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White Knuckles by Jeff Euphoric Pain A man's best description of his broken heart. [276 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1043, REVS. 0)
What Was There. by Terry Collett - [343 words] (HITS 1210, REVS. 0)
What Else. by Terry Collett - [295 words] (HITS 1218, REVS. 0)
Well Said Henry. by Terry Collett - [435 words] (HITS 1248, REVS. 0)
Wanting More. by Terry Collett - [275 words] (HITS 1226, REVS. 0)
Twisted Vines by Manny Colón Iv to the rhythm of hickory dickory doc. [42 words] (HITS 1235, REVS. 0)
To Brighten Up Her Day. by Terry Collett - [403 words] (HITS 1187, REVS. 0)
Their Nakedness Seen by Terry Collett - [373 words] (HITS 1178, REVS. 0)
The Hollow Tree. by Terry Collett - [529 words] (HITS 1232, REVS. 0)
The Dream Lands. by Terry Collett - [390 words] (HITS 1300, REVS. 0)
That Much Easier. by Terry Collett - [385 words] (HITS 1247, REVS. 0)
Someone's Heaven. by Terry Collett - [439 words] (HITS 1253, REVS. 0)
Smoking Lesson by Terry Collett - [501 words] (HITS 1307, REVS. 0)
She Loves Him Not. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [271 words] (HITS 1226, REVS. 0)
Rippin' It Up by Manny Colón Iv - [68 words] (HITS 1189, REVS. 0)
Reach For The Sky. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [339 words] (HITS 1252, REVS. 0)
Out In The Rain. by Terry Collett - [391 words] (HITS 1235, REVS. 0)
One Legged Anne And Hormones. by Terry Collett - [347 words] (HITS 1260, REVS. 0)
One Friday Night On The Way Home. by Terry Collett - [206 words] (HITS 1262, REVS. 0)
Once Died Here. by Terry Collett - [440 words] (HITS 1203, REVS. 0)
Now Wanting It More. by Terry Collett - [375 words] (HITS 1345, REVS. 0)
Not There(Poem) by Terry Collett - [159 words] (HITS 1263, REVS. 0)
Not Have To Go. by Terry Collett - [429 words] (HITS 1299, REVS. 0)
None Of That Or The Other. by Terry Collett - [374 words] (HITS 1394, REVS. 0)
No Longer There. by Terry Collett - [193 words] (HITS 1248, REVS. 0)
Never Told Her That. by Terry Collett - [442 words] (HITS 1315, REVS. 0)
Miryam's Tent. by Terry Collett - [315 words] (HITS 1337, REVS. 0)
Lost Coin. by Terry Collett - [337 words] (HITS 1329, REVS. 0)
Looking Beyond. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [252 words] (HITS 1418, REVS. 0)
Little Lies Big Heart. by Terry Collett - [420 words] (HITS 1335, REVS. 0)
Like Barking Hounds. by Terry Collett - [292 words] (HITS 1367, REVS. 0)
Khuda Aur Khudai. by Arun Kumar Tiwari Tiwari - [97 words] (HITS 1034, REVS. 0)
Just Above Her Head. by Terry Collett - [444 words] (HITS 1391, REVS. 0)
Janice And The Lost Earring. by Terry Collett - [588 words] (HITS 1312, REVS. 0)
Jane One Sunday. by Terry Collett - [260 words] (HITS 1310, REVS. 0)
Jane And The Butterfly Kiss. by Terry Collett - [501 words] (HITS 1331, REVS. 0)
Ingrid And The Go-Cart. by Terry Collett - [271 words] (HITS 1410, REVS. 0)
Ingrid And Her Dream Of The Wild West. by Terry Collett - [246 words] (HITS 1273, REVS. 0)
Her Shining Knight. by Terry Collett - [546 words] (HITS 1261, REVS. 0)
Her Parents Won't Be. by Terry Collett - [418 words] (HITS 1448, REVS. 0)
He Alone Is There. by Terry Collett - [345 words] (HITS 1367, REVS. 0)
Have Her All Alone. by Terry Collett - [355 words] (HITS 1447, REVS. 0)
Good Lay. by Terry Collett - [242 words] (HITS 1308, REVS. 0)
Giving Her The Stare. by Terry Collett - [155 words] (HITS 1298, REVS. 0)
Fear & Reality by William Watkins 'Fear & Reality' is a commentary about those who are solely driven towards achieving success, at the expense of those around them. They will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams and be the 'winners... [128 words] [Psychology] (HITS 1259, REVS. 0)
Fay And The Downstairs Jew. by Terry Collett - [499 words] (HITS 1426, REVS. 0)
Fancy Dress. by Terry Collett - [205 words] (HITS 1343, REVS. 0)
Fairground Night by Terry Collett - [374 words] (HITS 1261, REVS. 0)
Everything He Sees. by Terry Collett - [261 words] (HITS 1458, REVS. 0)
Escaping Sophia. by Terry Collett - [310 words] (HITS 1344, REVS. 0)
Downpour Of Rain. by Terry Collett - [546 words] (HITS 1337, REVS. 0)
Despite The Lies. by Terry Collett - [271 words] (HITS 1396, REVS. 0)
Cool Blue Eyes. by Terry Collett - [392 words] (HITS 1506, REVS. 0)
Bombed Out Factory. by Terry Collett - [362 words] (HITS 1421, REVS. 0)
Blueness Of Skies. by Terry Collett - [240 words] (HITS 1364, REVS. 0)
Better Than The Rest by Terry Collett - [447 words] (HITS 1461, REVS. 0)
Best They Don't Know. by Terry Collett - [363 words] (HITS 1515, REVS. 0)
Benedict And The Perry Girl by Terry Collett - [675 words] (HITS 1353, REVS. 0)
Beginning Of Rain by Terry Collett - [271 words] (HITS 1349, REVS. 0)
Bed Time Lonely by Terry Collett - [321 words] (HITS 1359, REVS. 0)
Baruch And Fay And All Ok. by Terry Collett - [275 words] (HITS 1520, REVS. 0)
Another At The Door. by Terry Collett - [173 words] (HITS 1406, REVS. 0)
Always Stay. by Terry Collett - [568 words] (HITS 1397, REVS. 0)
All Aglow by Terry Collett - [415 words] (HITS 1401, REVS. 0)
A Lonely Dream (Poem) by Terry Collett - [235 words] (HITS 1393, REVS. 0)

There are 65 title entries on this page.



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