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Title Form
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Allows you to modify your author and title information, delete
unwanted reviews, be notified of and filter reviewsNEW,
cancel your submission, and change your password.
Why not submit your work and gain
recognition through the World Wide Web?
- It's free
- You'll be read the world over
- You'll get feedback from the world over
- You might get recognized big time
- You'll be part of a community
- Your submission won't be rejected if you meet the simple guidelines
set out below
- You maintain copyrights
- You can cancel anytime
Submission Steps
Use the New Title Form to automatically publish
under the New Title section. We will re-classify your submission upon final review. We
also reserve the right to edit and/or reject the submission. See New Titles. Use your name, password and title name to Edit Your
Submission after publishing it.
Submission by e-mail is strongly not recommended due to extreme processing delays!
Send an e-mail to . Attach your submission as a plain text file, HTML file, or preferrably, as an MS Word file (any version).
Along with your submission please include:
- Title and brief description (highly recommended)
- The category under which you think your submission falls, i.e. short
story, novel, poetry, play, screenscript, song, non-fiction, reference, essay or
exceptionally other (optional)
- A brief description about yourself and your interests (highly
- A 1 1/2 sq. inch GIFor JPG photograph, cartoon, or favourite motif (optional)
- Your e-mail address (required, see privacy policy below)
- Your name or a pseudonym under which you wish to publish (one or
the other required)
- Copyright line, i.e. year and name/pseudonym (required)
- A keyword (optional, see New Title Form for a valid list)
- Please submit short stories, full length novels (exceptionally
excerpts), poetry, plays, screenplays/teleplays, songs, non-fiction stories, reference
works, essays, foreign language works (with rough English translation), children's works,
various genre types or other materials of interest. Your submission indicates your
acceptance of the guideline terms set out here
- To submit please follow the submission steps outlined above. Our
submission e-mail address is
- Your submission must be original work. For prose your submission
should be 500 words or longer
- We reserve the right not to publish your submitted work if for any
reason, determined at our sole discretion, we deem it inappropriate. We reserve the right
not to assign any reason. (Our policy is not to be restrictive, but also not to
publish anything that is pornographic or deliberately offensive racially, sexually,
religiously or otherwise. We also rely on reader feedback.)
- There is no fee to publish, and likewise you will also not be
- You maintain copyright and are fully and solely responsible for the
content of your submission. You agree to indemnify Storymania from all legal claims
arising out of your submitted work
- Once accepted, your submission will be published largely as is. We
will perform minimal editing and reformatting. Please ensure that your are satisfied with
its look and quality prior to submitting
- You may submit any number of works at any time. You may submit all
your titles only under one and the same name/pseudonym. We may choose to limit the number
of your submissions that we publish. We may replace an existing published work with a
newer submission. We may combine submissions. Much of this will depend on the quality of
your submission, determined solely at our discretion
- Please submit shorter length titles, such as poetry and songs, as a collection in one
submission. You will be appreciated for it by our readers
- Please pay attention to the following quality considerations:
readability, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall coherence and completeness of
your submission
- You authorize free electronic distribution and reproduction of your
- For the length of time your work remains available through this site
it cannot be made available through any other site on the Internet. (You may apply for an
exception if you maintain your own site)
- Please inform us immediately if a publication error has been made
- We publish in good faith and you agree not to hold Storymania liable for errors
- We reserve the right to change the terms of submission without notice
- We will strive to be prompt and accomodate your submission as best as
we can
- We will also strive to publicize this site widely so that your
submission is widely read
- You may Edit Your Submission and
cancel it. You may also request to cancel your submission(s) by sending us an e-mail at . Though typically we respond promptly, please allow for
an appropriate delay (up to eight weeks or more)
- We reserve the right to revoke publication at any time
E-mail Privacy Policy
Your e-mail address will be used by us to
communicate with you, and will not be made available or sold to a third-party.
If you wish to have your e-mail address appear in the author's box, you must specifically
request it.
For information, questions, comments or special
requests please
e-mail us at