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Unga Rap by Nathaniel A Miller Loosely based on the "Ninja Rap" From Vanilla Ice and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Movie. These are more Lyrics for my Sys Admin Friend who thinks hes god's gift to women, but a fair hand at the... [358 words] [Fan Fiction] (HITS 2668, REVS. 0)
Seven Eleven by Mia Angello - [253 words] (HITS 2759, REVS. 3)
Some by Mia Angello - [284 words] [Romance] (HITS 2694, REVS. 2)
Thanks A Lot by Amarjit Bhambra Bangra is well know Indian beat now often used in Even rap songs, I make this one up last night. I hope some one would comment on it. [101 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 3144, REVS. 2)
Mother Nature Why by Brion' O Neil - [248 words] (HITS 2386, REVS. 4)
By My Side by Brian C Lebron - [123 words] (HITS 2486, REVS. 5)
Breathe To Speak by Brian C Lebron made some new changes let me know what you think. [158 words] (HITS 2319, REVS. 2)
A Different Place by Brian C Lebron - [66 words] (HITS 2420, REVS. 4)
Emotion In Your Eyes by Brion' O Neil When we wonder about our future,I'll ask you to visualize,then wait for you to answer, with emotion in your eyes. [282 words] (HITS 2394, REVS. 4)
Love Is Just A Word by Brion' O Neil Love for the asking, seems so absurd, love is not an emotion, love is just a word. [306 words] (HITS 2365, REVS. 5)
I Loved You As A Child by Brion' O Neil You were my childhood love turned into the love of my life. I loved you as a child as I love you for my wife. [266 words] (HITS 2596, REVS. 5)
Where I Am by Jannah Akira Just wish I could runaway. Broken promises. [124 words] (HITS 2274, REVS. 3)
Mitsuku's Moon by Diana Venditti Little love song, written several years ago. [76 words] (HITS 2590, REVS. 5)
Love Was Around by Chris Hofmann Ballad. [154 words] (HITS 1987, REVS. 0)
Lime Tree by Jannah Akira Forever's longing. [131 words] (HITS 2494, REVS. 2)
I Wish This Girl Was Mine by Donna Leigh Dennison - [176 words] (HITS 2247, REVS. 7)
Bet You by Jannah Akira It's about the time when you really feel down but then realise there's gottta be more to life. [263 words] (HITS 2212, REVS. 3)
Another Distant Day by Brion' O Neil from one to another, we've run outta things to say, we can't go through, another distant day. [317 words] (HITS 2319, REVS. 2)
Destiny Is Calling by Brion' O Neil Destiny is calling...now what? [284 words] (HITS 2735, REVS. 3)
Always Someone Else by Brion' O Neil They never really get over the one they had before or the one they're with now. [278 words] (HITS 2328, REVS. 2)
That's All I Got by Brion' O Neil You always want to know the who, why or what, ya can't get any more, that's all I got. (country version) [258 words] (HITS 2105, REVS. 0)
Teacher For The Night by Brion' O Neil Lift me past the highest plain of your delight, teach me, oh be my teacher for the night. [285 words] (HITS 2405, REVS. 1)
I Keep On Falling by Brion' O Neil I keep trying to fall in love and I keep on falling. [294 words] (HITS 2614, REVS. 1)
Dancing On Rainbows by Brion' O Neil A daydream, dancing on rainbows. [277 words] (HITS 2448, REVS. 3)
What's There To Kill? by Tim D Ryan Heh. Life is a large influence on this song. Being a teenager is the best and the worst. [176 words] [Teenage] (HITS 2526, REVS. 1)
The Bleeding Rose by Tim D Ryan Lack of sleep and Hoobastank inspired this piece. [205 words] (HITS 2186, REVS. 0)
Ten Times Sweeter by Brion' O Neil So, I give gack the kind of love you've given me a love that's ten times sweeter than honey from the bee. [264 words] (HITS 2364, REVS. 5)
Shit On Me by Jannah Akira About someone who had always been a shit on me. an angry song! [265 words] (HITS 2497, REVS. 8)
Anything For You by Shelley J Alongi I promise I did not steel this title from the movie "oliver" it was one of those moments when a phrase, out of inspiration, pure adoration, or simple gushing just comes out! So enjoy this sentimental... [134 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2747, REVS. 0)
Don't Be Tellin' Me ( R& B Rap ) by Brion' O Neil I love you, but don't be tellin' me. R&B/Rap [242 words] (HITS 2551, REVS. 1)
We Need To Love You More by Brion' O Neil Jesus, we need to love you more (worship song) [162 words] (HITS 2462, REVS. 1)
Honey From The Tree by Brion' O Neil Praise song: Gods' love is sweeter than honey from the tree. [164 words] (HITS 3802, REVS. 1)
You Were by Brittany Talmadge - [169 words] (HITS 1946, REVS. 2)
Wind Blowing Through My Heart by Brion' O Neil My dedicated love endures the pain of the wind blowing through the hole (she or he) left in my heart. [303 words] (HITS 2532, REVS. 1)
The Same (Latitude) by Jannah Akira Email me if you wanna know how it sounds like. [280 words] (HITS 2542, REVS. 4)
The Natural Part Of You by Brion' O Neil I fell in love with the natural part of you. [285 words] (HITS 2240, REVS. 2)
Like A Moon To The Stars by Jannah Akira Just read it. email me if you wanna know how it sounds like. [262 words] (HITS 2219, REVS. 0)
Get Rich by Glen Pearson These are the lyrics for the hip-hop album that me and my brother are currently producing. I have placed them on here so that they will be copyrighted (July 2004) but if you feel like reading them an... [4,478 words] [Crime] (HITS 597, REVS. 0)
Dat's All I Got (Back Off Baby) by Brion' O Neil Ya always wanna know,who, why or what. back off baby,dat's all I got. (my first Rap lyric) [176 words] (HITS 2257, REVS. 1)
I'm Not Your Number One by Brion' O Neil Don't be giving me a number, I'm not your number one. [350 words] (HITS 2675, REVS. 2)
Will You Say You're Sorry (When I'm Gone) by Brion' O Neil after I have gone...will you say you're sorry? [310 words] (HITS 2650, REVS. 5)
You Can't Fool Me Anymore by Brion' O Neil I've been a fool for the longest time, you can't fool me anymore. [306 words] (HITS 2410, REVS. 4)
Won't Take Me Down by Brion' O Neil Walking in New Orleans after dark. [297 words] (HITS 2025, REVS. 0)
Sweethearts Lullaby by Brion' O Neil I sing to my sweetheart ...a lullaby. [103 words] (HITS 2327, REVS. 3)
Send Her Down To Me by Brion' O Neil Send me down an Angel, send her down to me. [282 words] (HITS 2301, REVS. 1)
Negative Buoyancy by Stuart Eric Longridge Im in Egypt at the moment doing lots of scuba diving,so I thought I would include a liitle bit of terminology that ive learnt.Means to sink... [171 words] [Relationships] (HITS 3460, REVS. 2)
Lost Love (I Didn't Find Yet) by Jay Little You know how it's said that everyone has someone somewhere well I just wanna hurry up and find that person. [143 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2184, REVS. 2)
Like It Was Tomorrow by Brion' O Neil Dream your dreams and live your life, like it was tomorrow. [264 words] (HITS 2314, REVS. 3)
Jellybean Dreams by Brion' O Neil We will never forget you Ronnie. [272 words] (HITS 2616, REVS. 1)
I Was Dark That Day by Stuart Eric Longridge - [248 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2408, REVS. 1)
I Didn't Know What Love Was by Stephannie S Stancil Song about finding love and it's meaning. [384 words] [Romance] (HITS 2209, REVS. 1)
Hidden Tears by Nash Song about a battle for freedom from peoples words and control I guess. It just came to me don't ask how. [108 words] (HITS 2532, REVS. 1)
Gotta Runaway by Jay Little I wrote a poem about this but then I wrote a song to. [212 words] [Drama] (HITS 2172, REVS. 1)
Critics Masquerade by Brion' O Neil We do see through the mask. [265 words] (HITS 2452, REVS. 1)
Burnin' Down On Me by Brion' O Neil You've burned down all your bridges, don't be burnin' down on me. [285 words] (HITS 2380, REVS. 5)
By God Me by Brion' O Neil If ya read this one it's from...by god me! [280 words] (HITS 2719, REVS. 1)
Wait For The Ones That Are Thrown Away by Brion' O Neil The best way to find a mate. [228 words] (HITS 2327, REVS. 3)
Thumbin' It Now Again by Dixie Wells - [240 words] (HITS 2102, REVS. 2)
Think For Yourself by Stuart Eric Longridge Make what you want of it. [491 words] [Mind] (HITS 2617, REVS. 1)
The Radio by Dri Cook Fragments of a love story. Co-written by Brion O'Neil and Dri Cook. [211 words] (HITS 2570, REVS. 0)
The Other Side Of The Mirror by Brion' O Neil We never look in the mirror at who we really are. [227 words] (HITS 2282, REVS. 2)
The Most Powerful The Most Terrible. by Stuart Eric Longridge Its all happening now . [355 words] [Horror] (HITS 2655, REVS. 1)
The Church Of Decimation. by Stuart Eric Longridge I suggest you look into the (real) history of the crusades. [383 words] [Crime] (HITS 2427, REVS. 1)
Tattered And Torn by Brion' O Neil A story of one sided love. [215 words] (HITS 2357, REVS. 3)
Shout ,Jesus To The World by Brion' O Neil Don't let HIM dye again! [128 words] (HITS 2316, REVS. 1)
Lets All Go To The Lobby To Get Ourselves A Treat. by Stuart Eric Longridge - [323 words] [Comedy] (HITS 3007, REVS. 2)
For Lonely Eyes To Say by Brion' O Neil I want to save the frightened one I love. [240 words] (HITS 2327, REVS. 1)
Every Once In A While by Brion' O Neil I have the urge to fall in love... every once in a while. [250 words] (HITS 2356, REVS. 1)
Each Sound Seems To Fit A Place by Brion' O Neil The different sounds remind me of the places we have been before. [201 words] (HITS 2391, REVS. 1)
Anger Pills To Polish Skills. by Stuart Eric Longridge - [472 words] [Mind] (HITS 2412, REVS. 1)

There are 70 title entries on this page.



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