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Pre-History by Kevin Hadley One day there comes a time when your younger years begin to speak the truth to you. [592 words] [Fable] (HITS 2253, REVS. 0) Hello, Obsession. My Name Is Paranoia. by Michelle Bernard The deceivingly innocent penguins attack. [653 words] [Humor] (HITS 2375, REVS. 1) We Storymaniacs Should Be The Best by Michael Harris An essay dealing with why I believe many of us Internet writers will one day be a cut above the rest, and what it will take to get there. [1,101 words] [Motivational] (HITS 3081, REVS. 1) Cast The First Stone by Desi Williams - [244 words] (HITS 2998, REVS. 4) Why We Need Bush by Bryan King This article is based on fact (and of couse)partial opinion. [308 words] (HITS 2630, REVS. 5) What Is It With Fecamds? by Kennedy O Obohwemu - [472 words] [Health] (HITS 4798, REVS. 2) The Fight Against Aids-Is There A Ray Of Hope? by Kennedy O Obohwemu All we need is a lasting solution...just how far have we gone?how far can we go? [902 words] [Health] (HITS 2854, REVS. 1) The Differance Between Nigger And Nigga-From A White Person's Point Of View by Bryan King Two of the almost same words, that mean two completly differant things. [266 words] (HITS 2647, REVS. 7) Homosexual Couples Should Be Allowed To Marry by Shaun Stone This is an essay about the legalization of heterosexual marriage. [726 words] (HITS 2749, REVS. 3) G.Gun by Bryan King Gangs Get U Nowhere. [121 words] (HITS 2502, REVS. 3) A Writer's High by Bryan King This explains why people are addicted to writing. [175 words] (HITS 2378, REVS. 3) A Grandfather's Love by Mddoc The wonderful experience of having your first grandchild. [211 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2149, REVS. 1) The Meaning Of Love by Cj Schmowling Essay on the realization of a cheating lover [1,268 words] [Drama] (HITS 2205, REVS. 1) Tales Of Tito: Essay Of An Inmate by David Daniels Are you a fan of the movie,'Goodfellas?' Then check out this story about the life of a criminal named Tito. [2,718 words] [Crime] (HITS 671, REVS. 1) Same-Sex Marriage by Robbie Malcolm A persuasive essay arguing for the rights of couples to have same-sex marriages. [620 words] [Gay & Lesbian] (HITS 4364, REVS. 7) Ruminations As Of 41205 by A Panos I wrote all of these humorous ruminations in the past few years, now I'm putting them down somewhere. Hope they make you laugh, and I hope to come up with many more. [1,168 words] [Humor] (HITS 2005, REVS. 0) Late September by The Good Girl Remember when the sparks used to fly? [416 words] [Romance] (HITS 1758, REVS. 0) Gods Artwork And Power by Leo Rose This is what I think about God's artwork and his power and mercy. They are short but they have a deep meaning. [416 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1991, REVS. 1) Eclipses And Popes by Kevin Hadley All of the talk in these quarters of late has been of eclipses and the way they appear like flagpoles upon which great events fly. [647 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2045, REVS. 0) Does Curiosity Kill? by Leah Russell I describe my experience with whitewater kayaking and my understanding with curiosity. [417 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2157, REVS. 1) ‘I'm Not A Christian, But I Play One On Sunday' by James Snyder After more than three decades of church ministry, I have come to one unsettling conclusion. Actually, I've come to more than one conclusion, but this one is the most depressing. That conclusion is si... [890 words] [Humor] (HITS 2325, REVS. 2) ‘And How Do We Feel This Morning?' by James Snyder Without question, going to the hospital is teamwork from the time you arrive until you are wheeled out the front door. Everyone is working together for the common good of the patient, or at least a cr... [909 words] [Humor] (HITS 2041, REVS. 0) Who Has The Greatest Job In The World? by James Snyder I have, in my opinion, the world's perfect job. Just look at the evidence. I love people and I love God. I love talking to people about God and I love talking to God about people. Therefore, if you p... [963 words] [Humor] (HITS 2046, REVS. 0) The African Playwright: Old Stories, Present Day Realities by Adesola Orimalade A short essay that reviews the relevance of plays written in the eighties and nineties on the modern African socio-political landscape. [1,162 words] [Drama] (HITS 1894, REVS. 0) How To Cash In On Your ‘Ailment Capital' by James Snyder Right after the president won his re-election bid for the White House, he made an interesting comment. He said he was going to spend his "political capital" wisely. At first, I did not understand wha... [926 words] [Humor] (HITS 2019, REVS. 0) Breaking Morals And Ethics, An Analysis Of Lolita By V. Nabokov by Keivn Luk Humbert was a fictional character created by the author, however there must be certain truths within this fictional story that relate to the author. [1,811 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 2050, REVS. 0) Answer Right by Glendora Rider Short, 125 word commentary. [118 words] (HITS 2433, REVS. 0) The One Great Sermon That Got Away by James Snyder Most people don't realize ministers are obligated to prepare and preach one great sermon in their career. In looking over my record of sermons, I noticed many "good" sermons, but an obvious lack in th... [886 words] [Humor] (HITS 1972, REVS. 0) The Four Of Clubs by Kevin Myrick Second part to the Four of Diamonds. It has been called "a bible." [2,726 words] [Mind] (HITS 577, REVS. 0) The Debunking The Dreaded Shopping Spree by Steven R. Kravsow The English language has approximately 500,000 words, and these words, in and of themselves, are quite benign.The other day that dreaded combination was uttered to me, and my life changed. I was heade... [1,715 words] (HITS 533, REVS. 0) Nurses, Bedpans And X-Rated Hospital Gowns by James Snyder Tuesday last I awoke from my nightly slumber with terrific pain in my chest, much like an elephant break-dancing on my chest. It was painful just to breathe, but like the trooper I am, I shrugged it o... [923 words] [Humor] (HITS 2042, REVS. 0) Love (An Essay On The Matter) by Desi Williams Maybe love really does exist for those who aren't as fortunate to have good looks or funny personalities. I have my eye on a few prospects... or their words, anyhow. *wink* Love y'all. [368 words] [Romance] (HITS 2691, REVS. 3) In My House, If It's Broken I Bought It by James Snyder Often a store has a sign with the warning, "You break it, you bought it." This is to keep people from carelessly handling the merchandise. I'm thinking of another sign, which should be posted all thr... [907 words] [Humor] (HITS 2056, REVS. 0) Be Happy, Join The Wednesday Worry Club by James Snyder Of all the people who know me, no one would say I am afflicted with worryitis. They may say other things about me, which may or may not be true, but that's another story. [918 words] [Humor] (HITS 2031, REVS. 0) The Ninth Avenue El by Gregory J Christiano Rapid Transit had been a top priority for the city fathers in mid 19th Cenbtury Manhattan. The first elevated railway was a failure but the idea was sound. Once the overhead trains were run by stea... [3,038 words] [History] (HITS 601, REVS. 0) The Last Full Measure by Gregory J Christiano Abraham Lincoln on his way to address the crowd at the dedication of the Gettysburg cemetary. This has to be one of the greatest speeches ever presented by a head of state! [1,441 words] [Biography] (HITS 2019, REVS. 0) The Four Of Diamonds by Kevin Myrick A bit of a rant about my generation's debt, prescription drugs, healthcare, and George W. Bush. Just read, I swear it's interesting. [1,963 words] [Mind] (HITS 619, REVS. 2) The Five Points by Gregory J Christiano The old rookeries and dilapidated shanties that formerly abounded in the vicinity of the Five Points and Cow's Bay in the Sixth Ward were the resort and refuge of a desperate class of criminals. This... [897 words] [History] (HITS 2123, REVS. 0) The First Joker In The Deck by Kevin Myrick This is an essay about my personal philosophy, or lack thereof. [1,098 words] [Mind] (HITS 2105, REVS. 0) Six Of Hearts by Kevin Myrick First Post in my 52 series of essays on how I dislike social websites like thefacebook.com, and my adventures in online dating. [654 words] [Mind] (HITS 2077, REVS. 0) Save The Planet – More Fiction Than Fact by Richard Koss An essay. [1,537 words] (HITS 590, REVS. 5) Review Of The Idea Of The Dictionary by G David Schwartz An essay. [1,770 words] (HITS 592, REVS. 0) Moral Values - Who Needs Them? by Richard Koss An essay. [771 words] (HITS 8413, REVS. 2) Humanity Needs Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy The human nature means the soul and the body. There can never be a balance and harmony between the soul and the body without Islam. [236 words] (HITS 2375, REVS. 0) How To Read This Diatribe by Kevin Myrick The very beginning letter from myself to you about a new series of essays, stories, and miscellaneous things I'm writing about. [317 words] [Mind] (HITS 2007, REVS. 0) Coined Truth by Sullivan Of The Sea Jesus would approve. [203 words] (HITS 2182, REVS. 5) High School Rules by Ashley Rodriguez What a cheerleader learned from a goth. [500 words] [Teenage] (HITS 1882, REVS. 0) Why Do We Write? (A Reflection) by Dri Cook Just about it. Nothing personal. To all of us, Storymaniacs. [984 words] (HITS 2703, REVS. 11) Biker Buzz by Glendora Rider Bikers come to the beach in Florida. [490 words] (HITS 2317, REVS. 3) Apples Is Fall by Glendora Rider This is a reflection by a Floridian longing for signs of autumn in a year around heat wave. [569 words] (HITS 2288, REVS. 4) The Enemy Within: How U.S. Corporations Orchestrate And Profit From The Deaths Of U.S. Soliders by Mike Schiller - [1,258 words] (HITS 2878, REVS. 4) Naturally And Artificially Flavored by Patrick T Collins Rambling, incoherent - my life. A mini-autobio. of sorts, including my personal take on American society, and the 'pillars of civilization'. I am often described as a bitter person, albeit truthfully ... [1,711 words] (HITS 528, REVS. 0) Naminalism by Sullivan Of The Sea Is this for you? Because it should be if you care about yourself. And our future. [228 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2301, REVS. 5) Dark Christmas by Chris Hofmann Did you ever get the feeling that there could be a dark side to Christmas? [1,040 words] [Fable] (HITS 2348, REVS. 2) |