

The Authors

Achmyd Uajay -
Ultimazero I love writing adventure stories and such. It's fun to let your imagination fly. Please review, comment and ra...
Muhammad Umar i am in grade 3, i am 8 years old
Uma I simply love words and am most curious about mind, thoughts, controlling them etc...just feel like expressing all th...
Uche Peter Umez -
Michael S Upchurch -
Erma Uppercase
Ursh Alam my earlier three song r published (1.meri khta2.mere meharman3.teri yad ati rahi)and dis is fourth one my ursh
Ursh -
Umar Usman i am in grade 3, i am 8 years old
Ipuerure Usmigejovowo ipuerure
Kris Diaz Uy -
Ixzrqineocegv Uzudosufu ixzrqineocegv
Uko-Bendi Udo

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Erma Uppercase
I love to write short stories and poems
[December 2003]
Just Another Drive By (Poetry) Ideas from daily newspapers. [65 words] [December 2003] (HITS 1778, REVS. 0)
Leah,Who? (Short Stories) Passing fancy running through my mind,this could happen. [359 words] [Popular Fiction] [December 2003] (HITS 2274, REVS. 1)
Loose Women (Short Stories) Ten year old Tim's, version spoken in his own words. [535 words] [Fan Fiction] [January 2004] (HITS 2027, REVS. 0)
Rose Garden (Poetry) A Poem I wrote for my brother-inlaw,who gave his life to the Lord on this very road. [82 words] [Spiritual] [December 2003] (HITS 1801, REVS. 0)


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