The Sack Race by Colin Baker A short poem, written to mark the occasion of my youngest daughter's recent triumphs in her schoo... [207 words] Topsy Turvy by Colin Baker - [33 words] Imperialism Dear Boy, Imperialism by Colin Baker Limerick on the theme of the current Gulf conflict. [27 words] Oh La La ! by Colin Baker - [118 words] Yesterday Unlocked Secrets by Dri - [179 words] My Three Mistakes by Katherine Smith - [183 words] The Answer To Your Love by Dri - [268 words] I Found Love, I Found You by Dri - [55 words] A Place To Hide Myself by Dri Mind. [131 words] .Just Let Me Be. by Carla Thomson - [221 words] Captain Courageous by David Daniels This poem is about my older brother who is a retired Captain of the NYC Correction Dept.This... [597 words] Exquisite Rose by Dri - [66 words] ..You.. by Danae Bonomini - [77 words] ...Remeber Me... by Danae Bonomini - [128 words] You Me by Danae Bonomini - [49 words] You Loved Me From The Start by Dri - [146 words] You Flew Your Love To Me by Dri - [174 words] Writing A Poem by Unmesh Mohitkar I am Unmesh ,a software professional. My motto of life is to live life fully. Happiness and mise... [98 words] Women Are Nippy Freaks by Tom Bomb Title sez it all, I dont mean every woman but the women in my life at least.. [136 words] Wighead by David Daniels I went bald at the age of 20 and it devastated me.Then I did a stupid thing and went out and bought a t... [543 words] Whispered Lies Among Soft Sighs by M Q Walters Just what it is... [101 words] When I Lay My Head Upon My Pillow by Dri - [184 words] What's Wrong With You? by Dri - [187 words] What Is Done Is Done by Bryan King A poem about how you can't change what you have already done. [70 words] Welcome To The Projects by Bryan King A poem about the hardships of the projects. [87 words] To --- Dream by Duke Sekhon - [124 words] Time To Think (About Time). by Buxton - [64 words] This Hidden Place by Silvia Maree Short lyrics about love. [245 words] Thief by Buxton - [127 words] The Time Machine by Iain Spittles Wishful thinking. [27 words] The Sparrow by M Q Walters Perhaps less about the sparrow and more about the caged bird. [69 words] The Scars You Made by Danae Bonomini This one isnt a rhyming poem n aint a very gewd 1 eitha...but it does meen alot to y... [83 words] The Round Dams by Patrick Collins A poem about concealed sadness and the reluctance to let it free. [171 words] The Longing Heart by Duke Sekhon - [248 words] The Game Of Life by David Daniels It took me a week to write this poem and I think it's one of my best.It's about the hardships ... [832 words] The First Time by Dri - [183 words] Surrounded By Love? Surrounded By Strangers? by Jaseyboi Sutters All these millions of people in our world..All the people around u... [99 words] Stupid Teenagers by Alice W-M - [41 words] Start Asking Questions by Yessayana Hartfield This poem is about relationships? [136 words] Second Thoughts by Dri - [237 words] Seasons Of My Past by Danae Bonomini - [73 words] Scream by Danae Bonomini - [148 words] Rolling Out Of Bed by Erin Washington This poem is about the everyday troubles of waking up and getting ready for school. [113 words] Reflections Of My Soul by Dri - [223 words] Question by Monique A poem to make you think. [113 words] Promises Once Broken by Rohan Corea This poem is about broken promises. [53 words] Private Thoughts by Dri A special dedication to a friend... [148 words] Pete by Heather Amos This is about my boyfriend who die jus before christmas and saying goodbye. [95 words] Our Love by Dri To my son. [392 words] My Question To You Would Be.. by Cerribah C Waters It's somthing short and true. [102 words] My Love Forever by Dri - [239 words] Muse From Above by Buxton A slap in the face for everything... [165 words] Mother Dear ! by Beroze Neville Amaria A mother is an epitome of love. She is someone who can feel, hear, see and be there for you e... [114 words] Memories Dear To Me by Danae Bonomini - [40 words] Lust Under A Crimson Moon by Richard L Minton - [175 words] L-O-V-E Thing by Charice L Boyd A young girl wondering about Love, wanting to know the real true meaning of Love. [151 words] Love Never Dies Of Natural Causes by Dri - [122 words] Love From A Distance by John Roberts Short love poem written to my wife Margaret, while I was serving overseas in the Armed For... [108 words] Love Connection by Dri - [238 words] Losing by Rae - [103 words] Likely by Rae - [62 words] Let Me Be Your Dream by Dri I wanted this one to become lyrics for a song. [250 words] January 9th by Laura Fleeger Please leave comments I need help in cutting out the fat in this one. Its about my uncles death. It... [297 words] Is He Worth The Pain? by Monique - [120 words] In Time by Rae A real enough place. [99 words] In Dragons Eyes by Chelsea C Nagy - [103 words] I'm Right Here by Rusty I have written this for a special person on this site, that I fear I am destined to love only fr... [102 words] Illusions Of Life by Dorothy Borden Poem. [90 words] Identity by Rae - [134 words] I Love You Because I Just Do by Dri - [181 words] I Found You, I Found Love by Dri - [189 words] How Do They Connect? by Laura Fleeger This poem describes my emotions between kindergaten and high school and my thoughts behind... [104 words] Hoping For A Resurrection by David Daniels Just a poem that came to me about relationships.It seems when I write about relations... [250 words] Holes In Pockets by Buxton Not what you think. [74 words] Hoeho by Josh Anderson The night in all of it's dark beauty, and a certain creature that dwells within. Purposely slow paced poe... [88 words] Her Depressed Life by Danae Bonomini I write this poem at school in history...its a bout a girls life, and no one really cares bu... [77 words] - Hasnt Got One Yet by Amy Anderson I was guna make this a song buh I just left it as a poem... I gess its about not bein able ... [46 words] Friendship Gone Sour by Duke Sekhon - [142 words] Forgetting For The Beach by Laura Fleeger A different poem. We had to write a list poem for Creative writing class, her it is. [66 words] Forbidden Fruit by Dri - [296 words] For Kevin by Amy M Marks Dedicated to my dearly departed friend who lost himself in heroin addiction. [90 words] Feast Of Love by Dri - [146 words] Face In The Mirror by Dri - [80 words] Everynight by Monique Just a poem. [85 words] Endless Flight by Dri - [117 words] D.O.P.E by Jaseyboi Sutters The trials and Turbulance of being a modern day weed smoker. [88 words] Doesn't Matter by M Q Walters -Written for Darrell...who never once felt the sting of tears that slid down my face. For the on... [117 words] Depth by Patrick Collins A poem about trying to find out who you are and what you place in the world is, an eternal struggle that ... [145 words] Confessions Of The Heart by Kayla Meadows I'm a hopeless romantic and watching Shakespeare in Love happened to inspire my lonely... [82 words] Chatroom Blues by Monique About a girl who's boyfriend enters a chatroom but ignores her completely. [101 words] As Long As We Are Together by Dri - [142 words] Around The Corner by Dri - [147 words] And I Still Believed... by Dri - [201 words] Am I Right? Or Am I Wrong? by Dri - [107 words] All I Wanted2 by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler It's about a boy who I loved very much, and he didn't even notice me. [49 words] A Witch by Duke Sekhon - [102 words] A Time To Fall In Love by Dri - [46 words] A Place Around The Corner by Dri - [172 words] A Man's Point Of View On Women by Laura Fleeger This is my point of view on what I think a man views a woman, for the most part. [106 words] A Hope Without Hope by Duke Sekhon - [124 words] 3 Little Words by Dri - [167 words]
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Yesterday |
(Inspired by one of Brittany's recent tree-climbing experiences, she being our youngest daughter) [177 words] |
Colin Baker |
- [October 2014] |
25 Years On (Poetry) - [85 words] 2 Am (Poetry) - [115 words] A Bus Commuter's Sonnet (Poetry) - [107 words] A Choreographed Breakfast (Poetry) - [68 words] A Dreamer's Song (Aka Wishful Thinking) (Poetry) - [85 words] A Fibber's Prayer (Poetry) A short poem about making good some porkies. [291 words] [Humor] A First Class Service (Poetry) - [15 words] A Lost Generation ? (Poetry) - [52 words] A Pious Gent (Poetry) - [11 words] A Restraining Order For Jesus (Poetry) - [258 words] A Smoker's Pledge Of Allegiance (Poetry) - [98 words] A To Z Of Adolescence (Poetry) Ever been a parent ? Of three daughters ? [21 words] A Visit To The Planetarium (Poetry) - [31 words] Africans, Westerners And Intelligence. (Essays) A reply to Dr. James D. Watson's recent assertion that Africans are of inferior intelligence when compared to Westerners. [7,297 words] An Apple A Day (Poetry) Fun poetry. [36 words] Believe In Better (Short Stories) A philosophical alternative to the current mindset. [804 words] Beneath Her Window (Poetry) - [34 words] Benefit Cutting For Dummies (Non-Fiction) Benefit cutting is politically and ideologically motivated. [2,411 words] Bill Gates Should Take A Tip From Karl And Fred (Essays) Bill Gates recently criticised capitalism. Hooray! one might be minded to cry out! But all is not as straight forward as it seems. [872 words] [Drama] Bill The Bus Driver (Poetry) - [61 words] Blackvein (Poetry) - [103 words] Britain's Festival Of The Juggernaut. (Essays) Capitalist Britain and the Hindu tradition of Vishnu's incarnation have much in common. [1,277 words] By Night When Others Soundly Slept (I'd Pinch Lots Of Stuff) (Poetry) - [114 words] Christmas Conundrum (Poetry) Christmas can be a confusing time for some children. [197 words] Coming To Terms (Poetry) Extolling the virtues of the human brain. [177 words] Contradictory Deliverance (Poetry) - [37 words] Cost-Effective Indifference (Poetry) - [29 words] Cough & Drop (Poetry) - [114 words] Debt (Poetry) Debt, Emily Dickinson style. [178 words] ' Doc ' (Poetry) A very brief reflection of the continued erosion of free health provision in contemporary Britain. [80 words] Douglas R.I.P. (Poetry) - [270 words] Ends And Means (Non-Fiction) The world we currently live in is a topsy turvy place. [215 words] [History] Evening Class For A Grownup (Poetry) - [58 words] Favour (Poetry) - [21 words] Fruit And Vegetable Shortages (Non-Fiction) A spurious argument [269 words] Get On Board, Iraqi Children (Poetry) Allah's train keeps a-comin' for thousands of Iraqi children. [181 words] Good News Is No News (Short Stories) Good news isn't always what it seems. [470 words] [Literary Fiction] Growing Up (2006) (Poetry) - [28 words] Hey John! How Are Things My Friend? (Poetry) - [134 words] Hit The Sack (Poetry) - [299 words] If I Die (Poetry) Inspired by a conversation one evening at bedtime between my 6 year old daughter and I. Suddenly, she wanted to explore the concept of dying. [129 words] Imperialism Dear Boy, Imperialism (Poetry) Limerick on the theme of the current Gulf conflict. [27 words] In A Seaside Street (Poetry) - [167 words] In The Top Right-Hand Corner (Poetry) - [21 words] In The Union Of Myanmar (Poetry) - [38 words] It's Like Hurricane Ike... (Poetry) - [112 words] Kidney Stones (Poetry) - [13 words] Killing At Camp - Justice? (Poetry) - [55 words] Labour Pains (Poetry) - [93 words] Last Wednesday: Peterchurch, Herefordshire. (Poetry) - [31 words] Little Donkey - Revised (Poetry) A poem for christmas [16 words] [Humor] Lovers Walking In A Lane In Summer (Poetry) - [126 words] Margaret Thatcher's Funeral (Non-Fiction) - [270 words] Meop Citsigoloen A (Poetry) - [28 words] Milton! Art Thou Dying (Again)? (Poetry) Is Milton Friedman's free-market mantra now in tatters? [28 words] Monday Morning (Poetry) - [59 words] Moral Instruction (Poetry) - [107 words] My Child X 3 (Poetry) - [23 words] Newport - Stow Hill (Poetry) - [4 words] Norman's Unemployment Policy - Britain, Summer 1981 (Poetry) - [158 words] Oh Jesus! (Poetry) - [18 words] Oh La La ! (Poetry) - [118 words] On The Beach! (Poetry) - [48 words] Over My Dead Body (Poetry) - [52 words] Pardon Me But................... (Poetry) - [11 words] Parliament? - It's History! (Essays) The role of Parliament as an institution here in the UK must now radically change. [1,398 words] Partnership (Poetry) - [30 words] Playing Pétanque (Poetry) - [141 words] Pleasure Island (Poetry) - [114 words] Poem Of The Cross (Poetry) - [32 words] Poetry - No Doubt (Poetry) - [8 words] Potential Human (Poetry) - [33 words] Pregnancy And Politics (Non-Fiction) An argument against capitalism [1,096 words] Prophecy (Poetry) - [28 words] Psalm 17-30 (The Rush-Hour Psalm) (Poetry) - [261 words] Psalm 23 (New Labour's Psalm) (Poetry) - [108 words] Psalm 23 (The Mcjob Psalm) (Poetry) McJobs abound in capitalist society.... [122 words] Rain Heading In From The West (Poetry) A poem written to mark the many innocent deaths brought about by Western political aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. [243 words] Raining Cats And Dogs (Poetry) Do you believe in metaphors coming true ? [187 words] Reflections On God's Actions (Poetry) - [62 words] Remembering (Poetry) - [144 words] Saturday Night Dilemma (Poetry) Saturday nights out are not what they used to be. [92 words] Saviour Self (Poetry) - [86 words] School (Poetry) - [107 words] Screwball Scramble (Essays) There is a good reason for the phenomenon of frenzied shopping in the Western world. [2,381 words] September 03, 2007 (Poetry) To mark a particular President's recent visit to Iraq [18 words] Social Inequality Is Not One-Sided (Non-Fiction) - [1,035 words] Society, The Family And A Thatcher. (Essays) When UK conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asserted in 1987 that 'there is no such thing as society', she overlooked all that it is to be human. [5,380 words] Something For Nothing (Short Stories) The irony of political correctness [90 words] Sometimes (Poetry) Sometimes, contemporary work roles seem to necessitate wishful thinking in a person. [69 words] Spitting (At) Images (Poetry) - [28 words] Take O Take Those Chips Away (Poetry) - [44 words] Taking Leave (And All That) (Poetry) - [36 words] The B B C (Poetry) - [12 words] The Chair (Poetry) - [235 words] The Chinese Medicine Shop (Poetry) - [43 words] The Lords (Poetry) - [28 words] The Poisonous Dart Frog, Politics And History (Essays) - [2,477 words] The Religious Sum Of The Iraq War (Poetry) - [14 words] The Retrospective Chicken (Poetry) Introspective journey of a chicken. [255 words] The Sack Race (Poetry) A short poem, written to mark the occasion of my youngest daughter's recent triumphs in her school sack race. [207 words] The State (Poetry) - [22 words] The Sum Of Amon Goeth's Execution (Poetry) - [14 words] The Valleys (Poetry) - [68 words] The Western Alpha Bit (Poetry) Topic of Iraq [182 words] Thoughts On The Evolutionary School Of Life (Poetry) - [177 words] Thoughts On Youth Crime (Poetry) - [16 words] Topsy Turvy (Poetry) - [33 words] Up! (Poetry) - [64 words] Up-Hill (Till M4 Junction 3, Then Head South) (Poetry) - [138 words] We'd Sit And Sing Alway (Then Came A Barratt Team) (Poetry) Greenbelt, in certain parts of 21st century Britain, is a dwindling phenomenon. [71 words] We'll Go No More A-Dogging (Poetry) - [70 words] What Do We Want? Concrete Fairness! When Do We Want It? Now! (Essays) Live Aid and Live 8 failed because they made metaphysical appeals to fairness and justice. [4,232 words] While God........... (Poetry) - [15 words] Why And How We Spoke God Into Existence (Poetry) Have you ever wondered how God came to be? [234 words] Why Bother At All? (Non-Fiction) Why bother struggling to save a decaying economic system like capitalism? [483 words] Withdrawn Loners And Sparkling Drops (Non-Fiction) The recent shooting at Sandy Hook school in Connecticut USA is tragic beyond question, yet also revealing in some ways. [856 words] [Crime]
Yesterday Colin Baker
I was late for my tea For I went to the tree
At the top of our hill With my little friend Bill
As together we'd planned To climb tree hand-in-hand
And then leap oh so fast Into green waves of grass
But I went straight from school Breaking mam's golden rule
See I'd asked could I go But my mam had said "no"
Still I'm glad I went up With a skip and a jump
To the tree on the hill With my little friend Bill
For this time I did reach That big branch on the tree
With the bend at the end And so too did my friend
And we had so much fun Just us two...tree...and sun
Until Bill softly sighed "Here's your mam" "Yikes!" I cried
For mam's face was all frowns When she found Bill and me
She cried "Me and Bill's mam We've been worried you see"
But I told mam we'd reached That big branch on the tree
With the bend at the end Then she just smiled at me
And................................... As we walked down the hill Me and my mam and Bill
We all counted to three And then cried..."GOODBYE TREE !
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© 2005 Colin Baker |
May 2008 |