. (phillysoul dancemusic) [180 words] [Erotic]
Can't Handle It! (Songs) bit off way more than you could chew,eh?! (reggaeton) [184 words] [Romance]
City Birds (Poetry) a song about daytrippin'. (smoothfolksyjazz) [38 words] [Mind]
Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Pt.1) (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [176 words] [Fantasy]
Despair (Songs) a song about standing in the shadows of love. (technofunkgroove) [41 words] [Relationships]
Don't Tease, Just Please. (Genres) (bassbumpin' r&b chicagohouse) [125 words] [Relationships]
Dumpster Love (Songs) industrial grinding grooving lovejam [123 words] [Relationships]
Get Me Now (Or It's Never!) (Genres) Enuff wit tha playin' hard ta get! (DiscoSouMusic) [155 words] [Relationships]
Gettin' That Groove On (The 12 Inch Long Version) (Songs) got to give it up! party baby! (early 80s techno funk) [145 words] [Romance]
Gutsspilling (Songs) *see GutsStillSpilling for description [87 words] [Relationships]
Gutsstillspilling (Songs) a song about truthtelling on thyself. (funky barblues rock n' soul) [133 words] [Relationships]
Heaven Sent You To Me (Songs) dedicated to the one i (and you) love. (smooth r&b jazz) [161 words] [Romance]
I'm Gonna Make It! (Songs) a theme song i wrote for a friend's diy movie about a city's powerplayers fear of this very song bringing about their ruin. (angrymetalfunk) [175 words] [Motivational]
I'm Yours For My Lifetime! (Songs) the title says it all! (groovy 70s disco funk) [159 words] [Romance]
Just A Piece Of Meat (Genres) E.R.A.,baby! (heavy bass-thumpinbumpin r&b dancefunk!) [191 words] [Erotic]
Just You & Me (Songs) a lovesong for couples. (coolsmoothflowing r&bjazz-or-dat cool babymakin' music) [162 words] [Romance]
Last Call (Songs) "The Bars & NightClubs' Closing Theme Song." [56 words] [Motivational]
Let Down (Songs) a song about crushing a crush. (smoothdiscojazz) [149 words] [Romance]
Let's Live It Up! (Songs) a weekend song for couples with kids. (funky discojazz) [134 words] [Relationships]
Little Jack Horny (Genres) Naughty nursery rhymes. (cool eletrified lounge-lizard funk) [132 words] [Erotic]
Lonely,Lonely (Genres) a song about needing and wanting somebody. (seedy cool smooth r&b popjazz groove) [151 words] [Psychology]
Loser Wins! (Non-Fiction) Gamer gamed by the love game,yet da loser wins love! (late 70s Ashford & Simpson type disco) [173 words] [Romance]
Lost In The Bluest Light (Songs) a song about the tears of a clown. (smooth bossanova funkrock) [165 words] [Romance]
Love Junkie (Non-Fiction) and God created Love. (discojazzfunk) [175 words] [Romance]
Love&Hatehate&Love (Songs) you fuck'd up my life. (dark sinister nightgroove) [175 words] [Relationships]
Love,Right And Wrong. (Songs) a song about one effect of loving someone too much. (bluesyr&bjazz) [117 words] [Relationships]
Love's Bitter End (Songs) no happily ever after. (industrial doom&gloom dance) [132 words] [Relationships]
Love's Victim (The 'turntable' Mix) (Songs) ut-ohh! cupid got me! (70s popdisco with real orchestra) [170 words] [Romance]
Me Time (Songs) a dirty lil' bubblegum soulpop ditty ode to the joy of pleasing thyself...enjoy! [95 words]
Me.Myself.I. (Songs) a song about thy inner self dealing with love. (slow haunting funky nite groove) [94 words] [Psychology]
Michael Jackson: The Legacy! (Reference) Let's see if all of that controversy bullshit can out rank the following list. (p.s.,LOVE YA MIKE!!!) [143 words]
Morning After (Non-Fiction) a song about waking up after a one night stand. (slow moody funk) [157 words] [Psychology]
My Bedtime Song (Songs) a grown-up lullabye of love. (soft dreamy smooth jazz) [123 words] [Romance]
My Break Today (Songs) even ronald mcdonald used to say you deserve a break today! (twangy r&b pop groove) [173 words] [Psychology]
Nasty Boy! (Songs) just what the title says! (minneapolisfunk) [148 words] [Erotic]
Nasty Candy (Genres) Oh you sweet sticky thang,you! (sweaty funk) [119 words] [Romance]
Not A Trick! (Genres) The Golddiggers&Users warning notice! (funky all percussion dance jam) [158 words] [Relationships]
Oh You Angelic Devil (Essays) (Gospel Funk!) [99 words] [Erotic]
One For My Baby (Songs) a song i wrote for the one i love. Thanks babe! (chill-out lite rock) [165 words] [Romance]
One Night Stand Man (Songs) a lil' ditty about a single man's lovelife. (hole-in-the-wall partyblues) [155 words] [Erotic]
Ooo You Gonna Get It! (Songs) Busted! (booty house) [57 words]
Pop Jam (Songs) That crap! (catchy pop music) [111 words]
Pt.2 Of Barbie Beaten By Brats! (The Rest Told By Strawberry Shortcake) (Short Stories) observations of childplay from a twisted point of view. Again. [175 words] [Humor]
Real Women Vs. Media's Version Of Women (Essays) Pretty&Beautiful vs. Hot&Sexy. [156 words] [Psychology]
Rip Up The System! (Non-Fiction) Death to the Status Quo! (brutal industrial funk) [117 words]
Sexnlove (Essays) the basic erotic instinct. [131 words] [Psychology]
Sexual Savior (Genres) oh PLEASE just do me! [152 words] [Erotic]
Shoo! (Songs) fuck off! (a cool groove that soon annoys you.) [74 words] [Relationships]
Sin,Sex,And Sanity (Songs) a song about temptation (80s industrial dancemusic) [124 words] [Psychology]
Sloppy Seconds (Genres) That "i had you 1st!" thang. (countryfied soul) [123 words] [Relationships]
Somethin's Goin' On (Genres) - [190 words] [Relationships]
So,What's It Gonna Be? (Genres) a lil' dirty song about the mating ritual. (rock 'n soul) [136 words] [Romance]
Stop Lovin' Me The Way You Do (Songs) Just what the title says. (bluesy r&b pop slowjam) [177 words] [Relationships]
Tha Immoral Mix Of That Good Love (Genres) (chicago r&b house) [111 words] [Erotic]
That Good Love! (The Moral' Mix) (Songs) When ya good,ya good! (chicago r&b house) [99 words] [Romance]
That Mating Thang (Songs) about physical attraction (70's sleazypartybluesfunk ) [112 words] [Relationships]
The Big Relief (Songs) a song about a clean breakup? (detroit technohouse) [105 words] [Relationships]
The Drunk Fool In Love Blues (Songs) a song about being stuck on a love thats gone. (r&bpopslowjam) [158 words] [Romance]
The Time Of Her Time (Short Stories) a tale about a woman's dark passions told in song (intensedarkgroove) [151 words] [Erotic]
The War On Weed. Pt.1 How The High Became A Low. (Non-Fiction) - [139 words] [History]
The Waterboarding Of Americans. (Essays) or The Trickle-Down Theory.(as it was called.) [130 words]
This Is The Other Kinda Lovesong! (Genres) sho' is baby. [147 words] [Relationships]
Today Is My Day! (Songs) a feel good song. SMILE,DAMMIT! (that cool groove all ages and races can move and/or groove to!) [100 words] [Motivational]
Try My Love (Songs) midtempo funkycoolsmooth discojazz tune [173 words] [Romance]
Under A Full Sinful Moon (Genres) How far are we willing to let that horny lil' devil in all of us take control? [162 words] [Mystery]
When U Suck (Genres) "it's love." (NuWave Funk) [169 words] [Relationships]
When Will We Stop Hurting Each Other? (Songs) intense crunchingpumping funkrock [140 words] [Relationships]
Why The Reasons For The Reasons Why (Genres) - [146 words] [Relationships]
Work Dat Booty! (Songs) a danceclub jam (the new chicago house sound) [76 words]
World Wide Wake-Up Song (Genres) a song i wrote during and after the Obama/McCain election. (smooth jazzy hiphop groove) [160 words] [Motivational]
Yeah I Found Love On The Dancefloor (Genres) that night fever! (bass pounding 70s funky disco heat) [191 words] [Romance]
(End Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [153 words] [Fantasy]
(Part3 Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man" [180 words] [Fantasy]
(Pt.2 Of) Costlee Tha Sno' Man (Short Stories) An under the influence of_retelling of "Frosty the Snow Man". [167 words] [Fantasy]
The War On Weed.
Dream Rinsed

Smoking weed in the US began at the beginning of the 20th century with a wave of Mexicans coming into the Southwest looking for work. They smoked weed as a way to relax after working a long, hard day in the fields. But White Americans along the border didn't like these foreigners or "their strange customs". They said "weed gave the mexicans superhuman strength & turned 'em into bloodthirsty savages", because in El Paso, some White Texans were allegedly attacked by a Mexican who "went loco on the killer weed". Moving swiftly, the El Paso City Council passed the 'El Paso Ordinance of 1914', a law banning the possession of weed; "supposedly" designed to control weed, but the law quickly became a way for the city to control Mexicans..


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© 2010 Dream Rinsed
May 2010

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